Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

question about lengthening surgery

Originally Posted by bubba77
Shortno, what kind of hanging do you do?

Hi bubba77, I’ve just noticed your name is on my list of posters who have had surgery. I made the list a while ago but didn’t write down the results. How did it go for you? Do you think it was worth it? Have you gained anything as a result or surgery and do you credit these gains to the surgery?

Well I would personally be scared too do it, but if everything else fails, the hanging, the stretching,the clamping,kegeling etc, than maybe as a last resort. If I gained 1/2 inch length from the surgery, even after a year of hanging after, I would be happy.

If I lost length I would be so pissed, that must be rare! Or if I got some complication.
I have already been burned by Lasik. I have permanent dry eye disorder from Lasik, so I would be extra hesitant.
I mean if you get the surgery and don’t gain anything, I’d be really pissed, but as long as you don’t have ED or a permanent hole in your dick, then you can say you tried everything to get a longer rod.

Originally Posted by pauly891

If I lost length I would be so pissed, that must be rare!

Yeah I thought so too, until it happened to me when I had this done.

"If you can conceive it, and you can believe it...then you can achieve it."

Formerly known as Gandolf

Originally Posted by 8-Ball
Yeah I thought so too, until it happened to me when I had this done.

Did you hang after? Or use a stretcher? Cause I wouldn’t call it a complete disaster until you’ve done some hanging or stretching for quite some months,maybe even a year?

This may be a half baked theory, but after your surgery, you might be able to gain much easier, than someone who hasn’t had the surgery,doing hanging or using a stretcher? I haven’t had the surgery and am having quite a tough time getting EL gains, but I’m wondering if after the ligs are cut, if all the gain possibilities for hanging and stretching open up, and the ligs that were in the way of you gaining are gone? Or maybe getting the surgery just makes it easier to gain?

Maybe the fact you got girth and length done at the same time is the main reason this happened. I imagine getting length and girth done at the same time is far more traumatic for your penis. I would only ever consider getting lengthening done, personally, I was blessed with 6” EG, and I feel I can gain even more girth through PE. I’m sort of just brain storming here. I will pray for you next time I pray 8-ball.

8-ball on another forum, you said you ended up the same as you were before surgery, so you didn’t lose length?


Here’s a link to 8-Ball’s surgery thread - I’d encourage you to read all of it!

- 8-Ball’s surgery progress picture thread

Or perhaps you might like to read about ex-member crashhex’s experiences with surgery …..

And you are quite correct, your theory on gains being easier after surgery is half-baked. There is absolutely no evidence to suggest anything like that. In fact, exactly the opposite may well be true - toughened scar tissue works against gains. Gains appear to occur mostly in the CC and CS, not so much the ligaments, so severing ligaments is not going to be that efficacious except for flaccid appearance. If you’re a tough gainer now, that won’t change much after surgery - surgery is not a magic bullet.

lil1 :lep:

BPEL (5") | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | *20cm* (8")

MTSL (5") | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | *25cm* (10") MTSL = Maximum Traction Stretched Length

"Pertinaciously pursuing a penis of preposterously prodigious proportions." What a mouthful!

And your point is?

Is this the same Dr Robert Stubbs who ….

A man in his 30s claims his penis has become deformed and scarred after undergoing a penis-lengthening operation in 1994. He had to wear weights on his penis for almost a year, but claims he was never told before surgery that it was routine practice. Dr. Robert Stubbs, who performed the surgery, denies the charges and says the man neglected to give him a complete medical history before the operation. He says he told the man of all possible complications, that healing would take time and that the procedure at that time was still considered experimental.

lil1 :lep:

BPEL (5") | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | *20cm* (8")

MTSL (5") | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | *25cm* (10") MTSL = Maximum Traction Stretched Length

"Pertinaciously pursuing a penis of preposterously prodigious proportions." What a mouthful!

Last edited by lil12big1 : 05-13-2009 at .

Originally Posted by lil12big1
And your point is?

Is this the same Dr Robert Stubbs who ..

A man in his 30s claims his penis has become deformed and scarred after undergoing a penis-lengthening operation in 1994. He had to wear weights on his penis for almost a year, but claims he was never told before surgery that it was routine practice. Dr. Robert Stubbs, who performed the surgery, denies the charges and says the man neglected to give him a complete medical history before the operation. He says he told the man of all possible complications, that healing would take time and that the procedure at that time was still considered experimental.

Lil1 :lep:

It doesn’t go into detail of what being deformed and scarred exactly means? Like does he have a hole in his dick? A big black dot on his penis head? I wish I knew more, this doctor seems to be the best in Canada, I think? I will do more research. I actually feel safer about getting this surgery,than with Lasik eye surgery. I already have permanent dry eye syndrome from Lasik, which sucks big time, don’t even get me started.

