Thunder's Place

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koknballz first PE anniversary

koknballz first PE anniversary

Just over 365 days ago I gave my dick its very first jelq. I will never forget the feeling after the first five minute newbie session, following a warm down, my flaccid hanging plumper than ever for a few days. I had a huge smile on my face. I wanted to conquer all the pussy I could get my hands on.

Times have changed, a little.

I can not begin to tell you what impact the size of my penis has had on my self esteem and my life. Part of the problem is that I am a decent looking guy with a personality fit for attractive women. But behind the charming exterior was a peanut dick. We often disagreed. I would land the gal in hopes of a sexual escapade only to find Mr. Shrivel tucking his head deep in his pubic carapace. What the fuck was wrong with me?

I started out probably 5.5 by 4.5 max, but I feared the measuring tape. I decided to measure after trying out some free PE techniques on the net. My erections were pathetic. Within a month I had attained .5 more inches in length and .25 in girth. I was amazed that I was part of the 6 inch club. Never thought I’d be part of that. Within a couple of months I switched up my routine, added hanging and increased the intensity of my jelqing. Measured again to find that I was now an inch longer and almost 5in girth.

I remained 6.5x5 for months, a few erections I had I measured nearly 7in. We all have these freak erections I think. They occur when you least expect them. I decided to work on girth. An intense squeeze routine and horses gave me a killer 5in flaccid and a solid girth barely over 5in. My flaccid stretch was 7.25. Notice how this is all past tense.

Something has since happened. I thought that my first PE anniversary would bring me joy of 6.75. Instead I have LOST. And I have a theory.

There is a fine line between growing and building a more resiliant penis. For a while, I was growing quite fine. However, it is clear to me that the tissues are incredibly tough now. IOW, I somehow failed to cement my gains. I now measure 6.25bp and under 5girth. Fuck!

I hope that this is not the end of the line. I do find it harder than ever to get a good squeeze routine or jelq in now, as it seems that the tunica is so damn strong I will burst a vein before I stretch the cc. I can jelq for a half hour and not feel any fatigue. Needless to say I am no longer on the high horse, I am worried.

Flaccid hangs are harder to come by. Recently I have had really small shrinkage during the day. And I have been PE twice daily. WTF?

I don’t know where I am going with this, but for all you newbies that are reading this remember not to let your PE go, make sure you cement those gains! Otherwise you will be stuck with a stronger, yet smaller, dick.


What’s your routine? Have you taken any breaks, and, if so, how long? I experienced some shrinkage as a result of overtraining. After a break everything seemed to get better.

Now I’m worried. I never gained a thing in girth, and now I’m worried that maybe I worked my penis to hard and made my tunica too tough without making it any bigger. I hope that’s not it. I’m on a break right now. Hopefully I’ll get some gains when I start my new routine.

I found,from past experiance, that over training can cause the penis to “shrink” and/or stop growing. I was doing PE everyday for 3months and made no gains. (actually I lost some size) I was over zelous and it had a bad affect. It wasn’t until I started taking rest days that the growth came.

So after 3 months of PE, I began to gain…….and over the next couple of months gained 1” EBPL X .5” EG (7” X 5.75”)

I hit a plateau after that for a few months and stopped PE. I took a over a year off. When I came back I Did some PE for a couple of months and gained .12” EBPL X .25” EG (now at 7” (+ a little bit) X 6” EG)

I am back now after another year off and looking for more gains. In my humble oppinion, rest days are extreemly important, knowing your penis and how it reacts to PE is equally important. (for me, when I over-work my penis I begin to have noticably less “night time erections”, that’s when I know it’s time for a rest day or two) Also, taking considerable time off (i.e. months) can help to break a plateau.


1999: 6" EBPL X 5.25" EG ~ 2001: 7" EBPL X 5.75" EG ~ 2003: 7.25" EBPL X 6" EG

Current (Jan 2013): 7.125 EBPL X 6"EG ~ GOAL = 7+" (anything more is fine) EBPL X 6.5" EG


Shrinkage can definally come from over work. I can’t say why you didn’t cement those gains very strange. It took me 3.5 years to get my gains so hang in there and you will get them back. I think you should take a 2 week break and than a change of attack might be needed it’s safe to say your routine for girth is not working. I found I got the best girth gains working it 5 on 2 off and my sessions were about .5 to.75 I also took a day off when needed. On length you have to work that bad boy to an inch of his life hang and than hang some more. Let me know how it goes, but you should really take a little break before you start a new routine.


I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)


I’ve tried many routines over the past year. What seemed to work best for me were 10 sets of intense squeezes at 10sec each, 3 sets of hanging 6lbs for 10minutes each, and 100 slow jelqs. This is when I gained the most length and girth. I also felt like I had worked the tunica ligs like no other routine. I fowfer every evening BTC before bedtime for at least 10 minutes. Lately, these have been ineffective likely due to my low LOT.

