howdy getpump,
>Sounds interesring could help to trouble if you are not gaining in lenth.<
Yep indeedy.
>Here is my stats: PE for 8 month, starting at 6X4.5 now 6,5 BP and 4.75 girth. My erection is about 11 oclock and I feel the pulls til about 9. Sounds to me like more tuncia work for a larger erection and lig for more flaccid length.<
Both lig and tunica stretching can increase flaccid and erect size. This usually comes before erect size. With a LOT of 9, you could gain a lot from lig stretching, I think you should work on this.
> What would be the best for tuncia.<
Like i say, the theory suggests you should try lig moves, but if you cant be swayed there is a thread on the first pages called “tunica moves and how to do them” which is active now, so check that out.
> First goal is 7 X 5+ then at least I’ll feel I’m larger than av, then its 8 X 6.<
Good Luck im sure you can do it.
If you decide to try lig stretching, why not sign up for the experiment in the articles forum, all lab rats get full medical plans and free naked people of their prefered gender.