Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

LISTEN UP, PE Men - it's Springtime!

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LISTEN UP, PE Men - it's Springtime!

And at Thunder’s, that means I do my annual rant.

*all the vets are quickly leaving the thread now*

Basically, what I am saying is this: during springtime, most people become amorous, some feel a necessity to clean their habitat out thoroughly, and other such activities.

Here, we have a need to stress that Thundersplace is a free PE forum, but by no means are we free of obligation to support it. By no means.

If you haven't supported Thunders financially, give some serious consideration to your ability and obligation to do so, no matter what the amount.

If you cannot for any reason support this place, that’s OK. Really, it is. But please don’t be a freeloader. Contribute to the atmosphere by productive input, respecting others by not being an a-hole, and generally being a boon - not a bane - to the community. We have many such people here like that, and we love ‘em.

Again, though, are you a freeloader? None of us want to really be that type of person.

Do you feel indebted on a certain level to what this place has brought into your life, opportunity-wise? I certainly know I do.

You will see that there are many of us as vets who make multiple donations from time to time. But that is just a handful of the 5,679 members at Thunders at this present moment. And as you know, that many members can put a load on the server, which in the long run equals bucks.

All we ask is that you give serious consideration to this from time to time. As your situation changes, perhaps you will be capable. Five bucks is five bucks, guys.

But let me stress something here - if you really cannot do this for any reason, please don’t feel like crap. That is not the point of the post. Of course, if you can do it and just refuse to help, then feel free to feel like crap. Roll in it, even. :D (note - I may need to edit out these final comments.. hehe)

Well, as usual I do this stuff on my own - it’s part of my chores here at Thunder’s. Actually, though, I probably do it out of fear. ‘T’ (that is, Thunder) is quite a benevolent totalitarian, but he does threaten to poison my bread and water from time to time. :)


Last edited by BusterHymes : 04-12-2003 at .

Good post Buster. I think lots of people don’t get the fact that without contributions either this place closes or the way it is run has to change, the bigger it gets the larger the problem.

Thunder's Place: increasing penis size one dick at a time.

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