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Modified Fowfer for Erect Length


Modified Fowfer for Erect Length

I’ve been doing an intense BTC stretch that is basically an active stretch variation of the Fowfer.

I do them seated Indian style on the floor, but I’ve tested them in a chair and it works just as well.
Here’s what I do:

I get my heating pad nice and warm, then set it to medium. I place the heating pad on a pillow on the floor and assume the fowfer position (with some talcum powder on my unit and more nearby.) Then I reach back and grab my unit behind the glans and stretch.

Since the fowfer position puts your unit in a sem-stretched state already, the active stretch is intensified.
If I push my pelvis forward, I can feel the force of the stretch on the ligs—it feels like the ligs are “peeling away.”
If I relax back a bit, and pull a little harder, I can feel the force on the mid shaft, getting a really good tunica stretch.

—Constant application of heat increases effectiveness of the stretch.
—Default Fowfer position (semi-stretched) increases effectiveness and intensity.
—Between sets, unit remains in a semi-stretched, heated state.
—stretches can be held for longer periods of time.

The only possible disadvantage I can think of is that you need to have sufficient FSL to be able to grab behind your glans in the Fowfer position. I’m guessing that 6” FSL should be sufficient.

Has anyone else tried this or a similar variation?

I haven’t done fowfers when heating my unit, the only similar thing I’ve done is manually stretch when taking a shower. And it does feel better when heat is applied.

But I have a question actually; reading this forum, I understand that most of the guys have a longer FSL than (NB)EL, is that right?
Now here is the thing; when I stretch my flaccid, I am always shorter than my (NB)EL. Is this even normal? Is this the sign that I won’t have any length gains?

I’d like to apologize myself in advance, if this is a stupid question.

I have the same thing Pepsi. I’m not sure of the reason, but this is my guess.

Imagine your penis was a balloon. Or rather, millions of balloons stuck together. When that balloon is empty, it can be stretched fairly easily, and to great lengths. But the moment you start putting air into the balloon, there is now more pressure outwards on the balloon, and less balloon to be stretched forward. So, just like a penis, when it has blood in it, the “balloon” as it were, is full. The width of the balloon decreases the available material to be stretched forward. You catch my drift?

I’ll try a little ASCII drawing for you.

|| Penis stretched forward with very little blood

<> Penis with blood

I admit, not the best way to show you, but alas, I’m too lazy to be artistic in MSPaint.

Anyway, I hope you understand what I’m trying to say.

Yeah I understand what you mean man, thanks.

So if this is true, then we (and others probably) have too much blood in our units? And if that’s true, it’s actually a good thing I guess.

Pepsi or Splunge, please feel free to start a thread about FSL vs. EL.

I’d appreciate it if we would could keep this one on the topic of modified fowfers for erect length.

Thanks. :)

Can you clarify the way. I can’t understand it at all.

It looks like the ordinary fowfer, what is make it good for erect length.

Your reply is appreciated

With a normal fowfer, you’re just tucking your penis between your cheeks and sitting on it. This variation is a between the cheeks STRETCH, where you reach around behind you, grab your unit and pull. So it’s an active stretch, whereas an ordinary fowfer is a passive stretch. The other variation is the constant application of heat.

So then after you reached behind to get a maximum stretch do you hold it there for period of time with your fingers?

Speak softly carry a big dick, I'm mean stick!

Yes. I use an OK grip behind the glans, just like would for any stretch, and hold for 30 seconds to a minute. It’s easy to switch hands while maintaining the stretch also.

It’s basically just a BTC stretch combined with fowfers, and with heat added. You can easily incorporate them into a normal fowfer session. You could do however many sets of the heated fowfer stretch you want, then turn off the heating pad and commence fowfering as usual.

I’d love to hear feedback from anyone who cares to try this, or has tried it. I think it’s a great stretch.

I’m laying sideways doing a bed fowfer type BTC. Pretty good pretty good. How long have you been doing this modified fowfer?

Speak softly carry a big dick, I'm mean stick!

Originally Posted by Pepsi

But I have a question actually; reading this forum, I understand that most of the guys have a longer FSL than (NB)EL, is that right?
Now here is the thing; when I stretch my flaccid, I am always shorter than my (NB)EL. Is this even normal? Is this the sign that I won’t have any length gains?

I don’t think one can make any assumption on FSL vs. EL….One would assume that it is the same situation as “shower vs grower”

06/21/07 NBP = 7.75(tape) FSL = 7.875 EG = 5.00 Volume= 15.42

09/13/07 NBP = 8.375 FSL = 8.75 EG = 5.38 Volume = 19.29 (+25%)

12/26/07 NBP = 8.625 FSL = 8.75 EG = 5.50 Volume = 20.82 (+35%)

Originally Posted by kingpole
How long have you been doing this modified fowfer?

For about a month now, on and off. But I’m starting to use it more often.

Every night in bed after I take my ADS off, I grab my unit from behind, and stretch is for 3-5 sets of 5 minutes. I stretch till it aches a little, but no pain.

2007-01-27 5.3" BPEL 4.8" EG, Less than 3" Flaccid, and sometimes less than 2"

As of 12-07-2008 7.75" BPEL 7.1" NBPEL 5.7"MSEG 6"+ BSEG. Ultimate goal 8+ inches NBPEL, 8.5" BPEL 6.3" EG (2" diameter just sounds so cool!)

Flaccid 5+ inches on a good day. 4 1/2+ pretty much anytime. My gains have slowed to a snails pace, but I will not quit!!!!!!!

I’ve done this type of fowfer all week now,Great!

Speak softly carry a big dick, I'm mean stick!

Originally Posted by kingpole
I’ve done this type of fowfer all week now,Great!

Have you noticed any credit to the topic?
Does this stretch really increase erect length?

Or is it just as good as manual stretches like the V-Stretch and left, right, down, up stuff?

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