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Logic behind hanging


Originally Posted by Jabari
Yes, but can you hold a 100lb weight at arm’s length for 30 minutes?


That is a job for hulk, not a human.

May the force (of your hand) be with you. :littleguy

Originally Posted by Xenolith
PG, Brother, I know you can do better. If there is real information along these lines, please let us know.

I think it may have been Westla who said something along those lines (i.e., warning guys against yanking the glans really hard). I will PM him and ask him to post here if he knows anything about that. Unfortunately, as you probably know, it’s sometimes hard to find things via the Search engine here, so this is my best shot…

I’ve only skimmed this, but my $.02:

Manual stretching and inferior hanger designs pull mostly from the head. The connection between the head and the rest of the shaft seems pretty sturdy, but I slightly injured that junction once while manually stretching a little too hard too soon after a break. I had to take some extra time off and ease up for a while. It eventually healed. No biggie. To date we haven’t heard any horror stories of guys ripping their heads off from manual stretching. Of course, there is always a first time for everything.

Hanging with a good attachment grabs and pulls either entirely or mostly from the shaft itself. The head only offers auxilliary support.

Some benefits of hanging over manual stretching:

1) Known, measurable, and easily incremented force is applied. With manual stretching you don’t have a clue how much tension you are applying.

2) Time. Using your hands you can probably pull with 5, 10 or however many pounds of tension, but you can’t hold it for 3 or more sets of 20 minutes each without exhausting your hands/arms, getting terribly bored, or some combination.

3) Less head pressure for a given tension. If the ends of the CC’s are taking the load the head doesn’t have to.

Thanks fellas…

Originally Posted by Para-Goomba
I think it may have been Westla who said something along those lines (i.e., warning guys against yanking the glans really hard). I will PM him and ask him to post here if he knows anything about that. Unfortunately, as you probably know, it’s sometimes hard to find things via the Search engine here, so this is my best shot…

Appreciate the effort PG…I’m using a homemade ADS that places compressional forces on the sides of the shaft just behind the coronal ridge. Very little force is applied to the coronal ridge itself. I think I’m safe and everything’s cool, but your comments were sufficiently alarming to cause my post (sorry about that Mod School stuff). Any information that you or West may locate would be greatly appreciated.

Originally Posted by hobby
The connection between the head and the rest of the shaft seems pretty sturdy

Seems that way to me too…this is really the essence of my it or isn’t it?

Originally Posted by hobby
…I slightly injured that junction

hobby, what structures do you think were affected and how?

Originally Posted by hobby
To date we haven’t heard any horror stories of guys ripping their heads off from manual stretching. Of course, there is always a first time for everything.

I’m hoping you fellas will help me to not be the first!

Originally Posted by hobby
Hanging with a good attachment grabs and pulls either entirely or mostly from the shaft itself. The head only offers auxilliary support.

Right, from that standpoint, I’m good.

Thanks guys, barring something gory materializing from West or someone else, I’m going to think all is well and proceed accordingly.


originally: 6.5" BPEL x 5.0" EG (ms); currently: 9.825" BPEL x 6.825" EG (ms)

Hidden details: Finding xeno: a penis tale; Some photos: Tiger

Tell me, o monks; what cannot be achieved through efforts. - Siddhartha Gautama

Here are links to abstracts of studies investigating (fully or unintentionally) the “corporo-glans ligament.”
http://www.ncbi … 4912&query_hl=3
http://www.ncbi … 8040&query_hl=5
http://www.ncbi … 4322&query_hl=5

Another found during this search that may be of interest to ModestoMan:
http://www.ncbi … 5087&query_hl=5

As I replied to PG’s PM: “I don’t think the ligament that holds the glans to the CC is “weak.” The warning is that the glans is a separate body part and too much traction “could” cause a partial separation. I doubt anyone pulling on their dick would continue if that began to happen due to the inherent pain.”

As usual, I’ll include the standard image of how the glans and corpus spongiosum are separate from the corpora cavernosa.


Even though the thread is about hanging, I’d like to offer my own technique for manual stretching: I grasp the penis with a tight overhand grip mainly using my thumb and curled first finger just behind the glans at the end of the CC. The three remaining fingers gently curl around the glans and I use my triceps to do the pulling while compressing my thumb and first finger together.

The same can be applied to hangers. If they grip behind the glans, from the sides, and grasp the ends of the CC and don’t slip down onto the glans, then there shouldn’t be any problem with “pulling your head off.” :)

Thanks very much West!

PubMed is pretty neat.

originally: 6.5" BPEL x 5.0" EG (ms); currently: 9.825" BPEL x 6.825" EG (ms)

Hidden details: Finding xeno: a penis tale; Some photos: Tiger

Tell me, o monks; what cannot be achieved through efforts. - Siddhartha Gautama

Originally Posted by hobby
I’ve only skimmed this, but my $.02:

Manual stretching and inferior hanger designs pull mostly from the head. The connection between the head and the rest of the shaft seems pretty sturdy, but I slightly injured that junction once while manually stretching a little too hard too soon after a break. I had to take some extra time off and ease up for a while. It eventually healed. No biggie. To date we haven’t heard any horror stories of guys ripping their heads off from manual stretching. Of course, there is always a first time for everything.

Hanging with a good attachment grabs and pulls either entirely or mostly from the shaft itself. The head only offers auxilliary support.

Some benefits of hanging over manual stretching:

1) Known, measurable, and easily incremented force is applied. With manual stretching you don’t have a clue how much tension you are applying.

2) Time. Using your hands you can probably pull with 5, 10 or however many pounds of tension, but you can’t hold it for 3 or more sets of 20 minutes each without exhausting your hands/arms, getting terribly bored, or some combination.

3) Less head pressure for a given tension. If the ends of the CC’s are taking the load the head doesn’t have to.

Ok, see now I’m thinking of hanging instead of pumping. Decisions decisions.

Current PE status - Contemplating Retirement. STARTED - 6.75"x5.25" CURRENTLY 7.5"x5.5" - BPFSL - 7.25"

How to use the search button for best results. If you actually USE the search button, this is worth a read

Originally Posted by Xeno
sorry about that Mod School stuff

Not a problem Xeno — I read it as a tease and had a good laugh :)

This has turned into a pretty informative thread. Thanks for the contributions, Westla & Hobby.

Originally Posted by Para-Goomba
Not a problem Xeno — I read it as a tease and had a good laugh :)

Good for you, it was intended as such.

originally: 6.5" BPEL x 5.0" EG (ms); currently: 9.825" BPEL x 6.825" EG (ms)

Hidden details: Finding xeno: a penis tale; Some photos: Tiger

Tell me, o monks; what cannot be achieved through efforts. - Siddhartha Gautama


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