Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.



All this concern about measuring, why? It’s a critical metric. When I jelq and clamp the tailor tape and ruler are in close proximity, why? Not because I am looking for gains in the typical sense of gains. Because I am looking for subtle nuances of expansion as measured against time, compared to previous history. This is a method of gaining perspective of the effectiveness of a routine while actually performing it. The measurement might not change tomorrow or the next day, but the hope is to see maybe 0.0625” expansion greater come that second set, or maybe that third set. Will this be progress you see post exercise, probably not, but it is a great indication of progress that could be easily missed.

PE is a time commitment, why not use every tool to our advantage? If no gains in expansion are being measured given a consistent workout routine, maybe there is reason for concern there? Maybe an adjustment is required.

I believe the tailor tape and the ruler have a very practical place in every workout.

The baby is thrown out with the bath water when we put them in the closet out of fear that our dicks don’t become mastodons after two months of intense PE.

Use the tailor tape and ruler to your advantage, have no fear. Remember, there never were any fast answers when it comes to PE.

Maybe, maybe not…the floor is open.

Once upon a time (2015): 6.40” x 4.50”

Today: 7.25” x 5.00”, Thunder Cocks Unite!

I think we can...Little Engine’s Climb

I went a year without measuring. Best thing that ever happened in my PE career.

Started 7.75x5.75

Currently: 9.75bpX6.75eg My Picture Thread

Goal:10.0bpX7.25mseg Building a thicker unit, click by click, pump by pump, jelq by jelq!

I have the impression that measuring is more important than “real” progress, I ask myself “what difference does it make 0,1 to 0,2?” It does not. I think if you are going to measure it should be done every four weeks but after a couple of months you should give measuring altogether for a long while.

When I started lifting weight I measured my arms for the first time and they were 29cm (11,4’) then I only measure again after four months and they were 33cm (13’) then again after five months they grow to 37cm (14,5’) but only several months (maybe six) after that I got them to 38,5 (15,1’). All the time I measured myself I got discouraged because I thought they were bigger and it demotivated me so much. Stop measuring and do not worry about the deviation your work will get harder and more effective.

Im sometimes afraid of measuring because im afraid that i lost gains :(

Sometimes, i measure and if my EQ isnt perfect im getting a little anxious and im not leaving the ruler until i hit an 10/10 EQ and see the numbers i want to see, and sometimes i can sit for an hour trying to do it.

Goal:8" BPEL

5.25" MSEG

Originally Posted by Killawhite
Im sometimes afraid of measuring because im afraid that i lost gains :(

Sometimes, i measure and if my EQ isnt perfect im getting a little anxious and im not leaving the ruler until i hit an 10/10 EQ and see the numbers i want to see, and sometimes i can sit for an hour trying to do it.

I totally get it, the ruler and tailor tape can be an emotional trigger and not for the better. I can see that most benefit from focusing on the love of practicing PE and being careful not to get hung up on quick results. I love the practice, so I also encourage this.

With that said, I don’t preform expansion centric exercises without a tailor tape. It is a gauge for me, like a line marked on a vacuum tube. It provides information.

Ironically I have not measured for two months or more. This is because my current incremental goal and exercise performance is not tracked by a ruler. It is tracked through change in tension given my current extender setup. The indirect result should positively impact more long term growth goals that I have.

However, like I mentioned, I tend to always track expansion progression during jelqing and girth types of routines through regular in exercise measurement.

Just how I do it.

Once upon a time (2015): 6.40” x 4.50”

Today: 7.25” x 5.00”, Thunder Cocks Unite!

I think we can...Little Engine’s Climb

Oh how many times I’ve changed routines because I measure and the ruler doesn’t satisfy me.

|||||Start: 14cm NBPEL|||||Now: 17,5cm NBPEL|||||Goal: 20cm NBPEL||||

But we're never gonna survive, unless we get a little crazy.

Originally Posted by Kjdeet
Oh how many times I’ve changed routines because I measure and the ruler doesn’t satisfy me.

If you lift weights, same thing. You measure biceps one day (or worse, look at yourself bare) or chest or legs, and something freaks you out. So now, suddenly, you’re pounding out those benches or squats.

I subscribe to both systems.

I tell newbies not to measure because the obsession and compulsion that develops is dangerous. It can consume you and cause depression and ruin your PE campaign.

However, if doing a highly experimental workout schematic then measuring per workout has a place because measuring the effectiveness of each tweet to the work out maybe integral to honing it to perfection. I have found that my own tailor tape issues continue to Showcase my expansion trends. This is actually a benefit and trending upward comes before growth. Trending upward can be from session to session but growth is only after many sessions. Both of these are known fact. And for those of us who have EQ problems when measuring it is harder to use a tailor tape or string to track your progress. That said, it certainly has its place. If I had not started going back to the measurement practices then I would not have been able to tweak my high pressure pumping routine or the clamping that I added to it.

