Thunder's Place

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Do you think there is growth EVERY time you hang?

Do you think there is growth EVERY time you hang?

Does each decent set of hanging produce growth, if even for a tiny fraction of a millimeter? Or do you think only certain key conditions stretch the penis beyond its natural state (ie, fatigue after 2 or more consecutive sets)?

I’m worried because I have had consistent growth (almost .75 inches since September), but thats with 4 hours a day of hanging. Now I have a schedule that prevents long consecutive sets, so I have erratic times for hanging - usually just 2 (30 minute sets) at night.

Can I expect growth to be consistent with time spent, or was there a synergistic effect that comes with consecutive hang sessions?

Thats a really good question.

I would assume that, especially if you can get to fatigue in one set, you will still see gains.

The effect of multiple sets is going to help even if the weight is reduced probably for two reasons, the first being the same as any set at any time (weight + time) and the other being the ads effect of keeping the penis in a stretched state for as long as possible.

I would think that you’ll see growth decreased more than your would expect ( ie less than 1/4 growth because of 1/4 hang time).

Do you have the option of hanging one set and then going for an under clothes ADS system (maybe the golf weight system)?

Maybe you can increase the intensity of your single session by doing an inverted V whilst hanging (as recently mentioned by seanjacobs) or doing the blaster form.

I’d love to hear other peoples input on this one.


I don’t think we gain a tiny bit each set. Otherwise, measured progress would be relatively linear. For me it isn’t. Whether manually stretching or hanging, a gain won’t occur until the current limiting factor is overcome. Sometimes it can take a lot of hammering to bust through a particularly tough spot.

All else being equal, consecutive sets are better than sporadic sets because you spend more time at a greater level of fatigue. If you break up a workout, the rest periods allow for partial recuperation and part of each session gets consumed just getting back to the stage where the work really begins. It’s more gruelling to do 50 pushups in a row than 5 sets of 10 spread throughout the day.

If you want the same stimulation you’re getting now in less time, you’ll have to increase intensity. I suggest incorporating some Blasters or JAI stretches into your hanging routine. You can do them before to pre-fatigue your ligs, between sets or even during your sets. Try them and you’ll be surprised what a good workout you can get in an hour or less.

Growth won’t be consistent. Sooner or later it will slow down, pause, or maybe speed up. But don’t expect to continue gaining x inches every month. Somewhere, I think on PE Forums, is a chart of Bib’s monthly progress. Even with his dedication, he had months of little or no gains followed by growth spurts.

EDIT: Bib’s progress is shown here.

Last edited by hobby : 12-08-2002 at .

Thank you both for your very thorough answers. This penis enlargement thing, damn it takes a lot of time. When you really think about it, its hundreds upon hundreds of solitary hours for centimeters of growth.

sigh…guess my gains won’t be met for a few more years.

Does anyone not grow in spurts? It works that way for me.

I kind of filed that in the brain in the same place as petrol tanks which are full and then suddenly empty with apparently no time in the middle or no buses for an hour followed by three in a row.

Is all work we put in revealed but not necessarily in some linear sense. What I mean (if I can explain it) is if you take one Bib graph and one Bib and you say to that Bib here’s the graph, only hang on the months that gains are shown, would these still be gaining months. Is all the other time wasted?

I think you’re right hobby that its like breaking through a series of (progressively thicker) brick walls spaced out unevenly. You have to put in the work to break the wall (only the brick wall repairs itself whilst you’re not looking). I think a better analogy would have been good here.

Also if a broken up routine is less effective, how much less effective is it? Are you looking at doubling the time you spend hanging/stretching (whatever). Or do other factors come into play like increased speed with which ligaments will acclimatise to a particular stress under multiple daily sets.

fuel, its worth the fight though isn’t it?

Hey memento,

Is all work we put in revealed but not necessarily in some linear sense. What I mean (if I can explain it) is if you take one Bib graph and one Bib and you say to that Bib here's the graph, only hang on the months that gains are shown, would these still be gaining months. Is all the other time wasted?

I think some of our effort is wasted doing the wrong things - working the wrong angles for us at the time, playing tug of war with our PC muscles, overworking, underworking, etc. But even when we are doing everything just right it still takes awhile - sometimes a long while - to break through a particularly tough barrier, and that time isn’t wasted. The trouble is we never really know whether we’re paying our dues or spinning our wheels.

Productive work can be going on even without seeing a monthly increase on the ruler. There is a good thread about this on PE Forums. It is a different explanation of what Bib has been saying all along about dividing and conquering.

Also if a broken up routine is less effective, how much less effective is it? Are you looking at doubling the time you spend hanging/stretching (whatever). Or do other factors come into play like increased speed with which ligaments will acclimatise to a particular stress under multiple daily sets.

All very good questions. Darned if I know. It probably depends on a plethora of variables.


3/4" since September is EXTREMELY good progress, but PE is a long-term project. Don’t be afraid to adjust your routine to accommodate life’s twists and turns. The important thing is that you stick with it.

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