Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Jelq Device - Good or Bad

Jelq Device - Good or Bad

Hello, I’m extremely new to this. I found the Jelq device (Jelq-USA) and I wanted to know whether this really works? My arms are sore after the first two days of milking and looks like this device could help. More importantly I noticed from a demo on the site that the pressure is below and on top of penis whereas the suggestions in this forum is for pressure on the sides using the U grip or OK grip. Your comments/feedback would be appreciated.

I use the PowerJelq often and like the results of using it. It is very easy on the arms and hands also. I think it truly contributed to my early gains. I run it in both directions just for variety. I have never had any injuries from it either.

Gains have been gotten by guys using all the methods that you will read about here. That being said, you will find almost as many detrators from those same methods.

By the way, welcome to the site. You will find a shit ton of information here and a bunch of guys (and a few ladies) willing to help with anything.

Good luck with your gains, you WILL get them.


You all are still missing the point... The story was great and all but should have ass (and) some anal in it.- RWG


I suggest you do a search for "powerjelq" and "power jelq" to read up on the device. It’s been discussed here quite a bit.

The device is very easy to make yourself by purchasing a canning jar lifter and some foam pipe insulation. I’ve made three. Here’s some threads that describe how to make one:

Power Jelq versus Hands
power jelqer

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