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Chemical PE: Animal Testing

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Chemical PE: Animal Testing

I have read hundreds of articles about the penis in an attempt to elucidate what compounds could potentially lead to growth. I keep thinking about how great it would be to have studies directly related to Chemical Penis Enlargement.

I would be prepared to pay a substantial amount of money to any member of this site prepared to carry out a well-controlled experiment. This would involve injecting animals (probably rats or guinea pigs) with a series of compounds. The animals would be anaesthetised and unconscious during the injections. They would be treated humanely.

(1) There are laws regulating animal testing. I am directing this offer only to people who live in countries without such laws, or people in academia who believe that they could obtain the relevant permits. I am not encouraging anyone to break the law. (You would have to tell me that you have a permit or live in a country with no laws regarding animal testing for me to part with the money).

(2) Animal experimentation by cosmetic and food processing companies is common. Men throughout the world suffer deeply due to feelings of penile inadequacy. If its possible to discover some new cocktail of compounds that leads to growth the ends would justify the means.

(3) There are a number of people on this site (including myself) who have reached the level of desperation at which they consider injecting their own penises. These people would potentially save themselves from severe injury as a result of this research.

I would be prepared to pay for the animals, food, cages, anaesthetic and peptides (IGF, VEGF, SHH, PGE…) I would also be prepared to pay for the time involved.

The larger the animals the more accurate and informative the experiment. If there are any farmers out there with cows, horses, sheep that they don’t mind employing in the furtherance of science I would like to hear from you. I am being totally serious BTW.

I only have one penis. I would be prepared to pay $$$$$$ for the added safety that preliminary animal testing would bring.

I’m telling the PETA freaks.

I am not breaking the law. I am not advocating anything illegal. If you live in a country with no laws against this then that is fine. If you can obtain a permit that is also fine.

This would be unlikely to harm the animals. The compounds I mentioned in the above post have been tested on animals without any negative consequences. The animals would be asleep during the injection. They would not suffer distress. Or perhaps less distress than the 50 billion factory chickens slaughtered for food every year around the world.

What about the pounding the poor females are going to be taking if the compound works?

Good point. They might enjoy it though.

Oh London… how could you be sure that people who are getting your money are really injecting that stuff to animal’ penises? Do you want to be defrauded?

London, have you tried manual PE? It works pretty well. Worst case, do manual (if you’ve already done it for at least 2 years) and try caverject+igf-1 on yourself. That would be MUCH cheaper than what you are suggesting. BTW, I did quadmix boatloads of times. Had a lot of fun, might have gotten a TAD thicker (.3”) but no real length was gained. I was doing PE the entire time.

Originally Posted by marinera
Oh London… how could you be sure that people who are getting your money are really injecting that stuff to animal’ penises? Do you want to be defrauded?

The person would have to film themselves doing it. (Not their face, obviously)

Originally Posted by ironaddict69
London, have you tried manual PE? It works pretty well. Worst case, do manual (if you’ve already done it for at least 2 years) and try caverject+igf-1 on yourself. That would be MUCH cheaper than what you are suggesting. BTW, I did quadmix boatloads of times. Had a lot of fun, might have gotten a TAD thicker (.3”) but no real length was gained. I was doing PE the entire time.

I would consider .3” a substantial gain. I have tried pumping and clamping, both have failed to give me girth gains, which is my objective. Thanks for reporting your results. The more people prepared to do that the better.

Filming would serve to nothing, London. I’d like to know also how could you know the active dose for a cow, what could that means when applied to humans, what could that means when applied to your penis and other hundred of objections if you think abou can find pretty easily. Seriously, it is a fucked up idea.

I have to agree with marinera, more than anything it would be a waste of money.

Have you gone at this the right way or did you jump right into the heavy stuff like clamping and pumping?

ChemPE is hit or miss, but the ones who are succesful at it combine both methods, and usually run IGF with it. Good luck, it’s kind of expensive.

All good ideas initially sound like fucked up ideas.

The person would have to film themselves delivering each injection. It is possible that a person would make up false results for some unknown psychological reason. There would be no rational incentive to do that, but obviously false reporting is a potential caveat.
They would have to film themselves measuring the size changes. This could potentially be faked, but again there would be no rational incentive to do this.

No human doses for the above substances have been specified. I will copy the dosages used in the existing animal studies. If this results in enlargement I will start injecting myself with a small fraction of the dose.

Originally Posted by london100
There are a number of people on this site (including myself) who have reached the level of desperation at which they consider injecting their own penises.

Safe thing to say; after all, one is a number.

I shouldn’t be reading this post short on sleep. I am so tempted to tell one of my surrogate little sisters about this funded research opportunity. No joke, she would love to take on something like this. And you would get way more for you money than anyone else is going to be able to give you.

Nursing degree and currently finishing a Masters in Social Work. She has quite the stable of slave boys. At any given time she will have better than a dozen. And with a greater number constantly doing anything and everything in an effort to convince her that they to should have that privilege? She could easily field >40 test subjects, all of them legally of age and in quite good health.

Running a Massive Co-Front.

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