Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Loss in length?

Originally Posted by StartofSomethin
Don’t you think it’s funny that the PF and bathmate are two of the most heavily market and expensive products?
Scientific studies in this industry I do not believe are worth the bits they are stored in.


Originally Posted by LightningZee
Hey all,
I’d also like to say im measuring the penis length only: That is the shaft and glans. I think I have some lig stretch, perhaps 1cm, but I don’t count this as penis length gains; it’s not how i do it. That comes under “lig stretch” for me. So what I’m saying is the shaft seems to be 0.5cm less on these times of measuring.

Does anybody know what’s going on?

Likely just stress and/or sleep. Not all erections are created equal. Some days are just off. This is true of many different things in life, they say “Not all progress is linear” and I believe it’s true.

Not to belabour the point (as I get what you’ve said about it seeming some things shouldn’t change in regard to measuring one’s unit) but for the sake of discussion let’s concede that with the body being as hideously complex as it is, that something may indeed be affecting blood flow and/or some other non-tissue related factor is in play. Be that as it may, stepping back in these circumstances always helps and it can also help to rehearse to oneself that time is on one’s side as in you have literally years to pursue this hobby.

I have wrestled with serious EQ problems while simultaneously seeing BPEL negatively affected but again, when the issues were dealt with (in my case, too much porn & being too aggressive with my PE program), my BPEL had ultimately not diminished. In your case we just don’t know the root of your particular issues so something you may find helpful is to switch to a BPSFL measurement to track progress (if you don’t already?).

I found this helpful at a time when I couldn’t get it up to measure (or have sex for that matter) but at least I could still track ongoing progress at a time when it would otherwise not be possible. I’m confident you will figure this out as you remain patient with yourself, listen to the cues your body & mind are feeding you and discipline your mind to be relaxed yet hopeful in regard to PE. Good luck friend.


Life is short - your dick doesn’t have to be!

Now (07/24): 7.1 x 4.6 - vol 12.1 ci :woot2:

Starting (01/17): 5.5 x 4.4 - vol 8.4 ci

Last edited by QL : 08-08-2018 at .

I agree with QL. When I measure mine I have seen it go up a half inch and down a half inch from week to week, but it always has been trending longer. Could have been something I ate a few hours before, or just my state of mind at the time - stressed out or fully relaxed.

Now you are talking a half of a centimeter, less than a fifth of an inch. I wouldn’t concern myself one bit, could be a tiny measurement error, or, like a bunch of replies here, a little lack of blood flow - your body needed more blood somewhere else at that moment.. As long as you are trending longer and wider, you should have no concern IMHO.

March 13, 2014 - BPEL 6 1/8" EG - 4 5/8" December 15, 2015 - BPEL 6 7/8" EG - 5"

November 5, 2016 - BPEL 7" EG - 5 1/4"

Be present with your routine, don't just glaze over and make it a chore. Change it up at least quarterly - just like a weight workout you need to keep him guessing.

Originally Posted by raybbaby
Likely just stress and/or sleep. Not all erections are created equal. Some days are just off. This is true of many different things in life, they say “Not all progress is linear” and I believe it’s true.

I appreciate your answer but I somehow don’t think it’s these things. I’ve been getting the usual amount of sleep and stress levels are actually pretty low. Something else is going on here, and I am still considering its the lower-hanging ligs. I like that phrase though “not all progress is linear”. First time I’ve heard it.

Originally Posted by QL
Not to belabour the point (as I get what you’ve said about it seeming some things shouldn’t change in regard to measuring one’s unit) but for the sake of discussion let’s concede that with the body being as hideously complex as it is, that something may indeed be affecting blood flow and/or some other non-tissue related factor is in play. Be that as it may, stepping back in these circumstances always helps and it can also help to rehearse to oneself that time is on one’s side as in you have literally years to pursue this hobby.

I have wrestled with serious EQ problems while simultaneously seeing BPEL negatively affected but again, when the issues were dealt with (in my case, too much porn & being too aggressive with my PE program), my BPEL had ultimately not diminished. In your case we just don’t know the root of your particular issues so something you may find helpful is to switch to a BPSFL measurement to track progress (if you don’t already?).

I found this helpful at a time when I couldn’t get it up to measure (or have sex for that matter) but at least I could still track ongoing progress at a time when it would otherwise not be possible. I’m confident you will figure this out as you remain patient with yourself, listen to the cues your body & mind are feeding you and discipline your mind to be relaxed yet hopeful in regard to PE. Good luck friend.


You’re completely right. In fact your entire post has taken a spot for me for one of the best.
Time is on my side I guess, i really shouldn’t try to rush so much. I’ve actually temporarily suspended my routine until it returns to what it was, taking a short break and hoping things work themselves out. Lately i think my EQ is dropping too, its usually a 9.5 at worst but last night, it was a 7. Something isn’t right.
I am relieved to hear that your BPEL “loss” was temporary. I hope this is the same for me, if its not in fact the lig thing i mentioned.
I admit i have been abusing porn, i find edging with it after a PE routine to be very pleasant, but I think viewing it 6 days a week may indeed be harmful. This is a relatively new development for me, i was off it completely for a while. At the same time, aggressive routine? Maybe i should hold my hand up here too.
I don’t usually use BPSFL because i find it hard to take a good measurement this way. I usually take around 10 attempts and see which number i can most accurately agree with (i like to be very precise). At this point, it seemed to be 5mm longer than previously, but i would say this with only 80% certainty. I wonder if there is a correlation here.

I really appreciate your answer, you’re a benefit to the community. I hope to see you around more often :)

LightningZee; following Thunder's religiously for the next year!

