Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Loss in length?


Loss in length?

Hey all,
So I’ve been doing my routine for just under 2 months now after coming back to PE with a fresh start. Nothing too major: going for length I’m stretching for 7.5 minutes under heat, 10 minutes BM with heat, edging for 10 minutes and then into an extender. Total now around 500 hours so i’m proficient in its use by now; I’m wearing it correctly etc.

Anyway to the point, on Saturday morning, I measured 0.5cm NBPEL and BPEL less than my normal starting stats. - 0.5cm for certain NBPEL, around that amount BPEL but unverified. So took the day off thinking it was tired, even though it felt okay, and also Sunday. I have no negative indicators: No red dots, no soreness, no EQ troubles. Morning wood is the same as ever. Everything is normal except for this. Sunday night it measured 0.5cm less again. Today I edged for around 15 minutes and it went back up to its normal size so I felt okay and did my routine; then it was 0.5cm longer than usual. This is a deviance by an entire centimeter and i don’t understand. Why has it been shorter the past few days despite the same EQ?

I’d like to make it a point that I’m accurately maintaining the environment each time i measure, and I’m not measuring once and saying this size, I’m taking around 10 and they all come back this way. I must’ve measure over 500 times overall by now, so i’m making no errors.

I’d also like to say im measuring the penis length only: That is the shaft and glans. I think I have some lig stretch, perhaps 1cm, but I don’t count this as penis length gains; it’s not how i do it. That comes under “lig stretch” for me. So what I’m saying is the shaft seems to be 0.5cm less on these times of measuring.

Does anybody know what’s going on?

LightningZee; following Thunder's religiously for the next year!

Can’t say for certain what is going on in your case but I can share my experience.

At times I have had a similar concern and noticed that sometimes my BPEL is around 0.3 inches less than what I’ve measured my max. This happened to me the other day actually and it happened to be on a day where I had a lot going on and was pretty stressed out.
Not sure if the two are related however, it usually goes back to normal within a few days in my experience.

Originally Posted by Kingnick
Can’t say for certain what is going on in your case but I can share my experience.

At times I have had a similar concern and noticed that sometimes my BPEL is around 0.3 inches less than what I’ve measured my max. This happened to me the other day actually and it happened to be on a day where I had a lot going on and was pretty stressed out.
Not sure if the two are related however, it usually goes back to normal within a few days in my experience.

Very glad to hear it always goes back - I mean we’re trying to gain here, not shrink!
For me i’m not convinced stress was a factor, and even if it was, stress would generally cause a lower EQ which would be the direct cause of the reduction in length. My measurements are always taken after some edging and at its absolute maximum.

Interesting answer though, thanks for your input!

LightningZee; following Thunder's religiously for the next year!

To me that’s an EQ problem, sometimes we don’t realise what is exactly “absolute maximum”, it should be a matter of perception.

I have readed many posts like this, an always comes to EQ at the end…

I think your doing a bit too much, first and foremost I would drop the bathmate as it can screw up easy early gains. I also think you need to focus on one thing at a time, meaning if your extending stick to extending for now since it’s early in your PE journey. It’s also and realistically possible you measured wrong in the past or as peaceyspecial said EQ.

I just read an interesting article on Psychology Today on penis size (or more accurately, men’s concerns about penis size). The author mentioned the fact that our genital’s size at any given time is fully dependent upon blood flow so that even a seemingly minor uptick in something that would restrict arterial blood flow (be it stress, exercise, anxiety, an unconscious fear, etc.) would necessarily (temporarily) impact one’s BPEL.

I’ve had the similar phenomenon where my BPEL undeniably diminished but hours to days later returned to its prior state. It’s just disheartening when you start to believe some hard-won gains may be reversing themselves but minus a medical problem, this is seldom reported at TP. If you haven’t already, you might want to try meditation which calms the body’s systems and addresses anxieties whether we’re aware of them or not.



Life is short - your dick doesn’t have to be!

Now (07/24): 7.1 x 4.6 - vol 12.1 ci :woot2:

Starting (01/17): 5.5 x 4.4 - vol 8.4 ci

Originally Posted by peaveyspecial
To me that’s an EQ problem, sometimes we don’t realise what is exactly “absolute maximum”, it should be a matter of perception.

I have readed many posts like this, an always comes to EQ at the end…

Nah, I already mentioned its not an EQ thing. I’m certain of this because I take my my measurement at maximum size; by edging for 10 minutes and when about to reach the PONR, taking the measurement. At this point, the expansion and density are highest and I know this feeling well. Thanks for your input though :)

Originally Posted by kingscounty
I think your doing a bit too much, first and foremost I would drop the bathmate as it can screw up easy early gains. I also think you need to focus on one thing at a time, meaning if your extending stick to extending for now since it’s early in your PE journey. It’s also and realistically possible you measured wrong in the past or as peaceyspecial said EQ.

