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Medications that Restrict Growth???

Medications that Restrict Growth???

I was reading somewhere that medications such as anti-depressants and sleeping pills can interfere with the growth process of the penis. I think it was on, but I can’t remember.

Speaking of fastsize, it would be great to hear some of your comments on that product. Personally I think I’ll continue hanging.

Beside the point however, I am really interested to know from some of you the effect medication could have on PE. If there is a side effect - why?

There are many threads on this so I won’t repeat it here, but below is a short list I have recently begun to compile:

Good: Verapamil, Vit-E, Zinc, Bromelain, Calcium (maybe)
Bad: Glucosamine, Condroitin, Vit-C, Beta-blockers

You will notice that the ‘bad’ supplements aren’t necessarily bad for you in a health sense, but in the sense that it gives your body good defenses. This is a contentious issue since PE should not be at the expense of being good to your body. For the ‘bad’ supplements it is probably wise to stick to what is naturally found in a good diet, but not to restrict them.

As for, I haven’t used it (have used the Jes extender though). The general opinion is that noose hangers are not a very smart way to stretch due to their blood flow restricting designs, and so need careful monitoring which defeats the goal of having a passive stretch device.

Last edited by Shiver : 10-07-2004 at .

Antidepressants kill gains?!! Shit!

I’m going to speculate that this is a very unscientific conclusion. Some type of antidepressents reduce sex drive. This may lead to fewer and/or weaker erections, which could cause your dick to shrink over time, simply from disuse. But I’m not aware anything at the molecular level could interfere with gains.

I’ll check out the site.

I don’t know if these restrict gains, but they are not the best for flaccid size: Decongestants and Antihistamines. While these medications are shrinking your sinuses, they are shrinking other things too.

Originally Posted by gprent101
I don’t know if these restrict gains, but they are not the best for flaccid size: Decongestants and Antihistamines. While these medications are shrinking your sinuses, they are shrinking other things too.

I was recently chasing an idea that antihistamines helped with gains, by reducing the inflammatory response and thus preventing tissues from getting too strong too fast.

Originally Posted by Shiver
Bad: Glucosamine, Condroitin …

I volunteer to be the test case for this. I take glucosamine and condroitin daily to combat arthritis.

I’m not about to stop taking it, unless I think my dick will grow so much that it can replace my leg :) .

Originally Posted by bigbubba
Speaking of fastsize, it would be great to hear some of your comments on that product. Personally I think I’ll continue hanging.

I just checked out the FS Extender. The noose seems a little squirrelly. Perhaps they manage to get it to work safely because only light tension is required at the traction levels the device supplies. Still, I’d be very cautious.

I love the telescoping rods along the side. It’s a great idea, at least in theory. I wonder whether they are sufficiently rigid and reliable.

I also wonder whether it’s really possible to conceal this in one’s trousers.

Originally Posted by Shiver

Good: Verapamil, Vit-E, Zinc, Bromelain, Calcium (maybe)
Bad: Glucosamine, Condroitin, Vit-C, Beta-blockers

I take Vit-E and Zinc, but I also take C. Because of recent threads about C I have been lately taking 1000mg/day instead of 2000 mg(and occasionally more) like I tend to do. Does the bad theory apply to flaccid gain? The reason I ask is because I’ve gained 2” L flaccid in 2 years (1” L in erect) and this has been averaging 2000mg/day of C for the last few years, I averaged 1000mg of C for many years prior to that.

Very recently I changed up when I take C, hoping this could somehow be better timing with PE. What I now am doing is taking E and Zinc just before hanging and 500mg of C when I traction wrap. I repeat this before the day is up.

Originally Posted by ModestoMan
I volunteer to be the test case for this. I take glucosamine and condroitin daily to combat arthritis.

I’m not about to stop taking it, unless I think my dick will grow so much that it can replace my leg :) .

If you’re taking them for a good reason then I wouldn’t stop taking them for PE. After all, it’s not like everyone here is gaining 6”+ and you’re missing out. Same goes for the other things like Vit-C. If you’re getting gains then I see no reason to compromise anything about your health or wellbeing via dietry restriction.

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