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Logic behind hanging


Logic behind hanging

In another thread started recently, it was agreed that stretching equals to about 50 lbs of force. With that being said, what is the reason for hanging when you can stretch manually in any direction but just add time into each session and do the sessions more often.

Try stretching for 2 hours straight just using your hands while simultaneously working at your computer.

This is easily achieved with hanging (with a mandatory break after each 20 minute set).

Enter your measurements in the PE Database.


Could you please link to that other thread? I’m curious how anyone is gripping well enough to exert that kind of force with their hand…

Thanks Slack.

Soon, I agree with ModestoMan’s answer, by the way. I would never be able to commit to an hour or two a day of PE if it meant my hands would be occupied during that time. I would get bored out of my mind.

So far the answer is because using the hands is too much work and hanging is not. I’d rather make my hands stronger than risk putting a device on my hero.

I believe the answer your looking for is that we here at Thunder’s are extremely resourceful, therefore we elect items to assist us in our ability to multi-task.

I agree with that statement, I tried hanging for two weeks and it did nothing for me compared to manually stretching. My hands don’t really get tired, I have pretty strong forearms.

"I am the master of the C.L.I.T." Starting 4/3/05: 6 5/8 BPEL 5 EG (Base) 4 3/8 BPFL 4 FG Current: 7/3/05 7 1/2 BPEL 6 1/2 EG (Base) 5 7/8 BPFL 5 1/4 FG

Originally Posted by Para-Goomba

Could you please link to that other thread? I’m curious how anyone is gripping well enough to exert that kind of force with their hand…

Para, I can grip well over 100 lbs with one hand, and also I can hold a 4x8 piece of sheetrock over my head, while someone else secures it. It’s all related to your physical conditioning.

I’m talking about gripping a penis, Burntoutlife. Like most adult males, I can easily grip a 50-pound weight. My point is that the loose skin on the penis (and I’m circumcised) does not allow me to exert anywhere near this kind of force when pulling on it. Maybe my anatomy is simply different from most men’s, but I know I can achieve much higher forces by wrapping tightly with Theraband and clamping a rubber device (such as the Bib or Redi-Stretcher) hard on my cock than by grabbing skin-on-skin, so to speak (i.e., hand on penis).

Originally Posted by Para-Goomba
I’m talking about gripping a penis, Burntoutlife. Like most adult males, I can easily grip a 50-pound weight. My point is that the loose skin on the penis (and I’m circumcised) does not allow me to exert anywhere near this kind of force when pulling on it. Maybe my anatomy is simply different from most men’s, but I know I can achieve much higher forces by wrapping tightly with Theraband and clamping a rubber device (such as the Bib or Redi-Stretcher) hard on my cock than by grabbing skin-on-skin, so to speak (i.e., hand on penis).

Para, when I do mine, i grip right at the beginning of the head, and pull with a steady force. I don’t try to do more than I feel it can withstand, but just keep a steady force applied to it. Sometimes I’ll lay out on the couch and watch the news or something, and pull for that 1/2 hour.

Para, when I do mine, i grip right at the beginning of the head, and pull with a steady force. I don’t try to do more than I feel it can withstand, but just keep a steady force applied to it. Sometimes I’ll lay out on the couch and watch the news or something, and pull for that 1/2 hour.

I’d rather just hang.

Originally Posted by LoveMachine
I’d rather just hang.

Me too!! I`m hanging right NOW. :hanger: Try pulling your dick and typing at the same time.

6/12/05 6.5 BPEL 5.125 EG 1 week! 6.875 x 5.375 UPDATE.. 7/28/05 OK, I would say I`m a SOLID 7.000 now!! Squeezing out 7.250 BPEL!! OH! Wait a second.. Now I`ve hit 7.375. New numbers!!! 12/7/05 7.625 BPEL!!!!!! Hang long, hang strong! Hey!! This shit works!!! :thumbs:

Originally Posted by burntoutlife
i grip right at the beginning of the head

If I do that, I can pull with tremendous force, but I have read from the anatomical experts here that gripping the head can be dangerous — apparently its connection to the shaft is a little precarious. Maybe someone else can provide more details on this. It’s never felt dangerous to me, but I don’t want to take risks in this arena… ;)

Yeah, I remember that from my readings a long time ago. Don’t pull from the head! Apparently there are a bunch of important nerves on the top of the penis, just below the head. For this reason, I have also seen it recommended that when you jelq underhand (thumb on top) to stop an inch or so short of the head.

I have seen videos of people stretching and jelqing with no heed to the warnings others have posted, but I choose to heed them.

When I stretch, since I am targetting the ligs, I grab the base of my penis, and put as little force as possible near the head.

My $.02,

My Before and After pics -- .5" gain...

Last edited by commanderblop : 08-10-2005 at .
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