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Lig soreness and length gains

Lig soreness and length gains

I’ve never had any lig soreness throughout all the time I pe’d, even when I first started. I think this is the problem why I’m not gaining length. I’ve done all the stretching techniques correctly (including Jai and DLD Blasters) I have many pe guides that I bought but never had any soreness. I used the bib hanger for many months and used a lot of weight but didn’t affect me at all. I read a lot of posts from other people who’s ligs get sore and then gain length! Some people complain about being sore for hours even days and they have to take rest days from that. I would love to have that feeling. All I get is little tension on my ligs when I stretch and then it goes away in a second. My ligs are the strongest in here hands down. Have any of you gained length wihout being sore? Any comments are welcome.

Last edited by mike2002 : 01-05-2003 at .


>Have any of you gained length wihout being sore?<

Over the years, some guys have reported length gains without being sore. Also, some guys have reported soreness without making any length gains. In general though, soreness does indicate tissue fatigue and lead to length gains.

The question is, how much stress have you worked up to in the attempt to reach fatigue? When you were hanging, how many pounds, for what amount of time, and at what angles did you hang? Further, what were you feeling when hanging?


I started at 2 1/2 pounds for 3 weeks. Then went to 5 lbs for 1 months. Then 7 1/2 until i got up 15 1/2. I used these weights for each month. I used various angles using the bib hanger. I tried one month of standing, then lifted leg to put more tension on the other side. I put tension on all sides of my penis. I’ve read that sitting down with your legs on top of a chair or desk is the best way. I tried that for a few weeks but did nothing except disturb my vericose veins. From hanging all i felt was skin stretching. It got to a point where I stopped using my hanger for good because my skin stretched way too much. I also got a permanent white mark on my tip of my glans that looks like a horse shoe as a result of the theraband destroying the pigmentation of my skin.

My ligs never get sore either. I’m not even sure where the hell they are… are they in the “chode” area?

I’ve been manual stretching ever since I started PE and have gotten results. Would stretching while semi-erect hit the ligs more? I do the “blasters” and all that, or maybe a variation of them depending on how much of the routine I can remember, but I’ve definitely gotten longer. I don’t think I’ll ever hang unless I was desperate.

But yeah, anyway… My ligs don’t get sore either, but I got results.

Originally posted by Prickle
My ligs don't get sore either, but I got results.

Ok, that’s good to know.

Mike i have been hitting the ligs real hard with the fowfers and made a nice gain in 1 month.Doing 10 minutes of fowfer stretch does more for me than any type of stretching i tried and i can really feel it. i do several reps of 10 minutes on thesse.Check my routine.Do a little research on them and try it out.

Thanks retsnom, I’ll give it a shot.

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