more length vs. girth
Greetings PEers !!
This is the first time i post a message to a forum. I am very impressed about you guys… because you work for a longer penis..i alsow do. As a new user of this forum, i can say that here is a lot of useful information but could me more….(sory about my english - i am not from us or other enghish speaking country)
I hope that what i willl write here will help all of us to improve our ways to get the long penis we want.. So here it is:
I think, we, males are very impressed about what we see and is great to be so. After jelqing my great cool nice penis (lol) i’ve seen it longer and thiker.. and that pleased me much enough to do that again and again..In time i wanted more eficiency …and i startet to analize how everything happens..and i have discovered that after jelqing i get more grith than length because of the skin that covers the penis. This skin absorbs the oils and because of rubbing it becomes thiker..but the REAL length and grith of the penis is not givent by the skin it covers it. .. but by how long the inner corpus are..So this is what we have to jelq get REAL length not aparent girth comming from the inflammed skin.
I think jelqing with the ok grip in such a manner that while moving to keep the hand over the same point of the skin..will be more eficent in REAL gains. The movement has to be done not over the hole surface of the skin - fingers must be kept on the same point on the skin - but over the hole surface of the inner corpus of the penis. In this way skin will not get an older aspect and no more problems with the hair.. or darkeniing of the foreskin…this side efects are the MAIN efects while pumping.. this is why pumping gains are not permanent…..THE CORPUS OF THE PENIS IS THAT WHO WAS TO BE ENLARGED NOT THE SKIN ….i say that because moust of us get fulled of what we see, we see a thiker penis but in fact it is an skin inflamed penis. i think the skin has to pe protected.. becuse it is very sensitive..
I also have in mind a device for pwer - jelq the penis in this manner. if you are interested just let me know..and i will put down my ideas.
Thanks !!
Let’s get long…see yourself with your penis doubled… wold that be ??
Please provide more pictures guys… will help us more…show everything you can and you have..let us learn from your experience so it will not be needed to invent the wheel 100 times again…I think it will help us verry verry much….
Let’s be focused on our goals..lets’ be more eficent…LETS GET LONG
i got jealous on thouse gays from the pics with such long penises..with all of thing is for sure… they are longer than many (or all) of us from here !!!!