Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

My Elist Implant Experience

Originally Posted by Jimmybob55
Maybe those anti vaxxer crowds are smart enough to know that surgery on a perfectly healthy part of the body not only is risky but it’s just damn wrong. If you’re silly enough to think that surgery is ever needed on perfectly healthy tissue then it’s guys that believe that that create and embolden guys like Elist!

I’ve moderated a site devoted to the topic, if anyone is privy to the truths in this regard, it maybe, just maybe, might be me.

Going from 3.5” Base EG to nearly 6.5” Base EG and 10 years without complication, among many with similar experiences doesn’t make my story an anomaly, it makes it a reality.

Trust science, and trust uninhibited medicine.

If you're ever considering a surgical (or non-surgical) route for penis enlargement:

PhalloBoards: A Forum Devoted to Penis Enlargement Surgery & Non-Surgical Procedures

Originally Posted by Determined2Gain
I’ve moderated a site devoted to the topic, if anyone is privy to the truths in this regard, it maybe, just maybe, might be me.

Going from 3.5” Base EG to nearly 6.5” Base EG and 10 years without complication, among many with similar experiences doesn’t make my story an anomaly, it makes it a reality.

Trust science, and trust uninhibited medicine.

Unless you have had surgical experience, cutting into human tissue with your own hands and not watching it on tv then you really have no clue as to what surgery actually is.

Originally Posted by Jimmybob55
Unless you have had surgical experience, cutting into human tissue with your own hands and not watching it on tv then you really have no clue as to what surgery actually is.

I mean that goes without saying? If you’ve never fixed a car, you have no idea what it is and if you’ve never made a salad, you couldn’t possibly relate to a chef. AND if you come to this site brand spanking new and have never stretched your dick, you’ll never know what PE really is, am I getting this right?

Besides, I don’t advocate for invasive “de-gloving” surgery (only very limited options that are still viable), but rather, non-surgical girth enhancement which does work for many.

As someone who has followed countless progress reports on surgery, and who has had enhancement performed on him, I might be the qualified commenter in this regard.

If you're ever considering a surgical (or non-surgical) route for penis enlargement:

PhalloBoards: A Forum Devoted to Penis Enlargement Surgery & Non-Surgical Procedures

Being the patient and reading some stories does not make you qualified at all.

Originally Posted by Jimmybob55
Being the patient and reading some stories does not make you qualified at all.

Get your vaccine shot and read a book. I don’t even know why you’re dragging this out needlessly with someone who moderates a surgical forum. I don’t get it?

Anyways, back on topic for the sake of discussion - Dr. Elist continues to promote his implant through new doctors around the country, I wonder if it’s a “leasing” out of his material/technique, not sure. There is now even a “Penuma” subreddit which surprisingly has allowed some “negative” reviews to stay without deletion or censorship (I say this because my comments have already been deleted). Last I heard this procedure could be as much as $17k, making it a lucrative endeavor for any psychopath who has no intent on patient care or welfare.

I’m happy to see this topic has 600k views, and I hope its deterred enough men from the piss poor route of an unnecessary surgical intervention.

If you're ever considering a surgical (or non-surgical) route for penis enlargement:

PhalloBoards: A Forum Devoted to Penis Enlargement Surgery & Non-Surgical Procedures

Last edited by Determined2Gain : 08-27-2021 at .

What is the purpose of surgery? To fix something that is broken. Now what is broken if a guy has a 5 inch penis? Nothing! To do surgery on a guy like that is against the very thing surgeons are trained to do. So they do it? Sure! It’s done mostly by greedy docs that fool themselves into thinking that they are helping the patient. Just being here we know there’s a market and if you want to enlarge there are many ways to do so without surgery.

In every surgery there is something known as surgical risk. Things can just happen and things go bad. The surgeon can do everything right and yet the result is poor or sometimes the patient dies. So why allow that type of surgery? Simply because they cannot stop it. There is too much money to be made.

A good surgeon looking at his work will tell you 90% of the time he got done just what he wanted to and the result was just as he wanted it.5% of the time well things just didn’t seem to go well but the result is acceptable, not perfect but acceptable.5% of the times things go south and depending on how south well that tells you if you’re going to end up in court or not. Those percents are approximations but that’s generally how good guys feel.

Sadly you cannot stop these guys. Oh you can sue them. Really? For what? Lawyers will never take a case against these guys because there is no money in it. You see payment is always in cash and those guys, like Elist, really have nothing in their name. Everything is hidden.

Oh but I’ll get money from his malpractice right? Wrong. Most of these guys practice naked; they have no insurance. Oh they’re supposed to but don’t. Hell even if they did no malpractice company covers a doc when he is preforming an unacceptable procedure. So when they screw up who loses?

Oh I’ve had some dermal fillers and it worked out. I wonder how many who had those types of procedures and it didn’t work out. They’re screwed ain’t they? And why? Because some guy got it done and tells everyone how great it worked out and they go like lambs to the slaughter.

If your penis is healthy it really is wrong to try any type of cutting or injecting. The risk is greater than they know or is ever explained to them. And when it goes bad well too bad on them.

