Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

question about lengthening surgery

question about lengthening surgery

Hey everyone, I am about to do the lengthening surgery with Dr. Harold Reed in Miami and before everyone jumps on my case about giving PE a chance, just hear me out. I just wanted to make sure that it is what it is when it comes to the lengthening surgery in regards to cutting the suspensory ligament. To me, it does not sound as harsh. I already had my consult and I was told that I would not be under general anesthesia, but rather local with sedation. Are there any side effects to this surgery. The reason I am considering it is because it seems like it would give me faster gains. The physician said that he would be in no way close to my glans and I shouldn’t lose any sexual desire. The incision is only about an inch and a half in my pubic area and to me it seems that no part of my external penis will be affected. Am I right in my considerations. I heard that my erection angle may change but its only a small change. Is this correct. Any help would be appreciated but overall in my opinion, the lengthening surgery does not seem as severe or taboo as many people make it out to be. Thanks for your help.

I think you should read some of the other threads on this site about surgery results, specifically 8 Balls thread.

Originally Posted by minimee
Hey everyone, I am about to do the lengthening surgery with Dr. Harold Reed in Miami and before everyone jumps on my case about giving PE a chance, just hear me out. I just wanted to make sure that it is what it is when it comes to the lengthening surgery in regards to cutting the suspensory ligament. To me, it does not sound as harsh. I already had my consult and I was told that I would not be under general anesthesia, but rather local with sedation. Are there any side effects to this surgery. The reason I am considering it is because it seems like it would give me faster gains. The physician said that he would be in no way close to my glans and I shouldn’t lose any sexual desire. The incision is only about an inch and a half in my pubic area and to me it seems that no part of my external penis will be affected. Am I right in my considerations. I heard that my erection angle may change but its only a small change. Is this correct. Any help would be appreciated but overall in my opinion, the lengthening surgery does not seem as severe or taboo as many people make it out to be. Thanks for your help.

Hey bro, I definitely won’t jump your case about the surgery (as I had it done myself) but this is not something to take lightly. I had disastrous results from mine (although I had length and girth done at the same time which is a big no no). Read my thread in the member’s pics forum as someone already advised you. Also, the Yahoo forum below is a great resource. The moderator there doesn’t have any financial ties to any doctor/product and he goes to great lengths to keep the place free from any bias or marketing shills.

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Originally Posted by minimee

I just wanted to make sure that it is what it is when it comes to the lengthening surgery in regards to cutting the suspensory ligament. To me, it does not sound as harsh. I already had my consult and I was told that I would not be under general anesthesia, but rather local with sedation. Are there any side effects to this surgery.

It doesn’t sound like you’ve done your homework.

regards, mgus

Taped onto the dashboard of a car at a junkyard, I once found the following: "Good judgement comes from experience. Experience comes from bad judgement." The car was crashed.

Primary goal: To have an EQ above average (i.e. streetsmart, compassionate about life and happy) Secondary goal: to make an anagram of my signature denoting how I feel about my gains

Originally Posted by minimee

Hey everyone, I am about to do the lengthening surgery with Dr. Harold Reed in Miami and before everyone jumps on my case about giving PE a chance, just hear me out. I just wanted to make sure that it is what it is when it comes to the lengthening surgery in regards to cutting the suspensory ligament. To me, it does not sound as harsh. I already had my consult and I was told that I would not be under general anesthesia, but rather local with sedation. Are there any side effects to this surgery. The reason I am considering it is because it seems like it would give me faster gains. The physician said that he would be in no way close to my glans and I shouldn’t lose any sexual desire. The incision is only about an inch and a half in my pubic area and to me it seems that no part of my external penis will be affected. Am I right in my considerations. I heard that my erection angle may change but its only a small change. Is this correct. Any help would be appreciated but overall in my opinion, the lengthening surgery does not seem as severe or taboo as many people make it out to be. Thanks for your help.

The negatives that can result from surgery far surpass the “possible” positive results. Infection, erection shortening etc… are just some of the many catastrophes that can result. Just think, you are messing with the one organ that makes you a man no matter how small or large it may be. I am no surgeon or master of penile surgery, but you should clearly reconsider your decision. I am not jumping down your throat nor am I trying to turn you onto manual PE, but with so many horror stories and so many reports proving the ineffectiveness of penile surgery, why would you even consider it? Either way I wish you the best of luck.

