Sparkyx suggested to OP that he consider testing to rule out CV disease, as a factor contributing to lack of morning.Subsequent poster stated that this was extreme, and likely to needlessly worry the OP (since he was 28 years old, and unlikely to have CV disease).
Actually, there can be substantial degradation of the cardiovascular system by age 28. I remember in my pathophysiology class in college, our instructor said that she wouldn’t be surprised if a majority of the students in our class had over 50% occlusion of coronary arteries, just by virtue of being on Standard American Diet. (The median age of my class was 28.) This may be somewhat of an overstatement, but the idea stuck with me that:Significant degree of occlusion of coronary, and other, arteries may occur well before the emergence of heart attacks and other obvious signs of disease. Our modern diet of processed foods likely is doing damage well before we are diagnosable with a condition.
So Sparkyx’s suggestion was a valid one, I would say.
Gosh, I completely forgot about this thread,LOL!
Just as you said in your post here Z, I had an unfortunate experience years ago when I was a young guy in the Military. I was driving to work on Base, and there were two guys on the side of the road. They (turns out) were Military cops and were jogging, when one collapsed. His buddy flagged me down, and I performed CPR on the guy until help came. Well, he died anyway, and it turned out he had a heart attack while jogging, and autopsy showed he had MASSIVE coronary artery disease…at 23 years of age!
Exactly as your instructor said, now days by high school age many kids already have heart disease from the SAD diet! Shocking but true. Further, early signs show up as ED because the arteries are much smaller in the penis and will occlude faster than larger arteries. Again, not to say all ED is related to cardiovascular disease, but in his case, I thought it was a prudent suggestion…still do!
The good news is that it can be completely reversed with a diet like Paleo or Rosedale, I think I wrote a thread on that somewhere here.