Coming out of lurk-mode for just a minute. :lurk: Hopefully my posting muscle isn’t too weak or I may hurt my “submit” button. I have had a 6 o’clock LOT before and have moved it into the ~10:30 range from tunica hanging. I am trying to hit 12 before I go for ligs but may cheat and do BTC sooner.
I also agree with base and his hypnotic dancing avatar: instead of trying to go BTC with a 6 o’clock LOT and not get much out of it, just jump to tunica work. I personally found I gained a lot (no pun intended) at first because I never had stretched the tunica before. You will probably find some initial starter-gains from that like you did when you first started PE with lig stretches.
Keep in my mind I am not a scientist and I am going by what I know. Any physiological discussions about why I am wrong will confuse me. Use small words and colorful pictures please. Also - no LOT is a bad LOT. Be happy you know what a LOT is! Without it you would not be gaining anything at all!
Back to the Lurker Cave! :hide:
-Tom “Unsolved Mystery” Foolery