Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

question about lengthening surgery

So other money to spend.

Originally Posted by ironaddict69
Pauly, is your septum very tough? The part on top of your penis? Mine feels like steel when any weight is pulling on it, and it is the only thing keeping me from making length gains. I would only get the length surgery done if I ever do it. The girth stuff does not look very good, and it’s very invasive! I would only get the length cut done around 5 years from now when my career could support it, But I recon I will be at my goal before 5 years. I would rather work consistently until then safely and see what happens.

Yea I guess that’s a possibility, that my ligs are getting in the way of some gains. I hope it’s true. The guy said 3 months after the surgery I should be able to get my 0.5” EL,guaranteed. Meh, I hope those ligs out of the way, will open up some gains, makes sense. My septum must be tough.

Guaranteed? He’s going to sign a written promise?

Anyway, let’s say you gain 0.5” in 3 months using some hints you get here. Would you donate 650,00$ to Thundersplace - after all, you saved 6500,00$.

BTW, it’s unlikely that your septum is limiting any gains, I think.

Originally Posted by marinera

Guaranteed? He’s going to sign a written promise?

Lol I don’t know? But he said, he’s seen tons of surgeries and there’s always flaccid gains off the bat. Varying from a half inch to 2 and half inches.

Originally Posted by marinera
Anyway, let’s say you gain 0.5” in 3 months using some hints you get here. Would you donate 650,00$ to Thundersplace - after all, you saved 6500,00$.

BTW, it’s unlikely that your septum is limiting any gains, I think.

For sure I would donate! I don’t know a specific number, but no doubt.
Definitely high amount of $, considering I would pay so much for a half inch!
I hope my septum and ligs aren’t limiting gains. Then I may want to get the surgery sooner, chop those ligs.

Don’t forget I’ve still got to get a plane to San Diego or wherever. So it would be $7100 + for me.

Originally Posted by mgus
What’s a “g”? A thousand?

A medium sledgehamer against your pubic bone - for 6 g’s I’ll get you that half inch, with 8 weeks of recovery time (fracture healing). A hell of a lot faster than the 6 months of post-op stretching. Plus, gains are immediately verifiable.

Could you do that safely? Lol. I do live across the street from a hospital. Lmao.

A ”g” is rap talk for a thousand.

Originally Posted by pauly891

Lol I don’t know? But he said, he’s seen tons of surgeries and there’s always flaccid gains off the bat. Varying from a half inch to 2 and half inches.

Flaccid gains. EL is a different story.

Originally Posted by mgus
Iron, have you looked into hanging over a rounded object? “New hanging technique born in .” and for manual work “Mem’s momentous gain mechanism”.

That idea is supported by the fact that the suspenory lig attaches to the upperside of the tunica.

Yes I did, thank you mgus. I tried it for a while, I eventually gained .25” but it was after a ton of hanging time. For now I am following the TCG theory with a lot of jelqing and some low pressure extender period pumping, as my BPFSL is 8.75 and BPEL is only 8”, that shows I need to enlarge my smooth muscle as there is a gap.

Originally Posted by pauly891
Where’d you get that stat?
Yea, but those are probably all dual or triple augmentation, or guys that don’t exercise properly after the surgery, or maybe even a bad surgeon.

Here’s one study - it was done in 1999, but the surgical methods don’t seem to have changed greatly since that time.

http://www.ejhs .org/volume2/kl … in/penistoc.htm

Of special interest is the chapter dealing with Results - around 50% of the study group got infections and the overwhelming majority (75-80%) were not happy with the results and thought it was a waste of money.

I’ll find a link to the other study - it’s a later one but has very similar results and draws much the same conclusions. Give me a little more time …. :) …. although I don’t think it will make much difference to you - sadly, it seems you have already made up your mind.

But, here are some comments taken from that study - both good and bad (I haven’t edited them).

"Do enough research and don’t just go to the first place you see."
"Proceed w/ caution."
"Try it if you want to."
"Choose your surgeon carefully."
"Pubic skin will make up part of penile shaft which means you’ll have to shave it off or else a part of penis covered in hair. Don’t expect erection gains but if flaccid gain all you want then you’ll be satisfied. You must keep pulling penis down otherwise tends to take odd shape."
"Consult the doctor thoroughly, the results of the surgery, and what to expect (not going to get a salami)."
"Pick a good doctor."
"Let Dr. _____ do it- ck (sic) out doctor very carefully talk to others who have had it done."
"Don’t go to Dr. ____, Dr. ____, Dr. ____ for any procedure. Do some serious investigation first."
"Too much scarring not enough results for financial investment."
"Talk to people who have had the surgery."
"Deal with your small penis. A 1/2 inch gain in flacid (sic) penis length isn’t worth $3900.00. The scarring and unattractive appearance resulting from the procedure can ruin your sex life forever."
"Be realistic in your expectations. Don’t be disappointed if things don’t turn out perfect. Some improvement is better than none and better than having nothing done."
"Go to surgery with your wife or a close friend. I went alone."
"Make sure you receive accurate information and good follow through."
"Lower expectations."
"Take careful measurements and a picture of your penis before the surgery."
"Select physician carefully."
"Not worth it. Results too poor to justify."
"Very painful."
"Talk to someone who had the surgery."
"Be happy with nature."
"Allow/prepare for physical limitations due to discomfort/pain."
"No advice."
"Follow thru (sic) on after care yourself."
"Don’t do it you’ll regret it."
"Do not expect any change in erect length."
"Don’t rush into surgery. Interview more than one physician."
"Don’t expect too much."
"The pain is much more intense than they tell you. Avoid erections at all cost right after surgery."
"Don’t do it."
"Do you really need this?"
"Don’t do it, if you think you have problems having a small dick, wait till (sic) you have a big scare (sic) and a little dick."
"Don’t its an expensive misstake (sic)."
"Unless your penis size is very small and ugly don’t do this procedure."
"Do not remove sutures before you are sure wound is closed completely - Perhaps do not expect an increase in the erect size."
"Expect potential problems with scar, lumpiness and hair growth on shaft."
"Use a different Dr."
"Be very sure its what you want. Talk to someone who has had the operation (if you can). Take counseling before and after the operation."
"Don’t do it."
"Natural is the best."
"Make sure you got minimal scarring and lay low for a while."
"They should really think about it before doing, or talk to me so I can explain what they will go through."
"Check doctors track record- i.e. numbers of law suits and references."
"Be realistic."
"To think!"
"Balance the importance of modest penile enlargement with the high monetary costs, inconvenience of possible repeat visits, high levels and long duration of pain, and the likelihood of disappointments due to smaller than expected length increase and disappearance of injected fat leading to odd shapes."
"Have to make up their own mind."
"Don’t have it done just don’t do it. This operation should be banned and the people performing them put in jail."

