Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Multi-purpose Pe Device

Originally Posted by Big Girtha
Stick with the newbie routine.

hihi lol

GOAL for December 2007: 8 X Red Bull

GOAL for December 2025: 14 X 10

I have used cyber-skin instead of a wrap when I clamped awhile ago. Much easier than wrapping and it provided safety against any skin pinch. Don’t know if it would be of any help but thought I’d throw it out.

“Too bad the only people who know how to run the country are busy driving cabs and cutting hair.” - George Burns

Diplomacy is the art of saying "Nice doggie" until you can find a rock. Will Rogers stats- Started PE around 10 yrs ago at 6.25" el and 4.5" eg as of 8/1/2005 6 7/8" el and 5"eg PE does work. If I had been dedicated all along I would probably be 9x7. I never have been consistent with my PE but have gained anyway. Goals are 8x6 by 8/1/2006

The concept we are talking about is the leverage that is produced from going from a narrow girth (under the clamp) to an expanded girth ( the ballooned tunica) in a very short distance.

We are speculating that this is producing a leverage force to the tunica, stretching the tissue to a greater degree than pure ballooning will.

This is like the difference between a straight out stretch and a V stretch. The V-stretch is using a leverage factor that multiplies the force.

We are basing this on the observation that clamping is done at the base, and most clampers get the greatest width expansion at the base UNDER THE CLAMPED area.

Intuitively, you would think that you would see the least expansion under the clamp…but we see the opposite. Our explanation is merely our attempt to come up with an explanation for what we are seeing.

THEREFORE, it may very well be that a wider clamp might actually PREVENT the effect. The question is…if you constrict a ballooned tunica, how far beyond the constriction does the additional stretch extend.

I would say (for now) look at where you clamp, look at how far the increased expansion of the base goes beyond the clamp area…and you will have some idea of the range.

So, lets say that you find that the base expands mostly one inch past the clamp’s center, what if you have a 3 inch wide clamp? Will that minimize the effect towards the center of the clamp? I suspect that it will.

I experimented with bicycle inner tube pumping, and that’s what I found. The vacuum causes the penis to expand, which if the forces are great enough, will stretch the tunica.

The constriction of the inner tube is strong enough that it prevents the expansion of the tunica. You could look at it like one giant flexible clamp. However, if I was to use a 1 inch band of inner tube around the middle of my shaft…and THEN PUMP, I suspect that area would stretch the tunica to a greater degree than the unbanded area.

To confirm this theory, some of you clampers out there could try using your clamp mid shaft for a couple weeks and see if that girth begins to catch up with the base girth.

If it does, then we could probably assume that this theory has some validity.

The next experiment would be to see how many clamps could be placed together and still see the effect.

Right now I think we can assume up to 2…past that would be the question.

Like I said, I think at some point the effect will disappear as it becomes SUPPORT instead of stress.

If this wasn’t true, the inner tube pumping would have worked, and when (S&G?) used multiple clamps on the entire length… that would have worked too….it doesn’t.

So my recommendation is to either limit the width for now if you want to go into production, or wait until this question can be answered before you go into production.

If you spend a bunch of money and find it is too wide to work…that would be a real shame.

Last edited by sparkyx : 11-18-2005 at .

If this is truly to be an “all-in-one” kind of solution, where does the ability to conceal under clothing come into consideration? I currently use a homemade ADS that is completely invisible through pants or jeans, but perhaps this is too much to ask of a device that can also serve as a quick-setting clamp.

Any thoughts, Big Girtha? Anyone else?

"Debate the idea..."

I love this idea.I also have no input as to how to make it better.However,I do have money.Are they done yet?:)

Wrapping to clamp? Never done it… Sorry. Sounds absolutely awesome though, I can already see it in my head. I’ve had experiments using clamps to hang but they’ve all been a fall through. I hope this works out, pictures of a proto type coming anytime soon?

2005 - BPEL 6.0"x MSEG 4.5" (BEG 4.75"/HEG 4.625")

2010 - BPEL 8.0"x MSEG 5.75" (BEG 6.5"/HEG 5.875")

Goal - BPEL 9.0"x MSEG 6.5" (BEG 6.5"/HEG 6.75")

Okay I’ve been working on several prototypes and trying them out. They all have their plus and minus, but I think its still do-able.

