Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Men who should not be taught PE

I think the question of morality is completely irrelevant to the discussion of who should be allowed to learn PE. If anybody should not be allowed to find out about PE should be all the people with big penises, I mean how are we mere mortals meant to catch up if they are doing it too.

Nobody else!

We permanently close membership registration and require a blood oath of silence on the part of all current members.


Running a Massive Co-Front.

Some of them would be very good to be excluded from the PE knowledge but who are we to say who is and who isn’t?

One thing that made the Internet so popular is freedom of information.

We can not exclude certain persons because we can never know who is behind that nickname.

A nice person? A lunatic? A .?

It would be nice to have some of them out of PE information but also impossible.

I agree with 1, 2 and 5. The rest I think is just stupidly placed in this list.

How about people starting of with stats 8x6” and higher? Nah fuck that lets make it 9x6” and higher starting stats. What the hell do they need PE for anyway?

Wishing and hoping for the best - yup your doing it wrong.

I’ll speak on cases 1-5, All just my random opinions, I’m sure they will stir things up as well, but try not to take personal.

A persons character and moral conduct is what makes them a bad person, not the size of their penis. Its the actions they take when the face the question “do I do right? or do I do wrong?”
I don’t give a crap if they grow 3 inches and go out and rape someone, it wasn’t because they had a bigger penis, its because they have no moral strength and decided to do so. …and its not a “sickness” everyone knows the difference between right and wrong.

As far as rape, I’m a little confused as to why someone would ask this unless its some sick thought in someones head that relates a woman being raped by someone with a huge dick. In my opinion the thoughts that are exposed here are pretty disturbing.

As far as weeding them out, unless you are god, what is your point?

And as far as #7 goes. Who are we to judge, can you put a blanket of shame over every marriage in the world and say “if any of you cheat you belong in my list along with rapists” Have you never done something dishonest?
Also it is my belief that men still have the DNA that tells them to be attracted to the opposite sex. That means all females, not just one. So realize that every minute of every day there is that pull on a man to try and make him have sex with another woman. That is how we were meant to be. I have learned in the last few years of my life to never say never, you just don’t know what you are capable of. I know you will disagree and say “I will never…” but you simply don’t have control over it. Sorry you are just not that powerful, you CANT control what will happen tomorrow, you can only control your actions at this second in time.

BTW, I certainly am not trying to say anything against anyone here that is gay, but I can only peak from my standpoint.

Its not the gun that shoots people, it is people that shoot people.


Start Date Nov 05 2006: BPEL (5.50) NBPEL (5.0) E .Girth(4.75) F. Length(4.00) F. Girth(4.25)

Last Meas June 14 2007: BPEL (7) NBPEL (6) E .Girth(5.50) F. Length(4.125) F. Girth(4.50)

I think someone should un-teach me PE, my 9” x 7” flaccid bulge is starting to get me great job offers in top-level management.

Et... la nuit se continue. C\'est vrai. Elle est complètement dechirée - ma tête.

Have you ever taken care of a woman traumatized by rape?
Have you ever talked to a child traumatized by a molestation?
A jilted woman who’s spouse cheated on her, or the other way around?

I wish I never started this thread which opened up a can of worms.However,Are we not a bit responsible for the plight of fellow humans.I know you guys are all responsible adults. But then who am I to judge. My intention was not to re-circulate this thread hoping it would remain in some dark distant recess in cyberthunderspace.

I guess I was reacting angrily at the man that abused and mistreated my niece. Beating her up all the time and giving her a sexually transmitted disease.


Originally Posted by kingpole
Have you ever taken care of a woman traumatized by rape?
Have you ever talked to a child traumatized by a molestation?
A jilted woman who’s spouse cheated on her, or the other way around?

I wish I never started this thread which opened up a can of worms.However,Are we not a bit responsible for the plight of fellow humans.I know you guys are all responsible adults. But then who am I to judge. My intention was not to re-circulate this thread hoping it would remain in some dark distant recess in cyberthunderspace.

I guess I was reacting angrily at the man that abused and mistreated my niece. Beating her up all the time and giving her a sexually transmitted disease.


Who are you talking to kingpole?
If me then:

No, I dont feel responsible at all for the plight of fellow human beings and I realize I could be one of them in a seconds time. Only thing I control is how “I” treat others.

I am of course terribly sorry to hear about your niece. To be angry at someone about that is more than OK, I would have a fury beyond comprehension if in your shoes. I was a cop for a short time saw some things that I will NEVER erase from my memory that dealt with children and sex offenses. That said, if you feel the need to talk about your anger toward this person I don’t think a Penis Enlargement Forum is the proper forum. To try and tie such a personal and painful subject to whether or not a rapist should be a PEer just doesn’t register with me, I just don’t get it.

I think the feedback you are getting is twofold. One, folks don’t like when you generalize people, especially when your generalization includes: a rapist, a Pedophile, Cheating Husbands and husband and boyfriends that neglect or cheat on their partners. Secondly I don’t fellow PE’ers want to be told that somehow their doing PE might somehow make them into a rapist, Pedophile, etc.

No hard feelings, just my two cents. May God bless your niece.