lil1 :lep:

BPEL (5") | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | *20cm* (8")

MTSL (5") | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | *25cm* (10") MTSL = Maximum Traction Stretched Length

"Pertinaciously pursuing a penis of preposterously prodigious proportions." What a mouthful!

Originally Posted by ironaddict69

Yes I did, thank you mgus. I tried it for a while, I eventually gained .25” but it was after a ton of hanging time. For now I am following the TCG theory with a lot of jelqing and some low pressure extender period pumping, as my BPFSL is 8.75 and BPEL is only 8”, that shows I need to enlarge my smooth muscle as there is a gap.

Ah, but did you hang over a warm rounded object, as in the “new hanging technique? Combine hanging over a warm rounded object - which hits the attachment point where the suspensory ligs blend into the tunica - and then place another rice sock on top of said area, real fucking hot. Up around 43-46 degrees C the tendon tissues soften considerably (enough to be careful, go gradual) - that’s from a study in one of the heat threads.

regards, mgus

Taped onto the dashboard of a car at a junkyard, I once found the following: "Good judgement comes from experience. Experience comes from bad judgement." The car was crashed.

Primary goal: To have an EQ above average (i.e. streetsmart, compassionate about life and happy) Secondary goal: to make an anagram of my signature denoting how I feel about my gains

Originally Posted by pauly891
Releasing the ligament frees more of the penis to be stretched. Weights can stretch the penis without surgery, but a greater incremental gain will result if the suspensory ligament is released. That’s what Dr. Alter say’s.

That is complete and utter nonsense and I’m calling Alter out on that one! Show us one study where that hypothesis has been proved or even tested. Show us one study where it shows that men who have had surgery gain more from hanging than those who haven’t. He won’t, because he can’t, and there is absolutely no evidence to suggest that is the case.

The whole “hypothesis” is complete nonsense and just highlights the fact that you are willingly being conned.

Let’s look at the mechanics of the surgery to see whether Alter’s hypothesis stands up.
The suspensory ligament is “released” (sounds so much more palatable than “severed”), which means that part of it is cut through. It is usually cut close to the pubic bone, because if it’s cut close to where it joins the penis the risk of irreparably damaging the penis becomes huge (think “irreversible erectile dysfunction”). This means that the ligament is still actually attached to the penis by exactly the same amount of area as it was before - ergo, you will still encounter exactly the same problems - the ligaments (which are attached to the penis just as strongly as they were before) will still hinder gains just as much …. that is assuming, of course, that ligaments do actually hinder gains. There is no evidence to suggest that this is actually the case. In fact, it could be argued that, without ligaments to anchor the penis, gains would be almost impossible to achieve - you need something to pull against - it’s basic physics!

Furthermore, with less ligament to support the penis, it would be more likely that the remaining ligament would stretch before the CC and CS - that won’t give you a bigger erection but it will make it point more toward the floor. :(

I don’t know, perhaps it’s just me, but a fine upstanding strong erection bespeaks virility - the lower the erection angle, the more half-arsed and lame they look …. unless of course it’s an unusually large example. :eek:

lil1 :lep:

BPEL (5") | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | *20cm* (8")

MTSL (5") | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | *25cm* (10") MTSL = Maximum Traction Stretched Length

"Pertinaciously pursuing a penis of preposterously prodigious proportions." What a mouthful!

Originally Posted by mgus
Ah, but did you hang over a warm rounded object, as in the “new hanging technique? Combine hanging over a warm rounded object - which hits the attachment point where the suspensory ligs blend into the tunica - and then place another rice sock on top of said area, real fucking hot. Up around 43-46 degrees C the tendon tissues soften considerably (enough to be careful, go gradual) - that’s from a study in one of the heat threads.

No I did not try heat on both sides, that is a very good idea! I heated on the underside however.

Originally Posted by ironaddict69

No I did not try heat on both sides, that is a very good idea! I heated on the underside however.

Use two extra rice socks - heat them both and wrap one in cloth or whatever so it doesn’t cool so fast, then use one until you feel it’s lost the necessary heat, unpack the second one. And you go need to go to near uncomfortable heat, check out the Heat-threads.

regards, mgus

Taped onto the dashboard of a car at a junkyard, I once found the following: "Good judgement comes from experience. Experience comes from bad judgement." The car was crashed.

Primary goal: To have an EQ above average (i.e. streetsmart, compassionate about life and happy) Secondary goal: to make an anagram of my signature denoting how I feel about my gains

I like to use hot water from the shower. To create a stream of water I stick a fleshlight over the shower head and let the end dangle. Just some FYI


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