Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

question about lengthening surgery

Originally Posted by pauly891

I actually didn’t ask about there previous PE routines, that is a good question, I should have asked.

That is the key question. Without that it tells us nothing about the validity of the surgery. We know people can gain using hanging and stretching devices. What needs to be established is if cutting the ligs make these gains any easier to achieve.

You should also ask about pre and post op measuring techniques. One of the biggest problems in PE in general is the inconsistency people use when measuring.

Originally Posted by ironaddict69
I think the girth surgery is a disaster period. Think about it, it’s so invasive! They cut you apart and insert dead tissue…I’ll pass. The length surgery is much more simple, get in, laser the ligament, put some spacers on the things for Christ sakes, and get out! I don’t know why they don’t cut about a foot of the suspensory ligament away or remove it from the penis completely…There’s a thought.

Yea the girth surgery scares me. I haven’t heard to many success stories on the girth surgery, but then again, I wasn’t asking about that or researching girth results.

When I get the length surgery, I’m going to be like doc, cut as much you can. LOL. There’s a foot of the suspensory ligament? Geeze. I wonder how they determine, how much to cut? Like if they made a quarter inch longer cut would it work better? So are they releasing the ligaments?

Are the any stories out there of guys that didn’t gain, that got the surgery, and did the recommended exercises. I haven’t really seen any. It’s all dual augmentation or guys that just didn’t do any post op exercises, that the surgery didn’t work. Better damn work. LOL.
I know if I get the surgery I will be very thorough with the stretcher or post op hanging.

How could I tell if all these “success stories” are guys that work for the surgeon, are lying, or have anything to gain, saying they’ve gained through the surgery? It seems like these are legit guys though, there still around on the forums, walking,talking people.

Still, legit surgeons working for the state-owned hospital Karolinska Univeritetssjukhuset (= no personal gain one way or the other) point out that penile lengthening surgery will give you flaccid gains, not erect.

regards, mgus

Taped onto the dashboard of a car at a junkyard, I once found the following: "Good judgement comes from experience. Experience comes from bad judgement." The car was crashed.

Primary goal: To have an EQ above average (i.e. streetsmart, compassionate about life and happy) Secondary goal: to make an anagram of my signature denoting how I feel about my gains

Originally Posted by mgus
Still, legit surgeons working for the state-owned hospital Karolinska Univeritetssjukhuset (= no personal gain one way or the other) point out that penile lengthening surgery will give you flaccid gains, not erect.

Your saying penile lengthening surgery won’t give you erect gains? Then why would anyone get it? Isn’t that the point of the procedure? So your calling all those people, that say they have gained from the surgery, liars? They are people, I have talked to them, they aren’t just some doc’s drubbing up business (as far as I know). I’m not going to sit here and defend getting lengthening surgery and say oh yea it works, because I haven’t got it.

I mean talk to these guys yourself, maybe you could find out for us, if they really did gain, or are they paid by the docs or what not?
I doubt they are liars. I know Bubba77 for example has a very thorough thread, and claims to have gained 0.5” EL after vac hanging, then another 1” doing BTC (his ligs were cut though?). After surgery.

It’s kind of funny I think Gene Simmons might have got the surgery. I saw an ad for the upcoming season and I have a feeling. Will see.
I think the Toronto doctor, Dr. Stubbs is on vacation or something? I called and it says there closed til further notice. A little worrying, just because that’s the only guy I know in all of Canada that does it.

Originally Posted by pauly891
Your saying penile lengthening surgery won’t give you erect gains?

There are no studies that indicate that surgery alone will give erect gains. In fact, any erect gains usually only come as a result of post-op traction. I have yet to read of a single case of anyone who has gained anything erect without it (although I have read a number of reports from those who lost erect length by not doing it). It’s a cosmetic procedure that simply makes the flaccid look larger, but alone, it will not make the erect penis larger (ask any phalloplasty surgeon - they’ll all tell you exactly the same thing). It’s the traction afterwards that gives the erect gains.

The lengthening procedure is sold as a package - you have the ligaments surgically severed and reattached at a lower point to give a better flaccid hang, and they sell you a traction device to give you more erect length. It’s a misunderstanding (or myth) that you need the ligaments cut in order to increase erect length - you don’t. And there is absolutely no evidence to suggest that having your ligaments cut will make traction more efficacious. But look at it from the doctor’s perspective - how much will he make by selling you a traction device alone?

lil1 :lep:

BPEL (5") | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | *20cm* (8")

MTSL (5") | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | *25cm* (10") MTSL = Maximum Traction Stretched Length

"Pertinaciously pursuing a penis of preposterously prodigious proportions." What a mouthful!

Shit lil12big1! I thought they severed them and put in spacers, that would be the best bet. To detach them completely.

Originally Posted by ironaddict69
Shit lil12big1! I thought they severed them and put in spacers, that would be the best bet. To detach them completely.

