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Men who should not be taught PE

I think this is a dumb thread on SO MANY levels. I disagree with all of them. Rapists are rapists. Pedophiles, I feel sorry for, because;

They have a fetish for something that will mentally injure another human. But to be technical on it, on a psychological level it’s the same thing as a guy who has trouble getting it up unless a woman’s wearing stockings. Unfortunately, a pedophile must go through life tortured this way due to some traumatic event in their childhood.

No way related to PE. God forbid an asshole learns how to increase his dick size, wow thats such a problem.

Originally Posted by mravg

I can’t believe we are still talking about this ridiculous topic.

Just for fun.

Originally Posted by Xerp
I think this is a dumb thread on SO MANY levels. I disagree with all of them. Rapists are rapists. Pedophiles, I feel sorry for, because;

They have a fetish for something that will mentally injure another human. But to be technical on it, on a psychological level it’s the same thing as a guy who has trouble getting it up unless a woman’s wearing stockings. Unfortunately, a pedophile must go through life tortured this way due to some traumatic event in their childhood.

No way related to PE. God forbid an asshole learns how to increase his dick size, wow thats such a problem.

Your joking right? A pedophile is akin to a harmless fetish in your opinion? Your view is so wrong.


Originally Posted by DvS
Your joking right? A pedophile is akin to a harmless fetish in your opinion? Your view is so wrong.

No. Pedophilia is a type of fetish. It is not harmless, which is why it is illegal. Which is why you should feel sorry for them. Curing one of pedophilia would be similar of trying to to turn a homosexual straight.

Edit: Wtf? I stated clearly in my first post that pedos mentally injure another human being by molesting children

Extent of occurrence

The extent to which pedophilia occurs is not known with any certainty. Some studies have concluded that at least a quarter of all adult men may have some feelings of sexual arousal in connection with children [6]. A study by Hall et al. Of Kent State University, for example, found that 32.5% of their sample — consisting of eighty adult males — exhibited sexual arousal to pedophilic stimuli that equaled or exceeded their arousal to the adult stimuli. Further studies indicate that even men erotically fixated on adult females are generally prone to react sexually when exposed to nude female children. [7]

In 1989 Briere and Runtz conducted a study on 193 male undergraduate students concerning pedophilia. Of the sample, 21% acknowledged sexual attraction to some small children; 9% reported sexual fantasies involving children; 5% admitted masturbating to these fantasies; and 7% conceded some probability of actually having sex with a child if they could avoid detection and punishment.[8]


A number of proposed treatment techniques for pedophilia have been developed. Many regard pedophilia as highly resistant to psychological interference and have dismissed as ineffective most “reparative strategies,” which may be analogous to homosexual reparative therapy.[11] Others, such as Dr. Fred Berlin, believe pedophilia can “indeed be successfully treated,” if only the medical community would give it more attention.[5]

Treatment strategies for pedophilia include a “12 step support system”, parallel to addiction therapy, though such a system is generally regarded as the least efficacious method of treatment. Anti-androgenic medications such as Depo Provera may be used to lower testosterone levels, and are often used in conjunction with other approaches.

More favoured is cognitive-behavioral therapy, in which the subject is taught to associate “pedophilic behavior” with various unpleasantries. Usually, this is done by telling the pedophile to fantasize of “deviant sexual activity”, and then, once aroused, they are given instructions to imagine the assumed legal and social consequences of such an action. Other programs induce an association of illegal behavior with pain by means of more controversial aversion therapy, in which the pedophile is sent an electric shock while fantasizing. [12] These methods are rarely used on pedophiles who have not offended.

Pedophilia can be defined different ways. If it just an attraction to a minor, I expect the percentages of pedophiles can be very high.

Girls start menstuating at 12 or 13. They grow breasts and take on a womanly shape. Biologically speaking, girls were designed to have sex before they turn 18. In previous eras, and in many cultures, girls are taken as wives and have babies in their early teens. Many girls in junior high and high school are having sex in the US and western societies.

Having two teenage kids myself, I know I can look at their friends and think to myself “that girl is hot” on a physical level. On an emotional or intellectual level there is no attraction, and in fact the thought of sex with someone that young is not appealing at all. But you can take plenty of 14 year olds and take photos of them that make them look no different than 18 year olds. Playboy is full of 18 year olds, and all of a sudden it is ok for a 40 year old guy to beat off to pictures of them because they passed that magic age.

I don’t think attraction to youth is an excuse to act on your urges.

I know that some high school girls have perfect and beautiful bodies, but I also know that it would be wrong, and potentially damaging to a young girl if an old guy like me were to take advantage of her. It is not hard for me to avoid what is wrong. It is not the same as homosexuality. The argument that people can’t help their sexual preferences may be true, but homosexuality is different because it is between consenting adults.

If a person can’t see the problem with stealing the innocence of a child, that person does not deserve understanding or sympathy.

I like ice cream. I never eat ice cream.

Horny Bastard

Originally Posted by mravg
I can’t believe we are still talking about this ridiculous topic.

Me neither. ;)

Just kidding… I agree with what you are saying.

And you never know where these (seemingly) ridiculous threads will go!

My Before and After pics -- .5" gain...