There is more evidence to suggest lengthening surgery doesn’t work than there is to say it does. Very few people report post op gains without stetching. And those who gain from stretching seem to gain at a similar rate to those who haven’t had the surgery. If you look at the anatomy of the penis it doesn’t make sense that cutting the ligs would add extra erect length. The inner penis theory seems to be a bit of a myth. What really happens is the penis hangs lower and thus appears longer in the flaccid state, but no inner penis is released that is visible when erect. Only those that had very tight ligs will see any erect gains as their penis is being held back, much like those with over aggressive circumcisions. I once did a search and I think 37 posters at Thundersplace have had the surgery. Between them they gained about 3 inches! I had the surgery and the Dr actually told me I wont gain anything in the erect state. I recently had reconstructive surgery and was again told the surgery itself wont give you erect gains. In fact before hanging and stretching devices came along, no surgeons claimed erect gains. And seeing as the gains wearing stretching or hanging devices appear to be the same for those who have and haven’t had the surgery, it does make you wonder if the surgery does anything at all. There have never been any studies carried out, but if Dr Reeds patients show better post op results than those who were recently involved in the Italian study on stretching devices I’d be amazed. This is why I never really understand those who target the ligs in general PE. If you ask me it’s the tunica that is stretching. But don’t take my advice for it, or Dr Reeds, or any other Dr or poster. Read for yourself. There are enough accounts of people who have had the surgery on the web. I’m sure Dr Reed really believes in the surgery but I promise you he has never done a comparitive study between two groups wearing stretching devices, one of which who have had the surgery and one that hasn’t. Until he or another Dr does this, then there is no evidence to suggest lengthening surgery has any benefit in terms or erect gains in the vast majority of patients.

Flaccid gains do happen.

Minimee, you owe it to yourself to read this thread …..

Surgery only works in about 40% of cases and the average gain is only about 0.5”. Are those good enough odds for you?

lil1 :lep:

BPEL (5") | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | *20cm* (8")

MTSL (5") | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | *25cm* (10") MTSL = Maximum Traction Stretched Length

"Pertinaciously pursuing a penis of preposterously prodigious proportions." What a mouthful!

Hey everyone, thank you so much for all your responses. I have read 8ball’s thread but again, to me it seems like most of the disasters come from girth enhancement as opposed to just the lengthening surgery. Hey Joey999, what type of surgery did you have and if you did the lengthening surgery by itself, did you have any negative effects from the cutting of the ligs. Dr. Reed has shown me post op pictures of patients who have done the surgery and their gains are amazing. He told me that the results I want are basically 35% him and 65% me in regards to the hanging that I have to do. He said that on average, patients post lenthening surgery gain about 1/16 inch per month. Basically, I have been following the a modified version of the newbie routine in addition to hanging, and I have had very little if any gains. The lengthening surgery appealed to me because it seemed like it would allow for faster gains. All of your input has been so helpful. Has their been any members here that just did the lengthening surgery in regards to just cutting the suspensory ligament alone and have had positive results.

marinera - Hanging For Girth?

With three months of PE, you’ll gain the same amount you could gain with surgery (or more) without a significative risk and saving thousand of dollars.

Originally Posted by minimee
Hey everyone, thank you so much for all your responses. I have read 8ball’s thread but again, to me it seems like most of the disasters come from girth enhancement as opposed to just the lengthening surgery. Hey Joey999, what type of surgery did you have and if you did the lengthening surgery by itself, did you have any negative effects from the cutting of the ligs. Dr. Reed has shown me post op pictures of patients who have done the surgery and their gains are amazing. He told me that the results I want are basically 35% him and 65% me in regards to the hanging that I have to do. He said that on average, patients post lenthening surgery gain about 1/16 inch per month. Basically, I have been following the a modified version of the newbie routine in addition to hanging, and I have had very little if any gains. The lengthening surgery appealed to me because it seemed like it would allow for faster gains. All of your input has been so helpful. Has their been any members here that just did the lengthening surgery in regards to just cutting the suspensory ligament alone and have had positive results.

As i said before, don’t listen (or rather listen but don’t believe) to what Dr Reed says. I’m sure he’s an honest man and believes that the results he achieves are 35% down to him, but I assure you that he will have no clinical data to back this up. He claims his patients gain 1/16th of an inch per month post op, but how does this differ from the patients in this study who hadn’t had the surgery?