The issue with dropping the BM is that the studies showed that combining them both (BM and PF) enhanced gains by up to 20%, hence why I have combined them in my routine. This information wasn’t given to me, its what I extracted and the conclusion I came to by reading the studies which included 200+ participants, so I think knowing this now, you would understand my choice ^^
But I am curious; why do you say it can screw up early gains?
I’m 100% confident in my measurements; perhaps you don’t remember but there was a time i was very obsessive about it; measuring several times a day, every day; Just out of curiosity. I know to the mm my shaft length, lig stretch, glans size… it’s sad, I know, but obsession can be as compelling as addiction. Now I measure twice a week but record measurements only at the end of each month.

So yeah, it’s not EQ and it’s not measuring error. This is why I made the thread; if i thought there was even any slight potential for either I would have just chalked it down to that anyway.

Any other thoughts? :)

LightningZee; following Thunder's religiously for the next year!

Originally Posted by QL
I just read an interesting article on Psychology Today on penis size (or more accurately, men’s concerns about penis size). The author mentioned the fact that our genital’s size at any given time is fully dependent upon blood flow so that even a seemingly minor uptick in something that would restrict arterial blood flow (be it stress, exercise, anxiety, an unconscious fear, etc.) would necessarily (temporarily) impact one’s BPEL.

I’ve had the similar phenomenon where my BPEL undeniably diminished but hours to days later returned to its prior state. It’s just disheartening when you start to believe some hard-won gains may be reversing themselves but minus a medical problem, this is seldom reported at TP. If you haven’t already, you might want to try meditation which calms the body’s systems and addresses anxieties whether we’re aware of them or not.



Makes sense that the penis size is dependant on blood flow but I wouldnt say “fully”. I mean, surely the size of the CC has a large role to play in its maximum state?
The day I measured seemed no different to any other, it was a standard day. Interesting point you make though, you’ve given me something to think about. I might actually consider meditation before measuring; I’ve tried meditation in the past but doesnt seem for me. What better time to give it another try than the present, right?

Still, I just wonder that when the BPEL gets smaller, if you’re at full EQ, where is that missing length?

LightningZee; following Thunder's religiously for the next year!

I really like what QL posted and I also find it to be 100% true. When I’m under stress knowingly or unknowingly or anxious etc I definitely notice a difference even if I do PE. Kudos QL

The bathmate screwed up my early gains however you and I and the 200 participants are all different. My thinking is it’s more then likely a bias participation making these claims. All I can say is be careful of anything you read on the bathmate and be leery of anyone pushing it. It’s known to make future gains more difficult by over training or “toughening” the penis hence making future gains difficult. I know this how? Because it’s exactly what I had happen. Now I’m not knocking it outright I do feel it has its place if used cautiously and if used later on not in the first year of PE. Kind of like clamping.

By the way I’m the king (no pun intended) of over training, doing too many things at once like hanging then pumping so when I say to pick one thing and stick to it I speak from experience and from the heart. I also have been obsessive with my PE training not so much with measuring but definitely with routines. If you look at my progress report you’ll understand what I mean. I haven’t updated it in awhile but you’ll get the idea.

Originally Posted by kingscounty
I think your doing a bit too much, first and foremost I would drop the bathmate as it can screw up easy early gains. I also think you need to focus on one thing at a time, meaning if your extending stick to extending for now since it’s early in your PE journey. It’s also and realistically possible you measured wrong in the past or as peaceyspecial said EQ.

This is exactly what I was going to say. Just like I said in the PM Zee, I know you don’t wanna hear it, but your still doing way to much. Instead of encouraging growth, your trying to force it. And the penis isn’t stupid, it’s playing defense right now. It’s like that kid that never comes out to play because he gets bullied before he even leaves his front yard. All jokes aside though, way to much.

Like king said, stick to one thing. Bathmates are tricky, most will tell you they’re dangerous. Extenders, well I would only be extending or at least make that your main technique at the time being.

I promise you, your doing too much.

If I was you, I would throw the bathmate away, at least for now. And do some manual stretching with the extender. And even slowly increased extender time, since I know you said your doing 10-12 hours a day right now.

Start- Nov 2017 BPEL-7.2 NBPEL-6.75 MEG-4.75

Updated- BPEL-7.75 NBPEL-7.2 MEG-5

*GOAL- BPEL-8 NBPEL-7.5 MEG-5.5* My journey —>New Guy In Town Progress Report

Originally Posted by LightningZee
Nah, I already mentioned its not an EQ thing. I’m certain of this because I take my my measurement at maximum size; by edging for 10 minutes and when about to reach the PONR, taking the measurement. At this point, the expansion and density are highest and I know this feeling well. Thanks for your input though :)
Any other thoughts? :)

EQ does not only mean to achieve a hard rock penis, it also means that it reaches natural maximum expansion and that’s what you don’t achieve, there is a difference between these two things.