Spacers! :rolling: No such luck! Consider the complications, it’s bad enough as it is!
There’s only a few (2-3) inches of ligament inside the body and they’re attached to the pubic bone. All that’s done is that they’re severed and realigned. If it was detached completely, the erection would point toward the floor. There would be no anchor for the penis so sex would be, at best, very problematic …. kind of defeats the whole purpose ….

lil1 :lep:

BPEL (5") | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | *20cm* (8")

MTSL (5") | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | *25cm* (10") MTSL = Maximum Traction Stretched Length

"Pertinaciously pursuing a penis of preposterously prodigious proportions." What a mouthful!

Co-sign, lil. All those things have been said hundreds of time here. But some people like to believe fables, I guess.

Originally Posted by lil12big1
There are no studies that indicate that surgery alone will give erect gains. In fact, any erect gains usually only come as a result of post-op traction. I have yet to read of a single case of anyone who has gained anything erect without it (although I have read a number of reports from those who lost erect length by not doing it). It’s a cosmetic procedure that simply makes the flaccid look larger, but alone, it will not make the erect penis larger (ask any phalloplasty surgeon - they’ll all tell you exactly the same thing). It’s the traction afterwards that gives the erect gains.

The lengthening procedure is sold as a package - you have the ligaments surgically severed and reattached at a lower point to give a better flaccid hang, and they sell you a traction device to give you more erect length. It’s a misunderstanding (or myth) that you need the ligaments cut in order to increase erect length - you don’t. And there is absolutely no evidence to suggest that having your ligaments cut will make traction more efficacious. But look at it from the doctor’s perspective - how much will he make by selling you a traction device alone?

Lil1 :lep:

Well, can anyone lead me to a good post op stretcher or hanger? You NEED to do post op stretching, thats a fact.
I just don’t have that much confidence, in just the hanging/stretching alone to give me erect gains. I’m so desperate for a half inch I would pay $6000.

I can’t say 100% that just the surgery alone wouldn’t give gains? I have read of guys gaining immediately after the surgery, but most needed a good hanger and stretcher. If they did gain without any exercises it was very little.

I’m sure if I got the surgery and did the traction or hanging I would gain, but I guess I will try it minus the surgery, first.

Hey pauly, people here is trying to help. You are free to believe whatever you want, and throw your money and time out of the window, if this is what you are praying for.

Last edited by marinera : 05-22-2009 at .

Originally Posted by marinera
Hey pauly, people here is trying to help. You are free to believe whatever you want, and throw your money and time out of the window, if this is what you are praying for.

Well if I can get ANY type of EL gains from using a good stretcher or hanging device (EQ friendly) I won’t even bother with the surgery.
I know you guys are trying to help, I really appreciate it.
I saw a show called ‘Vanity Insanity’ a year ago, and a guy got the surgery and gained 0.75”. Notice the name of the show. I think it’s only a canadian show though, don’t know if you guys get it in the states.

Originally Posted by pauly891

….I saw a show called ‘Vanity Insanity’ a year ago, and a guy got the surgery and gained 0.75”. ……… I think it’s only a canadian show though……..

I had no doubts. :mutley:

This guy claims to make a longer cut than the other doctors and has a new technique where he cuts longer than before.

Who is this guy? Maybe I should go to America?!

Lol Marinera! I heard Italy has one of the top 3 nicest cities in the world, I forget which one though?

Rome, Florence and Venice. Or any other three cities randomly chosen. (:

Originally Posted by pauly891

This guy claims to make a longer cut than the other doctors and has a new technique where he cuts longer than before.

Who is this guy? Maybe I should go to America?!

Lol Marinera! I heard Italy has one of the top 3 nicest cities in the world, I forget which one though?

Do not even consider using Dr Krakovsky. Dr Krakovsky is not a urologist. In fact he hadn’t performed any penis surgey until about 5 years ago and he’s seriously old now.

Making a longer cut is absolutely nothing to be bragging about. It’s easy to cut ligaments, so he isn’t doing anything special. You need to ask some very simple questions, such as why aren’t other surgeons cutting as much of the ligament? Remember the ligaments give the penis stability. The more you cut, the less stable your penis will be, which can cause for the penis to point downwards and make certain sexual positions difficult.

The only surgeons you should consider in the US are Dr Alter or Dr Reed. Dr Wineland is also a urologist, but I think he has significantly less experience than the other 2. I’m not sure Dr Rosenthal is still in practice, but he is another urologist, who has performed a number of these procedures.

But before you go ahead, phone the surgeon you inted to use and ask for exact details about the post op exercise routine they expect you to do, how long you need to do it for and what device they recomend. Then buy this device and follow the Dr’s recomended routine beofre you have surgery. Then do that exact routine, for the length of time they recomend, but before you have the surgery.


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