As i said, I’m sure Dr Reed truely believes his lig cutting is helping for faster gains, but this study suggests it isn’t. The Andro penis makers results also suggests the same. And the results of the 37 posters I find out Thundersplace also suggest this. Sometimes when a guy has abnormally short ligs, they are actually preventing the penis from being fully erect and in these cases, lig cutting will have an effect. But these cases are in the minority (I’d guess between 10% and 20%) and in such cases the effect is usually seen straightaway post op (unless there is initial retraction). This is because the obstruction has been removed. But gains post operatively from stretching devices aren’t made because the ligs are no longer there. Surgeons are taking money and credit for gains that are purely the result of the stretching or hanging devices. It doesn’t matter how many well respected urologists and PE surgeons claim lig cutting aids gains, when the clinical data available suggests it doesn’t! Have any of these surgeons ever compared the speed at which men who have and haven’t had the ligs cut gain? The answer is no and there never will as it isn’t in their interest to do so. I bet if I claimed to be a Dr and gave guys anesthetic and when they were asleep made a slight incision in the pubic area, taped it up and then called them back to my office a week later, told them they’d healed nicely and then gave them a stretching device which they had to wear for 9hrs a day, for 6 months, then they’d gain as much in the erect state as Dr Reed’s patients.

Btw, i did have my ligs cut and no I didn’t gain anything. I’m pretty sure 8Ball didn’t gain either. So there’s a small sample for you!

Dr Reed has probably performed over 1000 lig cutting cases, so i’m not surprised he has some pretty amazing photo results. Did he show you photo’s of patients that gained nothing or even lost length due to retraction and scar formation? I’m sure he’s a good Dr, but it’s almost impossible for him to have been in practice so long and not have a certain percentage of failed surgeries. The point I’m making here is that photo’s in a Dr’s office are a fairly uselss guideline as they are going to show you their best and not worst results. Look at the photo’s forum here at thundersplace and you’ll see some amazing results, but we aren’t selling anything here, so you’ll also here about the thousands of posters who gain nothing.

Joey is 100% correct, but what I know. (Don’t make a bad idea, I LOVE DOCS!).

Ok I just read Dr Reeds website.

There is a passage which says he has performed 100’s of PE surgeries but only has 7 picture proof examples of gains.That really scares me.

hey everyone, especially you Joey, thanks for all of your responses. I will definitely take into consideration the helpful advice you have all given me. I didn’t know that retraction of the penis could occur just from cutting the ligs alone. I have heard that usually with girth surgeries, length is usually decreased but the whole retraction thing does scare me a bit. I just wanted a way to get faster results and I have heard of other individuals that did gain or benefit from the lengthening surgeries.

That’s the problem with society wanting instant gratification and results. Pe takes time and dedication if you want to risk surgery then that’s your decision but make sure you fully understand what you may be getting yourself into.

Minimee - for your own good, you really do need to do a lot more research. From what you’ve told us so far, you are going into this pretty much blind and that is not a good sign.

Retraction - happens mostly for 2 reasons.
1 - As a result of the formation of scar tissue
2 - The ligs reattach further inside the body making both the flaccid and erection shorter.
Or a combination of both.

But you should already know this after doing your due diligence. You have done that, haven’t you? If you haven’t, you’re not making an informed decision on something may affect the rest of your life. Remember 60% of these procedures fail and some so devastatingly that it ruins lives.

And what makes you think you’re going to get fast results? Ask Dr Reed how long you are going to have to use a device after the surgery - when I last enquired it was a minimum of 6 months ….. hardly fast results. In 6 months using a device alone I personally gained 2” - no surgery, no scars and it cost me around $100. And if you’re a slow gainer, why on earth do you think surgery will magically change this? You’ll still come up against the same problems - you’re still working with exactly the same tissue - it hasn’t magically metamorphosed. You really haven’t thought this through very thoroughly, have you …. And that’s exactly how these doctors make their money - on gullible, vain, insecure men looking for a quick fix. I’m sorry if I’ve offended you, but those the cold hard facts. Don’t kid yourself.

What is even more tragic, is that because the success rate is so bad, the phalloplasty industry has become self perpetuating - doctors make a very comfortable living “fixing” each other’s mistakes. Ask Dr Reed about that - I’m sure he’ll have his own set of horror stories ….

But you’re a grown man capable of making his own decisions - all I ask, no, plead with you, is that you make sure that you are fully informed and are ready to live with the consequences whatever they may be.

There, I’m off my soap box - do what you will, but don’t ever say you weren’t warned.

lil1 :lep:

BPEL (5") | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | *20cm* (8")

MTSL (5") | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | *25cm* (10") MTSL = Maximum Traction Stretched Length

"Pertinaciously pursuing a penis of preposterously prodigious proportions." What a mouthful!

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