Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Lengthening Surgery


Lengthening Surgery

Would any of you guys consider surgery? Cutting of the suspensory ligament if you had the cash and time?

For me i think it will yield faster length gains but i have also read elsewhere that it’s mainly in the flaccid state were you gain the most.

What is everyone’s take on this?

I think surgery can fail, I will never allow someone to touch my penis with a sharp edge ;) .

Started october 2011 :

BPEL 13.5 MSEG 14 BEG 14.5

Today : BPEL 14.3 ,MSEG 14 BEG 14.5

Have you ever seen a single measured erect before and after lengthening surgery photo? Of the reports you’ve read, have the guys claimed to see quicker length gains than are frequently reported by guys going manual exercises, hanging or wearing a stretcher? I’m fairly certain the answer to both those questions will be no. Lengthening surgery is a huge con in my opinion, unless you want flaccid gains.

Originally Posted by 8incyclops
Would any of you guys consider surgery?

No, I wouldn’t.

Please review the Forum Guidelines re capitalization, etc. Thanks.

:_pump: :donatecar

I have to say that I really don’t understand why someone would go and get a penis length surgery. They cut your penis, and still you have to hang weights in order to get some (from what I hear, mostly flaccid) gains. Wouldn’t it be better just to hang without surgery.

Not to mention the fact that a great percent of these surgeries end up as horror stories.

So to answer your question, NO. I wouldn’t go and get a surgery, not even if it was free and someone pays me to get it.

:chicken: My chicken is on the path of becoming a big cock! :rooster:


I have an extra inch and an eighth of length and it gets hard on demand every time.

I wouldn’t risk that for anything.

Began December 2009 at 5 7/8" length and 5" girth.

As of December 5th 2012 7 3/8" BPEL and 6 1/8" base girth.

Going for the magic 8"x6"

I am with Chicken and a-unit …

I have never heard claims of more than an inch of gain as a result of this surgery.

The whole ordeal takes months of recovery and there is substantial risk involved … not to mention that there is very little history to the procedure.

The same benefit is available from stretching, jelqing, pumping and hanging … Granted, there is work and waiting involved … but the risk / ward ratio is strongly in favor of NON-surgical approach.

That said, if there were a surgery that had the track record and obvious benefit of breast augmentation … I’ll admit that I would probably consider it … but I don’t see that ever happening

Starting (10 / 2011): 6.50 BPEL, 5.50 MEG

Current: 7.50 BPEL, 6.00 MEG

Goal: 8.50 BPEL 6.50 MEG

I agree with all of the above posts. If given the choice, i believe I would choose a small penis over a mangled penis. I don’t know how much truth is out there but I’ve read some awful horror stories.

Why risk surgery for one inch!

Why cut the ligament so your dick will no longer point upwards!

Why after surgery doctor advices you do to exercises!

Why spend money and take surgery risk!

Why one will try to shorten his way to the extra inch, by risking!

Why be so desperate to grow your dick, only 1 inch!

12.2009 - BP 6 x 4.7 :cutlass: Goal - BP 7 x 5.1

Women love cats. Men say they love cats, but when women aren't looking, men kick cats.

I’d only recommend considering it if one’s circumstances made the risks acceptable - i.e. micropenis or a significantly below-average length. If you are average, or above average, it really doesn’t seem like a good idea at all. Costly and no guarantee of any real gains, especially in the erect state (where, in my opinion, it matters).

If you're ever considering a surgical (or non-surgical) route for penis enlargement:

PhalloBoards: A Forum Devoted to Penis Enlargement Surgery & Non-Surgical Procedures

Originally Posted by 8incyclops
Would any of you guys consider surgery? Cutting of the suspensory ligament if you had the cash and time?
For me i think it will yield faster length gains but i have also read elsewhere that it’s mainly in the flaccid state were you gain the most.
What is everyone’s take on this?

I have cash and time and I would never consider any kind of dick surgery.

Never do surgery that will ruin Your life & end up in suicide. My suggestion as said by forumerer do manual stretch, jelq, hanging will give sooner or later result.

Originally Posted by andrea_pe

I will never allow someone to touch my penis with a sharp edge ;) .

If it wasn’t for the 10% of my brain permanently tasked with keeping sharp and pointy things away from my junk I would have finished the antigrav generator on my mountain bike by now.

Running a Massive Co-Front.

I think when done correctly cutting the ligament will result in faster length gains if you hang and do manuals,i have read a lot of reports and guys gain the most in the flaccid state but still gain in erect length.

I’ve thought of phalloplasty to take of turkey neck problems but not this. The risk versus reward for this is really too great for me.

Start (Oct 2010) NBPEL: 5, BPEL: 5.875 inches, BASE GIRTH: 5.25 inches, MID GIRTH: 5

(November 2013) NBPEL: 5.875, BPEL: 6.625 inches, BASE GIRTH: 5.625 inches, MID GIRTH: 5

Goal NBPEL(7-7.5)xMEG(5.5-6) (journal)

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