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Jelq question


Jelq question

Are jelquing gains result of stretching the ligs or the expanding of the tissue inside the shaft or tunica stretching ?

Mainly engorgment of the shaft causes expansion of the CCs and CS. Erect stretching is very dangerous.

I read that jelqs are only for the girth , but I read a few posts that guys can obtain lenght trough jelqing … I don’t get it what is the truth anyway ?? Can you get lenght gains trough jelqing ??


Jelqing at 40-60% erection is for length.
Jelqing at 60-80% erection is for girth.


You can gain length from jelqing. More intense exercises like ULIs are better for girth.

It is the percentage (%) of the erection that determines the result of either length or girth. The lower the % (30-60) usually gives length, the higher % (70 to 90) gives girth.

“You see, I don’t want to do good things, I want to do great things.” ~Alexander Joseph Luthor

I know Lewd Ferrigno personally.

Wow! Triple smackdown!

“You see, I don’t want to do good things, I want to do great things.” ~Alexander Joseph Luthor

I know Lewd Ferrigno personally.

I didn’t know that percentage of an erection is a limit for lenght/girth…

With 40-60% jelq, wouldn’t that be stretching , not expansion of a penis inside CC or tunica ?

Have you gained from 40-60% in lenght ?


From the thread:

The effects of jelqing are a combination of stretching and internal pressure. If stretching and length are important application of a grip that less effectively traps blood but is stronger is sensible. This can be achieved with rotation of the grip at the point of application. Also if the first grip becomes a short stretch at the glans whilst the second grip is applied this is likely to have positive length effects.

As far as good gainers from jelqing go, YGuy and Krowax come to mind. There are a billion other success stories in the Progress/Personal Routines forum.

Originally Posted by Electro_2001

Have you gained from 40-60% in lenght ?

Yep, almost 1.75 inches.

Virtually zero girth.

So, gain one gain any girth from 60 to 70 percent erection? cause I can’t keep my penis that erect that long.

Yes, one can. From the aforementioned thread:

Jelqing is, on the face of it, simple but it can take a while to master the intricacies of the exercise and improvements will be made many months after starting. Initially your penis will need to become accustomed to the pressure levels and so you should aim to build the intensity and duration of the exercise over time. This will allow for the blood supply to the penis to develop and the tissues to become used to the exercise.

Build up your sets in intensity and duration. Rome wasn’t built in a day.

Thanks for the info guys, I wasn’t aware of the erection percentages for girth vs length.

…One more quesion…

fore the lenght,are the gains a result of expansion , extendion of a inner or outer tunica ?? Can the outer tunica be extended to gain lenght ? or it is a result of inner tunica extension …


this question above stands for 40-60% jelqing…



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