For the record for myself, I will PE from this day for 3 years maximum, and I am going to start a separate fund, to fund this surgery for myself.I will only get the surgery as a last resort, if and only if, PE doesn’t correlate into gains, over this 3 year period. So I’m planning on getting the surgery in 3 years. I’m sure by then, I’ll hear so many horror stories of penile lengthening surgery, that I may not even get it, and I will end up spending that money on schooling or something. I’m 5.5 EL X 6” EG, if I got to 6X6, I probably wouldn’t bother with the surgery, but who knows?


"A meta-analysis dated March 2008 performed by the American Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery over 3,000 peer-reviewed articles published over the past 10 years in clinical journals from around the world, including 19 studies comprising 2,200 patients that looked directly at satisfaction, revealed a 95.4 percent patient satisfaction rate among LASIK patients worldwide.

LASIK - Wikipedia

That is a hell of a lot better than penis surgery. Not to mention the near total lack of scientific studies, peer reviews and proper overview of FDA etc.

As for dry eyes

According to an American Journal of Ophthalmology study of March 2006, the incidence rate of dry eyes from LASIK after the six month post operative healing period was 36.36%.[37]. The FDA (Food and Drugs Administration) website states that "dry eyes" may be permanent.[38]

You know, comparing Lasik to penis surgery is misinformed at best.

But then again, penis surgery might be the cure for dry eye.

regards, mgus

Taped onto the dashboard of a car at a junkyard, I once found the following: "Good judgement comes from experience. Experience comes from bad judgement." The car was crashed.

Primary goal: To have an EQ above average (i.e. streetsmart, compassionate about life and happy) Secondary goal: to make an anagram of my signature denoting how I feel about my gains

Originally Posted by bubba77
Shortno, what kind of hanging do you do?

It was not really hanging, I used a vac hanger type head, but used heavy duty rubber bands attached to my ankle.

It was about 7 1/2 pounds pull. I would do about 45 minutes at a time, 2 or 3 times a day.

Originally Posted by joey999
Hi bubba77, I’ve just noticed your name is on my list of posters who have had surgery. I made the list a while ago but didn’t write down the results. How did it go for you? Do you think it was worth it? Have you gained anything as a result or surgery and do you credit these gains to the surgery?

Hey Joey, I am ambivalent about it. I never hung prior, didn’t know about Thunders, and wish I had been more educated. I was deeply insecure despite having a good size (6x5). I had tunnel vision to get the longest possible, in the quickest amount of time, much like you. And there was nothing that could stop me. As we all know, average is not good enough, only big is.

Anyway, I did it. For 6 months, I hung as the surgeon had instructed with a vac hanger. In that time, I gained 1/2 inch. I would posit that the 1/2 inch came from increased blood flow. Pumping, jelqing, all increase EQ. The vac hanger worked via suction and I believe the half inch came from EQ. As you notice, many newbies gain 1/2 inch in their first month or two; IMHO, that is because of increased blood flow and EQ.

After 6 months and approaching a 13lb vac hanger max, I started to get blisters. So I switched to the bib hardcore and hung BTC for about 2 years (max 40lbs). I gained about an inch during that time, something I attribute almost entirely to tunica gain. How could it be lig stretch? My ligs were cut!

So, overall, I say do not do it. I think I could have made all my gains without it.

Hog before: 6'' NBPEL; 5'' MSEG---->> Hog now: 7.3" NBPEL; 5 1/4" MSEG; 8.5 BPFSL

Originally Posted by shortnolonger
It was not really hanging, I used a vac hanger type head, but used heavy duty rubber bands attached to my ankle.

It was about 7 1/2 pounds pull. I would do about 45 minutes at a time, 2 or 3 times a day.

Interesting. I’ve heard of doing it that way. Did you stop after the year?

Hog before: 6'' NBPEL; 5'' MSEG---->> Hog now: 7.3" NBPEL; 5 1/4" MSEG; 8.5 BPFSL

Originally Posted by minimee
Are there any side effects to this surgery.

I’m going to chime in here. I had lengthening surgery with Dr. Gary Alter in Beverly Hills, CA (Dr. 90201) and had absolutely no complications. I did my post surgery stretching and the net of my experience was a bit more than 1/2” EL gain. I did PE for a long time before surgery and had minimal gains.

I’m not posting to debate the pros or cons. I’m simply a supporter of this procedure, as performed by Gary Alter, based on my experience, my results, and a healthy penis almost three years later.

Good luck.


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