Start Date Nov 05 2006: BPEL (5.50) NBPEL (5.0) E .Girth(4.75) F. Length(4.00) F. Girth(4.25)

Last Meas June 14 2007: BPEL (7) NBPEL (6) E .Girth(5.50) F. Length(4.125) F. Girth(4.50)

Add to your list anyone who has a dick bigger than mine.

Perhaps one of the mods could eliminate this thread altogether.

Originally Posted by kingpole
Perhaps one of the mods could eliminate this thread altogether.

Well, not until one more of them adds his two cents.

You see, kingpole, you forgot a large group of people: a large group of dangerous people.

That’s right, I’m talking about supervillains!

Could you imagine if, say, Doc Ock from Spiderman were able to enlarge his penis to gigantic proportions, then cybernetically enhance it with artificial intelligence and bionic implants? Truly, the person who shared the “Secrets of PE with him might be responsible for thousands of ensuing deaths.

But wait: let’s play “Devil’s Advocate” here. I’ve always thought that Lex Luthor (of Superman fame) was driven into supervillianny through his insecurity about having a small penis. (Read between the lines… er, word baloons of any Superman comic. It’s all in there.) Perhaps the person who taught Luthor PE could be responsible for saving thousands of lives!

So you see, kingpole, the double-edged sword of Secret PE Knowledge must be carefully guarded. Heck, there’s only 67,000 of us here in “ThunderSS’s Secret Society”. Can you imagine if such knowledge were to spread past this tiny, statistically insignificant group. If only 1,000 more were to gain this carefully guarded knowledge, sheer mayhem might ensue: the downfall of Western Civilization as we know it may be held in the balance.

Hope this helps.


Could this be govenor “arnie” who has joined us? Its really sad where some peoples thoughts always seem to dwell.

It’s just a bunch of guys banging their dicks around and of course someone has to go off the deep end. TOO many do gooders trying to control everyones thoughts and lives at any chance they get!

Of course this is just MY opinion. I’m the one that scored 90% evil.

It would practically be impossible to keep PE from the evil super villains. Ah, but can we keep the ultimate secret of PE SUCCESS from them all? Good question, I believe so, but they would just use their superpowers to steal it from our minds, forget the Chinese water torture contraption, hello titanium round bubble encasing. That wouldn’t work well with Magneto would it? Ah, damn it there must be a way…

Maybe we could mix cement in their baby lotion jelq bottles?

Good thing that your niece got away and is bettering herself. She is doing better from it all right? I can’t believe the response call timing that the police in my area have. Some kid loitering or walking around looking suspicious at night; the cops are right there in a matter of 1 minute. A woman getting slapped to hell in her house with the door locked and the guy holding a knife; the cops had to get called 3 times, 2 of the times were a call back because they took well over 25 minutes to get there. I’m surprised she wasn’t dead. They finally got there and she came out, after 5 minutes of knocking, and then talked to the guy and girl and she didn’t press charges by saying everything’s fine, I suppose. She put on her makeup beforehand and just took it. He got a “warning”. All they had to do is actually look at her to tell. I believe she’s one of those girls that like that sort of relationship; if I didn’t know any better I would say she was a red necked, crack addict for sure.

Point is, while it would be my choice to not let them have this knowledge there is no way of enforcing it 100%.

Originally Posted by secjay
You could become a superhero and “weed them out” by night.
Then again what’s the saying - those who hunt monsters ought to be careful they don’t become one themselves.

Oh, you can tell who they are, they brag about thier mis-deeds

Originally Posted by GlandMaster
Well, not until one more of them adds his two cents.

You see, kingpole, you forgot a large group of people: a large group of dangerous people.

That’s right, I’m talking about supervillains!

Could you imagine if, say, Doc Ock from Spiderman were able to enlarge his penis to gigantic proportions, then cybernetically enhance it with artificial intelligence and bionic implants? Truly, the person who shared the “Secrets of PE with him might be responsible for thousands of ensuing deaths.

But wait: let’s play “Devil’s Advocate” here. I’ve always thought that Lex Luthor (of Superman fame) was driven into supervillianny through his insecurity about having a small penis. (Read between the lines.. Er, word baloons of any Superman comic. It’s all in there.) Perhaps the person who taught Luthor PE could be responsible for saving thousands of lives!

So you see, kingpole, the double-edged sword of Secret PE Knowledge must be carefully guarded. Heck, there’s only 67,000 of us here in “ThunderSS’s Secret Society”. Can you imagine if such knowledge were to spread past this tiny, statistically insignificant group. If only 1,000 more were to gain this carefully guarded knowledge, sheer mayhem might ensue: the downfall of Western Civilization as we know it may be held in the balance.

Hope this helps.


Well, I have a odd dry sence of humor, so for sticking one foot up my ass and the other in my mouth for writing this little rag and regreting it later. If I had offended our little group of insignificants in any way roast my eyeballs now, and scewer my huge nutt sack and please with all do respect.Forgive me for writing this judgemental thread. Perhaps I could make something funny out of it and turn everyones spirit to lively bubble of methane gas emitted from the ass of a puppet monarch s/a your truly. KP


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