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Kegels just for erection quality? maybe not

Kegels just for erection quality? maybe not

Ok its pretty well accepted that kegels are great tool to improve erection quality. Well for about the last two months I have been kicking up my numbers and intensity, I went from pretty much none, to about one hour to two hours a day. I have noticed several things; first and foremost an extreme improvement in quality and quantity, but secondly and this has never really been noted but I think I am noticing a change in my base girth. What do I mean? Well I have noticed in my flaccid hang my base girth appears dramatically bigger (sorry I don’t track my measurements very well, as they are important, but not extremely to me). Secondly I have noticed a larger base girth when erect by gauging finger tightness around the base. I have been thinking about this for about two weeks and am almost 100 percent certain it is true. I do have some theories as to what may be going on, will share if wanted. Ok so what routine am I doing for pe my lig pop stretch routine, and less then 10 minutes jelq in the morning, no warm-up for either I just don’t have the time at the moment. Kegels I started with the short bursts as much as I could throughout the day. Lately though I have been doing a much more difficult technique of tightening to the max for three second intervals, started with three seconds, then went to six seconds, max for first three, and then retighten to max for another 3 three seconds, I have been adding on like this for the last month right now I am comfortable up to nine seconds occasionally work up to fifteen seconds depending on mood. I also try for a slow gradual release at the end. I will say this really isolates the bc and makes it pretty sore so take it easy. Peace

Your theory sounds very interesting. I used to kegel a lot, but unfortunately I stopped too.

My base is also bigger than the rest of my dick. I know that that is quite normal, but I think my base increased more than the rest. Maybe it is also because of the stretching but I think it could also be because of the Kegels. Something that seems to help me improve my bc/pc muscle is to raise weights with my erect unit.

I plan to Kegel more now because I also think it helps to gain. And I want to become multi-orgasmic. I can control my orgasm pretty well now but becoming multi-orgasmic is still much better (I had 1 multiple orgasm with my girlfriend and it was just great).

I would like to hear more of your theory about Kegels.

Started-Oct04: 5.7/4.8; Current 6.7/5.3

Learning even more about PE(nearly every day)

Changing routine, Current: jelqing, clamping, obends, kegel

Last edited by Mr. Happy : 08-28-2007 at . Reason: too for to; paragraphs

I’m just wondering if you guys noticed any further “shots” when you ejaculate? Ive always been a dribbler, and even when I worked up to 1000 a day I never noticed any difference. I’d like to not only enlarge my penis, but also improve my shot size and distance. Thanks

Originally Posted by raybbaby
I’m just wondering if you guys noticed any further “shots” when you ejaculate? I’ve always been a dribbler, and even when I worked up to 1000 a day I never noticed any difference. I’d like to not only enlarge my penis, but also improve my shot size and distance. Thanks

I was am dribbler until I started taking arginine ketogluterate two weeks ago. WOW great shots and cum loads.

Speak softly carry a big dick, I'm mean stick!

Hey did!

I’m currently reading The Multi-Orgasmic Man . Did you do all the exercises there to have multiple orgasms or did you just train your PC muscle and squeeze it really hard when you get the orgasm, so that you don’t ejaculate. So far I just can’t squeeze hard enough to stop the involuntary PC reflexes. For example, do you squeeze the anus too?

Anyway, would appreciate if you could explain how you did, thanks!

Last edited by Mr. Happy : 08-28-2007 at .

Originally Posted by Bilsaboob

Hey did!

I’m currently reading The Multi-Orgasmic Man . Did you do all the exercises there to have multiple orgasms or did you just train your PC muscle and squeeze it really hard when you get the orgasm, so that you don’t ejaculate. So far I just can’t squeeze hard enough to stop the involuntary PC reflexes. For example, do you squeeze the anus too?

Anyway, would appreciate if you could explain how you did, thanks!

The book is fairly comprehensive.

I did the whole program and continue to revisit the book as a reference. It’s great stuff.

My recommendation to you, Bilsaboob, is not to take shortcuts.

The premise of the book is to re-train your sexual response. It is oftentimes a subtle process - the energy work, for example, which seems a little woo-woo, but actually really pays off. The principles of this book have to do with getting people to relax, breathe, and connect to the sexual energy within, while maintaining good solid physical function. It’s all connected. To try and shortcut your way through it is too miss the point and to cheat yourself out getting the maximum understanding - which will translate, in time, to maximum experience.

It took me about three months of experimenting before I had noticeable results in the multi-orgasm department. When I first got this book time I was dating (through a dating service, no less - that’s another story, actually several stories, but I digress), and by the end of the three months I had settled into a relationship. By then I was starting to really understand it, and once I had a regular partner that’s when it really took off. I continued to practice, and the experience improved.

It was worth going through those exercises and really taking the time to understand what they were talking about. Now I have a whole new way of having sex and there’s no comparison.

There is a tendency for men to think of the sexual encounter purely with regard to the physical mechanics of it all: how big the parts are, how strong, how they move, etc. So you focus on the Kegels, as that is an exercise, and you can relate to that. I suggest you do that work, but really concentrate more of your problem solving abilities on the breathing, and the energy work, and attempt to get really good with that stuff. I would hazard a guess that you’re understanding of that stuff is less developed, so that’s where you’ll need the work.

It will change the way you have sex for the better, all the way around, and your partners will be impressed. Trust me. :leftie:

That’s my take.

Before: I'd like to show you something I'm very proud of, but you'll have to move real close.

After: I\'d like to show you something I\'m very proud of, but you guys in the front row will have to stand back.

God gave men both a penis and a brain, but unfortunately not enough blood supply to run both at the same time. - Robin Williams (:

Originally Posted by kingpole

I was am dribbler until I started taking arginine ketogluterate two weeks ago. WOW great shots and cum loads.

You crack me up dude. I don’t know why but you do.

In search of a perfect body, penis, and girl.

The search NO longer continues. :)

Maybe the better thing I’ve learned since joining PE forums are kegels.

I became multiorgasmical with them (I’m not kidding). For me even more important than penis growth.

If you exercise your PC, it will change your entire way of enjoy sex.

Originally Posted by rfj
Maybe the better thing I’ve learned since joining PE forums are kegels.

I became multiorgasmical with them (I’m not kidding). For me even more important than penis growth.

If you exercise your PC, it will change your entire way of enjoy sex.

I am still on the path man, who knows, do you have any advice for me?? Already have a strong PC muscle.

Hey Mr.Happy!

Thanks for that post. You are right, I have been doing some of the exercises in the book, especially the ones with masturbating and feeling the different stages of excitement. Then there is the aspect of energy flowing throughout your body, this is the one that I have most trouble with. I find it really hard to “feel” the flow. Anyway, I have completely cut down porn and whenever I masturbate I do it the muti orgasm way :)

I guess I’ll keep up the exercises then :)

Originally Posted by kingpole

I was am dribbler until I started taking arginine ketogluterate two weeks ago. WOW great shots and cum loads.

Where do you get this from? Also what’s your dosage? I currently take L-arginine, and that isn’t making any difference. Thanks for any help.

Kegels help a lot with erection quality. But, very strong muscle, by doing too much kegels restricts length gains. I’ve experienced this.

Reverse kegels helps to increase length but affects erection quality.

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