One thing that I’m currently focusing on is a universal wrap/sleeve. Its a silicone condom like thingy designed for pretty much any device. I’ve tested this with my own devices and PM extender with success. I’ve also tried with cable clamp and it was bit thin (because cable clamp pressing surface is very small). I’ve tried with double the thickness and viola - it works great. It was comfortable, no pinching, easy to put on, etc. It didn’t even feel that stressful on my shaft - but my penis was fully engorged.

Someone mentioned Cyberskin - its similar, but thinner and have more ridgidity to its structure (cyberskin will just squish down too much).

Hopefully this will be part of the multi-pe device.

One thing that I also thought about - while clamping near the base, do any of you also clamp near the middle - concurrently? I’ve tried it and its intense.

Big Girtha and Monkeybar,

Your ideas sound very good. Here are some comments I have, for whatever they are worth:

I think the idea of a multi-purpose device is a great one. However, I would only be interested in such a device if it performed each of the intended functions as good as or better than a device for a specific function. Otherwise, I’d rather invest in the best separate devices for each function.

As far as hanging goes, yes, you would need something like the screw attachment on the Bib hanger. And the device would have to have a reasonable width. But like Sparkyx suggests, I wonder whether a narrower device would be better for clamping. I’ve recently been clamping with three clamps, and I’ve even tried using four. Perhaps this will change, but as of now, this is giving me a baseball bat shape, which I’ve never had before. This could just be temporary; I’ll have to see. But this may make combining a hanging and clamping device difficult, as the former would need to be wider and the latter narrower.

As for the closure, I know that the Cable Clamp ratchet closure is quick and easy. However, personally, I don’t like it very much. At least, I don’t like the Cable Clamp closure itself. It’s just not strong enough. I’ve broken a few trying to tighten them down. Further, unless you are the Hulk, the Cable Clamp can be a bitch to tighten down sufficiently, even when it doesn’t break. Accordingly, I’ve recently been clamping with hose clamps, which I screw down with a nut driver. It takes a little longer to tighten and loosen them, but they don’t break, and they are much more effective than Cable Clamps, IMO.

Clearly, Monkeybar has the ADS (i.e. the AutoEXT) nearly perfected. I will say, however, that I am not a fan of the rubber band closure system on them. I did contact Monkeybar about this once, but I never heard back from him. The rubber band system might work well for someone whose shaft is not much thicker than his glans. But my glans is a bit smaller than my shaft, and with the rubber bands, the clamp flexes open and slides down over my glans if I tighten the AutoEXT to any useful degree. Consequently, I’ve been using a narrow piece of Velcro to tighten the clamp with. This works well. But I think that something like a screw attachment (as on the Bib) would be even better, even for use as an ADS. I like shorter, more intense sets, to try to simulate hanging, when I don’t have the privacy to hang. The Velcro allows me to do this fairly well; a screw attachment would be even better.

In regard to clamping for length. I actually think there might be something to this. I haven’t gained any length from clamping yet. However, since I’ve been using multiple clamps (for about the past week), I’ve noticed that each clamp creates much greater pressure on the tunica, both girthwise and lengthwise. I cannot get this kind of pressure from one clamp, no matter how much I tighten it. My current BPEL is 7” or 7.1” max. With three clamps on, I’m about 7.3”. I don’t know if this will lead to increased length gains, but I’m going to give it a try. The only potential drawback is the baseball bat effect, as I mention above.

I’ve clamped with up to four clamps before, it was insanely intense. I had three regular size on my shaft, evenly spaced and then one of the large ones around my scrotum and base. It was quite something, I must say. Never did it again after that but I routinely clamp with two clamps. One at the base and one behind the head.

2005 - BPEL 6.0"x MSEG 4.5" (BEG 4.75"/HEG 4.625")

2010 - BPEL 8.0"x MSEG 5.75" (BEG 6.5"/HEG 5.875")

Goal - BPEL 9.0"x MSEG 6.5" (BEG 6.5"/HEG 6.75")

A girtha whats up with cook rings and how do you use them

Latching the clamp

electricpumpguy: Cock rings are fine for sex, but I don’t think you can get a good enough engorgement with them to gain permanent girth.

