Originally Posted by Bradgmx
BTW people like "TheCerealGuy" with this kind of lack of education tend to give me reason, you are actually talking and trading advice each other to people that doesn’t know shit about shit and just empirically test shit on their penis.At first I believed in PE, I read alot about it, I made some exercises myself for a some month then realize it was bullshit sorry to be crude, I stop being delusional and just seek for proof that I never found just anon throwing numbers in their signature claiming 1 inch gains in 2 month and a lot of bro-science, see a huge shitstorm when a psychiatrist said "it doesn’t work" then I understand people were mostly delusional and I shouldn’t waste my time and risk injuries over dreams.
Brad, you are are completely right that undeniable scientific proof in numbers doesn’t exist when it comes to PE. Especially jelqing, as not everybody benefits from them. However, you should not look at my gains as being linear (so that I’ll grow in that rate for the next few monts). I think that 50% of those 2 cm is due to better erection quality. That leaves 1 cm, and that 1 cm is no exception on this forum. I highly doubt that the "next" 1 cm will come in 6 months, it might take a year. So what? I’m a patient man. Maybe that 1 cm will never come.
However, empirical evidence is where you start. You try it, it works, you say it on this forum. You try it, it doesn’t work, you say it on this forum. You can then leave it alone or try something else.
Just don’t go around saying that I have a lack of education or that I am giving advice that could hurt people. If you would read the 200+ posts I made here you’ll see that basically all I do is advise caution, tell people not to hurt themselves and to take it down a notch. I’m sure that all the times you spent in the gym there was at least one guy who would offer advice on how to do a certain exercise and how to avoid hurting yourself. We (the other mods, the old timers and the experienced) try to do the same here. We can only give advice, we can’t actually go up to people and slap them for doing it wrong.
The psychological effect is huge as well. If one person doesn’t gain but PE does give him a harder erection, or it helps him last longer in bed, then we still did something good. You shouldn’t dismiss as psychological effects as being only negative, they can be positive as well. Confidence is very, very important.
There’s one more thing though:
Originally Posted by Bradgmx
Cavernous tissues cannot grow not in length and not in girth.
I would like to tell you that that is wrong. The clitoris is a blood-filled cavernous tissue, lined with endothelium, just the same as the penis. It stems from the same organ as the penis. Now there is undeniable proof that the clitoris can in fact grow to a larger size (independent of it filling with blood), especially under the influence of testosteron or anabolic steroid use (see this Clitoromegaly - Wikipedia). There’s plenty of actual research done and the conclusion is definitive. Why would the penis be any different?
Originally Posted by Soulmedeep
Btw The Cerialguy is a doctor if I have understood it right.
That’s almost true, Soulmedeep, I’m in fact less than 3 months away from being able to put drs. in front of my name :) But I can’t prove it. I can’t upload my master’s degree here without you knowing literally everything about me, so ya’ll suckers just have to take my word for it.
************** conclusion **************
Brad, you should know that I don’t feel offended and I think there’s a place on this forum for you to discuss. It’s just not this thread, we as moderators need to keep this in line and we need to keep this thread on topic (and that is pure jelqing). If you want to make your own thread (and you can) we aren’t going to ban you for it. Just keep it civilised. Any further posts you make in this thread have to be about the subject.