Different Strokes for different folks.

Now: 9" BPEL x 6.25" MSEG as of 11/10/2019 This is my story, a few progress pics of me here, and all my methods.

Then: 6.25" x 4.37" in 8/2009 Are you new to PE? Here's some advice I wish someone had given me when I first started.

My Extender and forward to 10" and balls enhancement project. There is no "Holy Grail" of Penis Enlargement. Only time and effort works. I'm *10* years in and counting. All you have to do is put the work in and keep the faith.

I use a long pencil (no need to deal with numbers) to check if I fully stretched myself at the end of a session. It should be as long as I know it can be. Not hoping for measuring improvements, but ensuring I really finished what I started. If it’s obstinately shorter, something must be changed.

Before : Bpel 5.6"

Now : Bpel 6.7"

Without a doubt, the measurement time is the hardest part

The more data the better. If you don’t measure for a year how do you know you didn’t make most of your gains in the first three months?

Or what if you’ve been gaining consistently and don’t need a change in your program, but you increase it anyway because you’ve not been monitoring and you start to inhibit your continued and future gains by conditioning your penis through harder exercise you don’t need?

Everyone on this forum really should just chart their progress. Why fly blind, with no feedback; it makes no sense.

Results will and do fluctuate due to erectile quality and potential swelling but the overall trend can show you how and/or if things are working.

The only reason not to measure consistently is that it might discourage you to see such slow progress but, think about it, if you don’t measure you might end up making no progress and not know it. That’s a huge waste of time.

I agree frequent measuring helps with consistency when I measure every 20 days I don’t expect to gain but it kind of reminds me to be consistent for twenty days in a row to see the best measurements.

When I don’t measure regularly I forgot to do PE or just mindlessly do it without gains. Right now I’ve learnt to accept gains slowing down or pausing.

Start Jul 2016 - 4.5 BPEL x 4.25 MSEG.

Peak - 6.6 BPEL x 5.13 MSEG

My goal is to measure every 20 days for the next 400 days to see how it slowly progresses and its the most motivating thing ever.

Gaining 0.05 inch after 20 days of Pe and see it gradually go up is more motivating, than seeing 0.25 inch gains after 8 months. I also remember what I did differently for the past 20 days that led to my gains and repeat them

Start Jul 2016 - 4.5 BPEL x 4.25 MSEG.

Peak - 6.6 BPEL x 5.13 MSEG

As a newbie I want to measure because I want to know if my routine is working or not to know if I should change it up or not.

Originally Posted by Twelvegauge
As a newbie I want to measure because I want to know if my routine is working or not to know if I should change it up or not.

That’s fine. If measuring isn’t demotivating you then measure.

There’s no reason other than it possibly demotivating you for you not to measure.

Obviously it’s probably not worth measuring every day, because gains happen so slowly over time. Measuring every day would probably be like using a stop watch to time a snail over 800 meters, very boring and very demotivating.

But yes, if you can measure without it demotivating you then definitely measure. The more feedback you can get from your exercises the better informed your decisions will be.

Two things to be mindful of:

1. You will get fluctuating results: Sometimes you’ll measure longer, sometimes shorter. Don’t let it discourage you. What you need to look for is the trend over time. I used to measure frequently to try and reduce the noise I was getting from fluctuating results.

2. Be careful how you measure, you could condition yourself to experience erectile dysfunction: I measure with a metal ruler but what I found was that I was pressing so hard to measure it was causing me pain. Eventually, after measuring that way very frequently for a period of a few months, every time I reached for my metal rule I’d loose my erection, I think probably because of the pain response I was anticipating.

So yes, measure, but not too often, and don’t cause yourself pain to try and get further up the ruler, it can hurt your erectile quality. Once a week is probably as often as you need to and might actually be too frequent. Once every two weeks is probably good but might not be enough to reduce the noise from the fluctuating measurements.

For instance: You should see a huge increase in gain rate if you pump, not because you’ve made significant permanent gains but because it saturates the penis with fluids and causing swelling. On another day the weather might be very very cold, which might affect the tissues of the penis in such a way that you measure a little shorter. This is all noise, and it’s only over time that the trend will reveal itself. The more often you measure, the more you can reduce the noise and so the more accurate an idea you can get of your progress.

But, as I say, be careful how you measure, if you do it as I did, causing yourself pain, you can potentially condition yourself out of achieving full erections.

Something else to consider are P.I.’s (physiological indicators). If you run a search for that term you should be able to find plenty of information on those.

If you’re confident in your P.I.’s, it’s potentially possible to reduce the amount you need to measure as you won’t necessarily need the measurements to know if your routine is still working, but that’s just a theory. Also, that would be something that comes with time and experience, and as I say might not be wholly reliable. The best thing is to use both P.I.’s and consistent measuring.


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