Motivated has a point about CableClamps breaking under stress. It is not the ratchet jaws that break, but the little lock mechanism (thumb release) is too weak and breaks off if your wrap is too thick. Of course they were never made to hold the kind of stress we put them through. This thumb latch would have to be made stronger if we go with this type of closure. The nut and bolt closure of the Bib is stronger, but I don’t like the idea of the bolt just laying in the slot. This pops out under pressure if the wrap is too wide or the flaccid is too thick with fluid or excessive skin. If we go with this wing-nut and bolt closure it needs to lock in where it can’t pop out.

I’ve actually been using the large AutoExtender head clamp as a hanger, because I can no longer keep the Bib Starter closed around my dick. Now that I’ve figured out how to use the second hole in the head clamp it is almost big enough to enclose my flaccid girth. Still a little bit of skin pokes out in the gap where the rubber bands go, but by using a stronger rubber band I can cinch the clamp tight enough to hang about 8 pounds. I think if the large head clamp was made to completely enclose the shaft in a way that the jaws of the clamp locked together it would work fine as both a hanger and constriction clamp as it is now, It could probably be made a little wider, say the width of three cableclamps, but I think that would be plenty wide enough for hanging and it would still be narrow enough to clamp with and used as the head clamp for the extenders. It seems to me the whole problem hinges on the lock.

2003: 6X5 2010: 7X7

No Nukes

Originally Posted by Big Girtha
It is not the ratchet jaws that break, but the little lock mechanism (thumb release) is too weak and breaks off if your wrap is too thick.

This thumb latch would have to be made stronger if we go with this type of closure.

Yes, that’s the problem. If this type of closure could be made stronger, that would be great. Then there’s the problem of the hassle squeezing the clamp down tight enough. At least, I find the Cable Clamps to be a hassle in this respect (and I’m pretty strong). But if the device could be designed to maximize tightening leverage, then I think you guys would be on to something.

Originally Posted by Big Girtha
The nut and bolt closure of the Bib is stronger, but I don’t like the idea of the bolt just laying in the slot. This pops out under pressure if the wrap is too wide or the flaccid is too thick with fluid or excessive skin. If we go with this wing-nut and bolt closure it needs to lock in where it can’t pop out.

I’ve never had a problem with the bolt popping out on my Bib. But I could see how it would under the conditions you describe. What about if the slot was designed such that you had to hook the bolt around to one side? You push the bolt into the slot and then slide it, say, to the right, where it hooks up under the plastic. Is this at all clear?

Originally Posted by Big Girtha
It could probably be made a little wider, say the width of three cableclamps, but I think that would be plenty wide enough for hanging and it would still be narrow enough to clamp with and used as the head clamp for the extenders.

As I mentioned in my last post, I have recently been clamping with three clamps next to each other. This is leaving me with a baseball bat shape, which I never got from one clamp. As Mravg suggested in another thread, I’m going to try spacing the clamps out a half an inch or more next time. I don’t know if this baseball bat shape is just a post-session effect, or if it will become more lasting. But this is my concern about having a clamping device that is the width of three Cable Clamps.

Originally Posted by Big Girtha
by using a stronger rubber band I can cinch the clamp tight enough to hang about 8 pounds.

The rubber band thing just doesn’t work for me. I’ve multiple rubber bands and stronger rubber bands. But no joy. The Velcro wrap I use is great, and it’s easy. In fact, this is another closure possibility that would work for both the ADS and the hanger functions. It might also be made to work for the clamp function.

Originally Posted by theskyisthelimit
I’ve clamped with up to four clamps before, it was insanely intense. I had three regular size on my shaft, evenly spaced and then one of the large ones around my scrotum and base. It was quite something, I must say. Never did it again after that but I routinely clamp with two clamps. One at the base and one behind the head.

Where is the shaft the thickest? Or is it fairly even the entire length?

Originally Posted by Big Girtha

You are absolutely right. You shouldn’t even be thinking about advanced methods such as constriction or hanging at this stage of the game. If this device becomes a reality it will be for advanced PEers only. Stick with the newbie routine.

What does one have to achieve to be considered (or consider himself to be) an advanced PEer?


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