Kegels, bodybuilding & muscle growth
Please note: this post isn’t about any sort of analogy/link between bodybuilding and PE, I’m aware there are none if any.
What I’ve been wondering lately is the influence bodybuilding/resistance training protocols have on the benefits conferred by kegels. Since a kegel is simply a contraction of the PC muscle, and its strengthening is due to the same kinds of remodeling in any other resistance training, one would imagine that there are many factors that work together.
For instance:
1. Protein synthesis in muscle tissue seems to be regulated by mTOR, which integrates signals from growth hormone, insulin, influx of amino acids and so forth. An increase in the activity of this protein results in a greater amount of muscle tissue synthesized (I’m simplifying a bit here, but this is accurate enough for our current example). Methods that increase mTOR activity include resistance exercise, protein shakes (via amino acids), leucine (a branched-chain amino acid) and supplements like creatine.
2. Smaller groups of muscles exercised during larger exercise seem to benefit due to circulating factors (e.g, a rise in growth hormone) and remodel themselves as larger/stronger via mTOR activation despite not being stressed nearly as hard.
In theory, it should be possible to boost the effects of kegel exercises by:
1. Drinking a protein shake with leucine after a very heavy kegel session
2. Scheduling kegel sessions to be before/after resistance training, so as to confer maximum benefit from other muscle stimulation
3. Taking creatine regularly, if you’re already training with weights and not doing so.
Any thoughts?
Start (Initially August 2008, Properly November/December 2008): 6.9x4.9
Currently (September 2010): 8.5x5.75 (6.25 inch head girth)