Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Men's Room Graffiti Classics


Men's Room Graffiti Classics

Many people have a moment of clarity in life when the stars align, and one’s true purpose and quest are revealed. My personal epiphany occurred at 10:14pm on March 19th, 2003.

Straining for balance against the effects of the bourbon, I stumbled to the urinal at Shabby’s Tavern as I had countless times before. In that moment of calm right before urination, I read the words I’d seen thousands of times - yet never paused to consider:

“Don’t look here, the joke is in your hand.”

“How true,” I thought as I pissed on my shoe, “how very true.”

Weeks later, and still haunted by the words, I became obsessed. “Is my penis a joke? Is my penis a good joke or a bad joke? If my penis is a good joke, do I ever ruin my good joke with bad delivery?”

So I turned to Penis Enlargement, figuring that if my penis turned out to be a BAD joke, at least it could be a BIG joke. So in retrospect, the graffiti at the urinal ultimately became my catalyst to pursue dick-stretching.

You know how they say that the classics have a timeless, universal quality. I’m sure we’ve all seen this one:

“Here I sit brokenhearted.
Came to shit, but only farted.”

Can anyone deny the genius in that verse? All of the great ones Inspire AND Entertain.

I’m inviting you to join me here in collecting a few of the real gems that are floating around out there. As I’m sure you realize, sometimes there are huge nuggets of greatness right under our noses.


Read in the men’s room at the Chimes, in Baton Rouge:

I like bitches with big titties.

love, Tommy

That one really made me laugh, alot.

“Meet me here for the best anal of your life, I’m 9” long and 2” wide!”

Scrawled underneath…

“Are you a weasel?”

p.s. How come this thread hasnt been moved yet?



>>I like bitches with big titties.

love, Tommy<<

Well done, sir. That is exactly what I’m talking about. Who can deny the truth in those words?

You have an eye for art, my friend. Excellent specimen.
In regards to your question, I think they may be scratching their heads over this one.


Flush hard, its a long way to the cafeteria.

The "average size" is usually over-estimated. Small guys don't take part in surveys and big guys jump at the chance.

Girl claims she had a huge ex? Stick a spider in the bathroom or a mouse in the kitchen and when she comes out screaming ask her how big the spider/mouse was...




“Some people come here to sit and think,

Others come here to shit and stink.

Some people come here to play with their balls,

I just come here to write on the walls.”

I was just contacted with the conclusion of the “Here I sit” verse:

Here i sit all broken hearted
I came to shit but only farted
Later on i took a chance
Tried to fart but shit my pants

Thanks Ian.


Those who write on bathroom stalls

Roll their shit into little balls

Those who read the writing writ

Eat those little balls of shit

"You can't judge a fisherman by the size of his boat, but a bigger boat sure makes his job easier!"- unknown "Its not the size of the boat, its the motion in the ocean. Yeah but it takes a long time to get to England in a rowboat!" - Jeff Foxworthy June 2002: BPEL:6.5-6.75" EG:5.5-5.75" ? (Toilet Paper tube girth) October 2003 BPEL:8.0" EG:6.5" mid 7.0" @ Base February 2005 same :( New Year's Resolution: Lose 15 lbs and break this stupid plateau!!!!


The guy who wrote this one was an intellectual.


1999: 6" EBPL X 5.25" EG ~ 2001: 7" EBPL X 5.75" EG ~ 2003: 7.25" EBPL X 6" EG

Current (Jan 2013): 7.125 EBPL X 6"EG ~ GOAL = 7+" (anything more is fine) EBPL X 6.5" EG

In large letters, “KILL THE FAGS”,

in a small response below, “you brute you”.

Originally posted by halloweenie

In large letters, “KILL THE FAGS”,

in a small response below, “you brute you”.

Should I be offended by this? Is “Kill the Breeders” an acceptable alternative?

I realize the fey response is supposed to be the humorous part. I’ve got a thick skin and am secure with myself so I can just move on. However, I didn’t laugh.

Gay 5'4" 150 lbs 5.5 x 5

I did a double take on the dyslexia one … can you read this?

poelpe can raed athiynng as lnog as the frist and lsat ltreter raimen the smae


taht semes to be ture beoluwf

TGC Theory | Who Says The Penis Isn't a Muscle?

"To leave the world a better place, to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived is to succeed." - Emerson

Originally posted by tomarctus

Should I be offended by this? Is “Kill the Breeders” an acceptable alternative?

I realize the fey response is supposed to be the humorous part. I've got a thick skin and am secure with myself so I can just move on. However, I didn't laugh.

Since the thread is supposedly reporting things seen on men’s room walls the sentiments expressed may not necessarily be those of the person posting. So I wouldn’t be personally offended. If I saw it in person, that might be a different story. :)


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