Originally Posted by mravg
Pedophilia can be defined different ways. If it just an attraction to a minor, I expect the percentages of pedophiles can be very high.
Girls start menstuating at 12 or 13. They grow breasts and take on a womanly shape. Biologically speaking, girls were designed to have sex before they turn 18. In previous eras, and in many cultures, girls are taken as wives and have babies in their early teens. Many girls in junior high and high school are having sex in the US and western societies.
Having two teenage kids myself, I know I can look at their friends and think to myself “that girl is hot” on a physical level. On an emotional or intellectual level there is no attraction, and in fact the thought of sex with someone that young is not appealing at all. But you can take plenty of 14 year olds and take photos of them that make them look no different than 18 year olds. Playboy is full of 18 year olds, and all of a sudden it is ok for a 40 year old guy to beat off to pictures of them because they passed that magic age.
I don’t think attraction to youth is an excuse to act on your urges.
I know that some high school girls have perfect and beautiful bodies, but I also know that it would be wrong, and potentially damaging to a young girl if an old guy like me were to take advantage of her. It is not hard for me to avoid what is wrong. It is not the same as homosexuality. The argument that people can’t help their sexual preferences may be true, but homosexuality is different because it is between consenting adults.
If a person can’t see the problem with stealing the innocence of a child, that person does not deserve understanding or sympathy.
I like ice cream. I never eat ice cream.

Yes I agree. But I was only referring to the treatment of pedophilia when I compared it to homosexuality.

As Mr Avg has stated, some 18 years old girls can be very hot and there’s no denying that any guy in his 40’s can be sexually attracted to one based on that womanly shape and general outward appearance however I think the deal breaker for me (even though she is legal) is that at the same time I also feel a protective paternal instinct (as if I were the father of all the 18 year girls in the world)

She may be smart and mature for her age but often cant relate or share the same perspectives about the world that can only come with years of experience so there really is no emotional or intellectual attraction. On the other hand, the pedophile despite years of experience or high degree of intelligence is often a child himself/herself inwardly/mentally (even though they may be physiologically over 40) and therefore no such resistance barrier or moral base is present that will prevent him/her from acting on any sexual impulses.

If you knew you could not fail...what would you attempt to do? Female Foot Fetish Current Stats: 5/4/10 8.5BPx6.0, 7.5NBP Achieved Goal and have been on maintenance program since


Originally Posted by kingpole
Yeah I have an moral opinion, this is what it consist of a list of persons who should not be taught PE.

1- Pedophiles.
2- Rapist.
3- Fathers who neglect their children.
4- Males under the age of 18.
5- Husbands that neglect, and dwell not in knowledge with their wives.
6- Cheating Husbands and Men that cheat on their girlfriends.

But then how can these persons be weeded out. I know that the above list may insight anger amongst some people. However there is forgiveness for men who are repentant about past behavior. However molesting children is a serious and sickening crime which should be punished by prison and throw away the key. About “Rape” it should be dealt with the same as the pedophiles if the guy is truly guilty. Oh yes, I forgot “date rape.” When she says no it means “no,” even if she is just pretending. You got to protect yourself as well. Ask her to clarify what she means by “no.”

I hope this thread opens up some healthy dialogue. Add to the list if you want to.


I have an idea why your receiving such negative feed back.

This list brings restrain. People don’t like being held back. Its like church. It takes the fun out of everything. It probably reminds people of 10 commandments. Thou shall not do this or that or this or that or this or that or this or that and so on and so on and so fourth.

I think that other men in Finland shouldn’t be taught PE for at least 4 years :D . I want to get a gooooooooood head start :P.

Yeah, but seriously. I think that pedophiles, the real ones, must have a very small dicks. How the hell can a man with 8x6 have anal sex with 10 year old boy? Actually I think it’s impossible even for average man. Although I might be wrong because I have no experience in anal sex.

4- Males under the age of 18. I really wish someone would have told me about this back then. I would have had so much better self esteem.

Before PE: NBPEL 5.50" x EG 4.30"

Current: NBPEL 6.50" (BPEL 7.5") x EG 4.6" (head EG 5")

Goal: NBPEL 7.00" x EG 5.25"

If this is such a stupid topic than why is it getting such tremendous feedback. If it was truly stupid then all you intelligent dudes on Thundersplace would simply ignore it.

As far as church goes you would be amazed at how much info is exchanged about sexual dysfunction. I learned in Human Sexuality that not taliking about the various sex hangups can lead to expressing sexual hangups because until a few years ago sex was never mentioned in church. So 90% of all sex crimes is commited by men who had strong religious up bringing where sex was never discussed.

And what about female pedophiles, these teachers having relationships with teenage boys. And when apprehended they are given a slap on the hand. If a male teacher did these same crimes the punishment would be a so much more harsh.

Originally Posted by kingpole

And what about female pedophiles, these teachers having relationships with teenage boys.

I don’t know about any other guys on this forum but I would have loved it if my English teacher ( she was :hot: ) had a relationship with me when I was just 17! woooohoooooooooo!

If you knew you could not fail...what would you attempt to do? Female Foot Fetish Current Stats: 5/4/10 8.5BPx6.0, 7.5NBP Achieved Goal and have been on maintenance program since


Originally Posted by kingpole
If this is such a stupid topic than why is it getting such tremendous feedback. If it was truly stupid then all you intelligent dudes on Thundersplace would simply ignore it.

People like to talk about stupid things, if only to call them stupid.

So 90% of all sex crimes is commited by men who had strong religious up bringing where sex was never discussed.

I always thought that religon was a way to breed sexual deviance, but if you have a link to some actual statistics about your claim, I would be very interested to read about it.

And what about female pedophiles, these teachers having relationships with teenage boys. And when apprehended they are given a slap on the hand. If a male teacher did these same crimes the punishment would be a so much more harsh.

Are you saying this is good or bad? In my mind there is definitely a difference.

Horny Bastard


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