Thunder's Place

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Lig soreness and length gains.

Lig soreness and length gains.

I know this has been covered before. I did a search and read all the threads so please dont beat me up.

Anyways, has anyone found a correlation between lig soreness and length gains, and how long after.

My ligs are sore now, sore right at the base of my shaft, inside just a bit. I keep stretching them while they are sore, and I was curious if there was an amount of time after soreness set in, that gains started happening.

Thanks everyone.


LOL no man not that I’ve found anyway. Theres not like a predictable time frame…where you can stretch or hang….get some lig soreness …check your calendar that day and say “ok, I should see a gain in a couple weeks” nope. I dont think anyone can tell you how soreness corellates to gains. I know that I hang 4 hours daily right now 6 on 1 “off” (only one hour that off day)…and, my ligs are always mildly sore. I’m making gains too. In spite of the soreness. I dont hang a few days…say “ok, I’m sore now..time for a break…” and, then expect gains on my off days. I just keep at it.

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