Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Men's Health Nov 2002- PE testing


Men's Health Nov 2002- PE testing

For those of you who missed it, here are a few extracts from the article called ‘Tool Up’.

They tested out pumping, the jes-extender, jelqing with a supplement and Penis enlargement pills.
Not surprisingly, the pills didn’t work. As for the Jes-extender…

Dr Roger Kirby of St Bart’s Hospital, London says
‘You can’t increase the size of your penis by stretching it. In fact you could do some real damage to the partitions inside the penis - and lose your ability to get a totally rigid erection.’

I think some of the hangers and manual stretchers would disagree.

The guy who tried the jelqing, didn’t stick with it and gave up after a few weeks. He said he would have to do up to 500 jelqs/day for a year for an inch of length!

Dr David Ralph, a consultant urologist concluded by saying

‘It’s impossible to increase the size of your erect penis, though you can have an operation to increase the length and girth of it when it’s flacid.’

The person who used the pump saw temporary length and girth gains.

The article seems to suggest to the reader that PE is impossible. If the jelqer had stuck with the program, he could have seen gains, but wasn’t prepared to spend up to a year on it.

In conclusion - the article only goes towards dismissing PE and keeping it secret for the time being. Any opinions?


I agree with these fine doctors PE is impossible. Pass the news around.
Trying to make your dick bigger is dangerous and stupid.


I am happy they made an article like that, mostly because I’m a selfish arrogant prick.

Men’s Health is a pretty popular magazine too.

This means less people will believe in PE, meaning I’m one of the few individuals out there who is increasing his dick’s size (along with the rest of you).

Nice. :p

Seems to me that the doctor wants to cut on somebody, so he can ENLARGE his wallet.

LOL j384!!! With ya all the way!

Originally posted by ThunderSS
Luckily guys like Tom and Bigger didn't think the same way, or this would be a crochet forum. :)

*Picturing Bigger croceting a hanger*

Link to the DLD Blasters Soon to be Triple

“The guy who tried the jelqing, didn’t stick with it and gave up after a few weeks. He said he would have to do up to 500 jelqs/day for a year for an inch of length!”

500 a day, for just an inch??? 15-20 min a day???? Dear lord no!

That’s like saying I have to lift weights a few times a week to get big! That’s completely unreasonable, I’ll just take a pill instead, or maybe get the surgery!


I guess some people just aren’t cut out for PE. I would be perfectly happy with a one inch gains from 500 jelqs a day for a year, it would be every bit worth it.

All it takes is for one person to spread the word, but that person won’t be me. This may seem selfish, but its better to keep it secret for now (at least until i gain my 2 inches!!)

Treat this shit like Fight Club!!

Wait…if I increased my flaccid length…Ok..I MIGHT not see a change in erect length…BUT, if I increased my flaccid girth I’m GONNA see an increase in erect girth. These people are very ignorant. But, theyre right! This PE stuff just doesnt work…SPREAD THE WORD MENS’ HEALTH….THANK YOU!!!!

Damn, you guys are all right. We have had threads discussing fight club Vs. recruiting before, but always with mixed opinions. I like the whole secret society thing.

Running a Massive Co-Front.

>*Picturing Bigger croceting a hanger*<

hahahahahahahahaha LOL

I think that we should invite Dr David Ralph over to the US and let DLD slap some sense into him with that 11 inch club of his!

Jelktoid :trash: More meat for the money!

Maybe these guys writing the article (Roger Kirby, David Ralph) are actually DLD & Bib..

PE just doesn’t work! :angel:

"If you build it, she will cum." --Growth of Dreams

If PE did go public, there would have to be legal jargon to go with it

ie. - You use these exercises at your own risk

- The creator of the jelq is probably long dead, and therefore no one will be held responsible if you overdo it or your cock explodes.

If PE got out....

Like they do with big breasts, asking whether they’re fake or real, we would soon have women asking guys… “Is your penis real or jelqed?” “Can I feel? Hmm.. it feels like a natural dick.” :rolleyes:

"It doesn't matter where you start, it only matters where you end up."

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