Your training is not good, you are overtraining for your level and that is why certain structures of your penis become hard preventing normal expansion (EQ), as a way of self protection, I’ve seen it many times, take a break from training and you will be able to observe the difference.

kingscounty and Makehergocrazy are right, please listen to them :up:

Originally Posted by kingscounty
I really like what QL posted and I also find it to be 100% true. When I’m under stress knowingly or unknowingly or anxious etc I definitely notice a difference even if I do PE. Kudos QL

The bathmate screwed up my early gains however you and I and the 200 participants are all different. My thinking is it’s more then likely a bias participation making these claims. All I can say is be careful of anything you read on the bathmate and be leery of anyone pushing it. It’s known to make future gains more difficult by over training or “toughening” the penis hence making future gains difficult. I know this how? Because it’s exactly what I had happen. Now I’m not knocking it outright I do feel it has its place if used cautiously and if used later on not in the first year of PE. Kind of like clamping.

By the way I’m the king (no pun intended) of over training, doing too many things at once like hanging then pumping so when I say to pick one thing and stick to it I speak from experience and from the heart. I also have been obsessive with my PE training not so much with measuring but definitely with routines. If you look at my progress report you’ll understand what I mean. I haven’t updated it in awhile but you’ll get the idea.

I usually quite aware of if im anxious or something, and i currently have no reason to be particularly stressed, i like the answer but i dont think it applies to me in this current circumstnace.

Agreed, i’m always cautious of people pushing and touting items they are selling. This is why I look mostly at the negative reviews and unbiased sources before making the decision ^^
I think as people are suggesting this, I will put away the BM for the next 4 months and consider its use either as a supplementary in the final phase of my attempt for length gains, or save it for the following year when I begin my girth training.

I’m literally right now after this message about to check out your progress report. Thanks for being in my thread :)

Originally Posted by Makehergocrazy
This is exactly what I was going to say. Just like I said in the PM Zee, I know you don’t wanna hear it, but your still doing way to much. Instead of encouraging growth, your trying to force it. And the penis isn’t stupid, it’s playing defense right now. It’s like that kid that never comes out to play because he gets bullied before he even leaves his front yard. All jokes aside though, way to much.

Like king said, stick to one thing. Bathmates are tricky, most will tell you they’re dangerous. Extenders, well I would only be extending or at least make that your main technique at the time being.

I promise you, your doing too much.

If I was you, I would throw the bathmate away, at least for now. And do some manual stretching with the extender. And even slowly increased extender time, since I know you said your doing 10-12 hours a day right now.

I guess the Bathmate isn’t entirely necessary. But i have heard conflicting things. As I said in reply to the PM, the reason my routine is this way is because the studies showed this was the optimum time, and that those who stretched, jelqed or used the BM yielded the highest gains overall. This is what I based my routine off. Extending is surely the main technique at the time, it is the heart of the routine and the BM and light stretching are just in the morning to get it ready for the day of stretching.
But at the same time, you guys know what you’re saying and i completely respect the personal experience of Kingscounty.

BM is going in the cupboard for a while. Seems kinda sad somehow :’)

Light stretching under heat before using the extender it is then. I think at this point there is is no point reducing extender time, but I did begin lighter at 6 hours for several weeks, and moved incrementally to where I am now, and wont be going higher.

Originally Posted by peaveyspecial
EQ does not only mean to achieve a hard rock penis, it also means that it reaches natural maximum expansion and that’s what you don’t achieve, there is a difference between these two things.

Your training is not good, you are overtraining for your level and that is why certain structures of your penis become hard preventing normal expansion (EQ), as a way of self protection, I’ve seen it many times, take a break from training and you will be able to observe the difference.

kingscounty and Makehergocrazy are right, please listen to them :up:

Ah, thinking about it this way I guess you are right; I take it back.

You have been around a long time on TP, I see this. You say you have seen this effect many times before, but for me its unheard of. Can you tell me more about it and the causes? For example, where is that 0.5cm going, if its also missing from BPEL and my erection is at its peak? Or is this stll a bit of a mystery?

Thanks for your interesting reply, and correcting me where I was wrong ^^

LightningZee; following Thunder's religiously for the next year!

Another thought: Is it possible that now my ligaments are hanging a little lower (I believe they are, by around 1cm) that the adjustments are causing the base of my shaft to be overtaken slightly by the fat bad (that 0.5cm, perhaps)? So although this wouldnt be an actual reduction in size, it would appear this way based on my previous reference point that I was taking for measurements of the shaft. If i’m making any sense here, what do people think - is this a thing?

LightningZee; following Thunder's religiously for the next year!


Originally Posted by LightningZee
The issue with dropping the BM is that the studies showed that combining them both (BM and PF) enhanced gains by up to 20%, hence why I have combined them in my routine. This information wasn’t given to me, its what I extracted and the conclusion I came to by reading the studies which included 200+ participants, so I think knowing this now, you would understand my choice ^^

Don’t you think it’s funny that the PF and bathmate are two of the most heavily market and expensive products?
Scientific studies in this industry I do not believe are worth the bits they are stored in.

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