Rest and less porn may help you greatly! Since you’re aggressive on your routine when was the last time you took a week off?

Originally Posted by Lottoextrashot
I agree with QL. When I measure mine I have seen it go up a half inch and down a half inch from week to week, but it always has been trending longer. Could have been something I ate a few hours before, or just my state of mind at the time - stressed out or fully relaxed.

Now you are talking a half of a centimeter, less than a fifth of an inch. I wouldn’t concern myself one bit, could be a tiny measurement error, or, like a bunch of replies here, a little lack of blood flow - your body needed more blood somewhere else at that moment.. As long as you are trending longer and wider, you should have no concern IMHO.

Up and down by half an inch? For me this just doesn’t happen, its always exactly the same length. Has been for the past 6 months of my initial PE trial and henceforth 2 more months until this week when I saw this alarming change.

I would like to strongly say again; I am 100% sure its not a measurement error. Maybe the bloodflow thing, but cant imagine why. I’m hydrated, i don’t smoke, no alcohol for a long while… although, it is very hot and I’m sweating a bunch. I’ll keep in mind the dehydration thing, thanks! I didnt think of that.

Unfortunately no trend for me, the only one I was familiar with was the same old same old size, always the same. Until it was a bit less and i made this thread :S

LightningZee; following Thunder's religiously for the next year!

Originally Posted by Jimmybob55
Rest and less porn may help you greatly! Since you’re aggressive on your routine when was the last time you took a week off?

That’s the plan! I was off it for a while but then used it to supplement edging to try to maximise expansion/engorgement. I now think it was a bad idea, but I guess its important to learn some things from experience. Last time i took a week off was 8 weeks ago, at that point I took 2 weeks off (maybe a little more) to come back somewhat fresh for my extending routine. I was on this routine for 7 weeks and 1 day before I saw this ^^
I’m currently on a 3 day break to observe, but might extend it to a full week, depending.

LightningZee; following Thunder's religiously for the next year!

Take a full week. Tell everyone I said it was okay.

Originally Posted by Jimmybob55
Take a full week. Tell everyone I said it was okay.

Okay, I think that probably is for the best. I’ll come back to my routine on Monday.

Also, thanks. You know what for :)

LightningZee; following Thunder's religiously for the next year!

The warning or the compliment???????

Another thing worth mentioning, if using porn to benefit your routines, what I’ve done many time to keep my EQ in check on a more realistic term (because it’s much harder to read EQ when porn is involved) is to take a day or two out of every week to do a porn free routine. I think balance is key and can really help everything stay on a healthier degree of frequency. Porn is bad for the ones that create a dependency on it, if you can maintain the independence of porn, in my eyes, there’s absolutely nothing wrong with it.

Start- Nov 2017 BPEL-7.2 NBPEL-6.75 MEG-4.75

Updated- BPEL-7.75 NBPEL-7.2 MEG-5

*GOAL- BPEL-8 NBPEL-7.5 MEG-5.5* My journey —>New Guy In Town Progress Report

Originally Posted by Jimmybob55
The warning or the compliment???????

Haha! Oh, Jimmybob :faint:

Originally Posted by Makehergocrazy
Another thing worth mentioning, if using porn to benefit your routines, what I’ve done many time to keep my EQ in check on a more realistic term (because it’s much harder to read EQ when porn is involved) is to take a day or two out of every week to do a porn free routine. I think balance is key and can really help everything stay on a healthier degree of frequency. Porn is bad for the ones that create a dependency on it, if you can maintain the independence of porn, in my eyes, there’s absolutely nothing wrong with it.

I see what you’re saying, i agree with the balance thing. But i’m not entirely sure of the situation: I dont have a dependancy on porn, as in i dont need to use it. Been days without and I dont miss it. I was using it before because it gave me a more solid erection when edging rather than on my own. However as i said, lately EQ has been dippping a little and it’s never really below a 9. This scared me a little and because of the outstanding factors, i dont know which is to blame: The almost-daily use of porn, the intensity of the routine, the duration, or the fact ejac frequency was a little higher this week. So as much as i appreciate yoour answer, i think im going to suspend my routine untill everything is 100%, do the same routine but without the porn and test one variable at a time if this continues. I cant put my finger on why, but I really think its the porn. Been watching weird and weirder stuff on there lately as well… Yeesh. This feels like a confessional now. Anybody have anything to confess?

LightningZee; following Thunder's religiously for the next year!

Originally Posted by LightningZee
However as I said, lately EQ has been dippping a little and it’s never really below a 9. This scared me a little and because of the outstanding factors, I don’t know which is to blame: The almost-daily use of porn, the intensity of the routine, the duration, or the fact ejac frequency was a little higher this week.

I’ve never experienced the detriment of porn, but have experienced EQ loss from ejaculating too frequently. And I always seem bigger and harder after taking a day or two off from it either way.

I’m probably less experienced in PE than you, but taking a week off sounds like a good idea to me too.

Good luck man!

Originally Posted by sciguy
I’ve never experienced the detriment of porn, but have experienced EQ loss from ejaculating too frequently. And I always seem bigger and harder after taking a day or two off from it either way.

I’m probably less experienced in PE than you, but taking a week off sounds like a good idea to me too.

Good luck man!

I never saw a detriment either, but with EQ dipping scaring the heck out of me im considering everything. Might be an over-reaction, or maybe spot on. Never had an issue getting it fully up before!

I’m seeing a dramatic improvement in EQ on day 3, been improving daily with restraint. I think it was a combination of the porn and PE routine. If you’re just starting out, this might be something to learn from for the both of us.

Your post is most welcome, thanks for being on my thread :)

LightningZee; following Thunder's religiously for the next year!


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