Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

jelq only routine

jelq only routine

Has anyone ever done a jelq only routine? If so, how much have u gained and how long have u done it? Also how many days a week and reps or time per day?

********** I dont make my dick grow, I give it the stimulus, then ask it to. What dont kill ya, only makes ya stronger

OOPS my mistake accidentally posted this in wrong section,was meant to go under main forum. If one of the mods could move it that would be good and sorry about that.

********** I dont make my dick grow, I give it the stimulus, then ask it to. What dont kill ya, only makes ya stronger


Check it out guys, no need to have a big dick if you ain't gonna use it!!


Has anyone ever done a jelq only routine?
Jelqing was all I did for my first month. I figured it’s probably the best and easiest way to condition oneself for things to come, e.g. more advanced techniques.

From what I’ve read, there are quite a few guys who do just jelqing, but by-and-large, it is combined with some form(s) of manual / static stretching. This seems logical, as to increase length and girth simultaneously.

Some comprehensive jelq instructions and some info on
Stretched Jelqing
for your amusement.

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