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Limit to growth?

Limit to growth?

I know penis enlargement must slow after 1-2 years PE, but if you cement your gains, and continnue PE, will you cease to grow? It seems to me, once you have enlarged your penis to a decent size, if you continue to use PE (for years) you would keep getting bigger. I am wrong?

After you have gained a decent amount, say 1-2”, the time it takes to gain more increases significantly. So, in the beginning while you were lucky enough to gain 1” with the newbie routine, it might take you 1-2 years to gain that 1” and then another 2-5 years to gain that other 1” etc etc. OF course, everyone is different and the time frame varies.

Past: 5-5.5" BPEL x 4.5" GIRTH

Present: 7.55" BPEL x 5.55" GIRTH (1 year progress)

Future: 8-9" BPEL x 6" GIRTH

I’m not an expert, nor am I even a senior member. However, I doubt that there is a limit to how much you can stretch your penis. I know many people will vehemently disagree with me, but I simply don’t see a physiological reason for growth to stop. When lips and ears are pierced, they don’t stop stretching at a certain point. Those tribesmen put plates in their lips the size of dinner plates. I would guess that the growth usually stops because 1) the person achieves their goal and stops stretching, 2) the person doesn’t stretch regularly or consistently, 3) the person loses interest and stops stretching. I’m planning on blowing through the 3 inch club and being one of the few (only?) in the 4 inch club. Of course, my wife might force me to stop before then, but we’ll see.

September 20, 2007: BPEL: 5.8 inches, EG: <5.5 inches

March 15, 2008: BPEL: 7.6 inches, EG: 5.75 inches

Yes, that's a gain of 1.8 inches. And no... That's not my real picture.

There is definitely some sort of variable that slows down gains, if you stretch continuously from age 18 until you die, you will exponentially see decrease in gains until is it impossible to notice a gain.

Originally Posted by sam1966
When lips and ears are pierced, they don’t stop stretching at a certain point.

You’re referring to piercings in soft tissue. Piercings in other kinds of tissue, like the actual cartilege of the ear, stretch little or none. And PE definitely presents more complex issues with tissues.


There is a lot of controversy on this subject. I think it boils down to how one thinks PE actually causes gains. There are different theories. But one thing seems certain, gains get harder and harder to achieve.

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Originally Posted by Dicko7X5
There is a lot of controversy on this subject. I think it boils down to how one thinks PE actually causes gains. There are different theories. But one thing seems certain, gains get harder and harder to achieve.

Yeah…gains become harder to achieve…but process is still there… I mean-if penis CAN means it CAN…it is not that it can grow only 1” or 2” and must stop…penis does not have a ruler…does not know any measurement system. If you can walk it does not mean you can walk only 1 mile and you have to stop…If you know you can walk you can walk 10 miles…100 miles…of course you will get tired and some point so you have to do it with your brain…

People who PE constantly often confuse two factors-possibility of gaining and conditioning of the penis. The more they PE the more they condition penis IMO…so they see smaller and smaller gains….just like in my example of getting tired during walking…at least this is how I see it.

Basically, I think you could narrow it down to how you believe tunica gains work. As far as I know, we simply don’t know exactly how that works but there are theories (see below for a couple). Since it gets harder to gain that suggests that there will be a point where it is no longer worth continuing, the question then becomes how much you will be able to gain before you reach that point. It is also possible that one will eventually reach a point where the tunicas flexibility has reached it’s very limits and if it is pushed harder the only possible outcome will be a very serious and unwanted injury.

Medical Verification
Interesting ‘Science of Flexibility’
Microtears Result in Plastic Deformation

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Originally Posted by Dicko7X5
It is also possible that one will eventually reach a point where the tunicas flexibility has reached it’s very limits and if it is pushed harder the only possible outcome will be a very serious and unwanted injury.

This is also a question about if we really make our dicks grow or we just ‘stretch’ it. If we assume that we really add new cells to the penis then theoretically gains can go on and on…the only limiting factor would be time of pe/rest period…to much of PE and cells resist to further PE….so we have to know when to make decon break and start again.

If we assume that there are no new cells but just increased flexibility of tunica then there is limit of gains. That is how I understand it-correct me if I am wrong.

Last edited by disi : 10-27-2007 at .

Gains slow to a crawl after a while but if you lose any on a layoff they seem to come right back fast. In my case I can scratch out new gains but it’s extremely difficult.

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

The human body has tremendous defense mechanisms built-in to protect life, critical organs, and protect it from disease and a myriad of maladies. It only stands to reason that it would protect its most critical piece for reproduction. Be thankful your growth is not unlimited; if it were, we would all be seeking out livestock for our sexual pleasure.

Originally Posted by Vokey58
The human body has tremendous defense mechanisms built-in to protect life, critical organs, and protect it from disease and a myriad of maladies. It only stands to reason that it would protect its most critical piece for reproduction. Be thankful your growth is not unlimited; if it were, we would all be seeking out livestock for our sexual pleasure.

Well-according to many PE’rs elongation of penis is one of those defense mechanism ;) Penis gets bigger so it can not be harmed so easily…

But again-I am not trying to say that ‘just if you want’ you can add 6 inches…I do believe that this could be theoretically possible but you would need enormous amount of time to do it(5-10 years?)…together with enormous amount of decon breaks etc…also-when you get to 8”-8.5” additional gains are not so important so you lose motivation…guys who went from 5” to 8” and still would like to get to 10” are minority-if they really exist at all. So there are plenty of factors that come together and make things work this was(‘gains of 2-3” and not more’)

Originally Posted by disi

This is also a question about if we really make our dicks grow or we just ‘stretch’ it.

Bingo. As I see it there are mainly two different schools of thought regarding tunica gains. Gains through micro-tears and gains through loss of elasticity. I don’t necessarily think these two theories are incompatible with each other, perhaps both is happening in PE?

Originally Posted by Dino9X7

Gains slow to a crawl after a while but if you lose any on a layoff they seem to come right back fast. In my case I can scratch out new gains but it’s extremely difficult.

Hey Dino. How long is your PE routine now and how often do you do it, and have deconditioning breaks helped you gain?

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