<<In my humble oppinion, rest days are extreemly important, knowing your penis and how it reacts to PE is equally important. >>

<<I think you should take a 2 week break and than a change of attack might be needed it’s safe to say your routine for girth is not working>>

Yes guys, I think this is very important and something I may have overlooked. After writing this post I decided to take a solid couple of weeks off, regroup, and then attack. I am hoping the gains are still there (although I don’t know how they would be). But overworking is likely the problem.

A question for you guys, Seanjacobs and Dino, is do you experience your gains during a break - IOW, do they just appear one day? Or do they appear during a period of working it out AFTER a break?

Its frustrating knowing that what you once had is gone, because there is no physical evidence to back up the fact that one day you DID have a seven inch dick, but now its only 6.25. Guess I should have taken a photo.


<<A question for you guys, Seanjacobs and Dino, is do you experience your gains during a break - IOW, do they just appear one day? Or do they appear during a period of working it out AFTER a break? >>

I only measure once a month so I’m not sure if they just appear one day. I believe that they come very slowly day by day. The slight “shrinkage” I had from overworking went away with the rest days. It was like my penis was hiding from the abuse.

As for loosing you gains from taking time off. I have gone over a year with only occasional “piss pulls” and haven’t lost more than 1/8”, ever.


1999: 6" EBPL X 5.25" EG ~ 2001: 7" EBPL X 5.75" EG ~ 2003: 7.25" EBPL X 6" EG

Current (Jan 2013): 7.125 EBPL X 6"EG ~ GOAL = 7+" (anything more is fine) EBPL X 6.5" EG

Well Seanjacobs, that is good news. It does feel overworked. Tough to get an erection these days without lots of porn stimuli. Maybe that is a sign to lay off for a while. My only concern is that the cellular matrix of the tunica and the ligs will harden more. That is why I am hesitent to keep hands off entirely. But occasional piss pulls sound like a good idea. Just have to listen to the ol’ dick.


Koknballz, do you use moist heat before or during your workout? This helps makes the tunica more pliable and flexible.

Metal Ed,

I started using moist heat when I began my girth routine. I dipped the unit in warm water until equilibrium was achieved. I had noticed the exercises were not only easier, but I had a post-PE flaccid that lasted longer. I did get lazy on the hot water routine, which may have something to do with my lack of gaining. When I start my routine in a couple of weeks I think I’ll be more careful to make sure I use heat with EVERY exercise.

Another thing. I think that it is easy to mistaken an increase in fluid as gains rather than actual tunica stretch. Sometimes when PEing, the fluids are actually being squeezed rather than the internal structures. It is possible I was not doing the exercises properly and the tunica was not enduring any stretch, however the fluids were just working the skin. This causes a huge flaccid but in the long run attributes to no, possibly negative gains. Just shows that you have to be in tune with your dick.


Hey seanjacobs,

What were you doing when you were overtraining, and what did you do after overtraining to make your gains?



I don’t measure right after the break, I measure about two to three weeks after I start back up. Being a slow gainer I have learned not to live by the tape measure and really only check around every three months, nothing worse than working your ass off and seeing no gain.

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

This is super discouraging. I just measured after one week off and I am 6.25 in length and only 4.75 in girth ! Where in the hell did that .25 in girth go? I feel like I am back to the pre-PE days. Fuck!

I tell you, I just couldn’t wait the two weeks. I am more of a believer in the 5on 2off than taking a huge hiatus. The penis is a dynamic organ, capable of enormous occilations in size. Consider pumping for example. Most who pump experience gains however only when routine maintenance is involved, which is essential to keep these gains. So really, it is somewhat impossible to cement them, but they are in fact there because the faciae has been routinely stretched. If maintenance is ignored they must start from scratch. Furthermore, I am concerned that taking a huge hiatus does nothing but strengthen the cellular matrix of the faciae, thus making more gains harder to achieve. I know that it is different strokes for different folks, but I am finding my cock to be incredibly resiliant now.

After measuring I did a 20 minute routine of slow hard jelqs, horses, and erect bends. The only exercise I felt actually worked the faciae was the erect bends. Even the squeezes, under tremendous pressure for 15 seconds, seemed to do nothing. Right now I feel like I almost haven’t “worked” my dick at all. Squeezes have always left me with a nice flaccid in the past. Now I’m shriveled to the size of a peanut. Fuck!

I am considering a new routine like tomorrow. I am browsing the pumpers forum for ideas. I have never tried this but I want that damn girth back. And I’m going to get it back, baby! Even if routine maintanence is involved, as far as I’m concerned, its worth it as long as you’re not losing anything.

As for length, I will focus on that later possibly. Seems as though the approximately .5inch has been cemented, I am guessing due to the ligs.

Up and away…


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