There is no way to stop this. Oh you can bring your issue to the peer review of the Medical association but unless enough guys do that nothing happens. Now if enough guys went and complained what can the Association do? Oh they can kick them out of the association which means nothing. Many guys practice who are not members of the AMA.

No the idea of surgically enhancing a penis or injecting it with fillers and the like well just shouldn’t be done

because the risks outweigh the rewards. For every guy who gets on any forum and say they had this done or that done well he just sent a few guys to get mutilated but hey it worked for him so why not? Like I said you will never get the bad docs to stop doing it but just maybe if we stopped talking about it less guys would take the risk. It is sad!

Originally Posted by Jimmybob55
What is the purpose of surgery? To fix something that is broken. Now what is broken if a guy has a 5 inch penis? Nothing! To do surgery on a guy like that is against the very thing surgeons are trained to do. So they do it? Sure! It’s done mostly by greedy docs that fool themselves into thinking that they are helping the patient. Just being here we know there’s a market and if you want to enlarge there are many ways to do so without surgery.
In every surgery there is something known as surgical risk. Things can just happen and things go bad. The surgeon can do everything right and yet the result is poor or sometimes the patient dies. So why allow that type of surgery? Simply because they cannot stop it. There is too much money to be made.
A good surgeon looking at his work will tell you 90% of the time he got done just what he wanted to and the result was just as he wanted it.5% of the time well things just didn’t seem to go well but the result is acceptable, not perfect but acceptable.5% of the times things go south and depending on how south well that tells you if you’re going to end up in court or not. Those percents are approximations but that’s generally how good guys feel.
Sadly you cannot stop these guys. Oh you can sue them. Really? For what? Lawyers will never take a case against these guys because there is no money in it. You see payment is always in cash and those guys, like Elist, really have nothing in their name. Everything is hidden.
Oh but I’ll get money from his malpractice right? Wrong. Most of these guys practice naked; they have no insurance. Oh they’re supposed to but don’t. Hell even if they did no malpractice company covers a doc when he is preforming an unacceptable procedure. So when they screw up who loses?
Oh I’ve had some dermal fillers and it worked out. I wonder how many who had those types of procedures and it didn’t work out. They’re screwed ain’t they? And why? Because some guy got it done and tells everyone how great it worked out and they go like lambs to the slaughter.
If your penis is healthy it really is wrong to try any type of cutting or injecting. The risk is greater than they know or is ever explained to them. And when it goes bad well too bad on them.
There is no way to stop this. Oh you can bring your issue to the peer review of the Medical association but unless enough guys do that nothing happens. Now if enough guys went and complained what can the Association do? Oh they can kick them out of the association which means nothing. Many guys practice who are not members of the AMA.
No the idea of surgically enhancing a penis or injecting it with fillers and the like well just shouldn’t be done
because the risks outweigh the rewards. For every guy who gets on any forum and say they had this done or that done well he just sent a few guys to get mutilated but hey it worked for him so why not? Like I said you will never get the bad docs to stop doing it but just maybe if we stopped talking about it less guys would take the risk. It is sad!

Uh huh, you don’t like the idea of elective medicine on the penis, we get it. Despite its remarkable success in the last decade, you’d much prefer hanging, jelqing, stretching, pumping, and clamping your way to success, methods that I know first-hand have potential risks like injury and impotence, but hey, what do I know? All of this, in any of their iterations aren’t without risk, and again, it goes without saying. I’m not sure what you’re trying to point out that wasn’t already elaborated on??

I went from 3.5 to 6.5 inch base erect girth without complication (10 years post-op). Many many more men have said the same than those who haven’t. The information is out there, it literally is. If you’re anti-vaxx, I suppose you’ll never get a filler injection in your penis so this conversation is moot. Let’s resume the topic at hand (which I tried to do previously) - please. Thanks.

If you're ever considering a surgical (or non-surgical) route for penis enlargement:

PhalloBoards: A Forum Devoted to Penis Enlargement Surgery & Non-Surgical Procedures

What is with the anti vax stuff? So if everybody got the shot the virus would go away?

Txhog, how has your recovery gone since 2015?

Hi Txhog,

Thanks for your informative post. Have you gained back all of your original length since 2015 through PE? I think the last post you gave us with LG numbers was in 2016. What are your numbers now?

I have the Penuma implant and am considering removal. I’m looking to gain insights on how best to recover length if I go through with the removal.


Originally Posted by Penumex86
Hi Txhog,

Thanks for your informative post. Have you gained back all of your original length since 2015 through PE? I think the last post you gave us with LG numbers was in 2016. What are your numbers now?

I have the Penuma implant and am considering removal. I’m looking to gain insights on how best to recover length if I go through with the removal.


Why get it removed?

Originally Posted by Penumex86
Hi Txhog,

Thanks for your informative post. Have you gained back all of your original length since 2015 through PE? I think the last post you gave us with LG numbers was in 2016. What are your numbers now?

I have the Penuma implant and am considering removal. I’m looking to gain insights on how best to recover length if I go through with the removal.


Names of qualified physicians that are familiar with PENUMA removal who aren’t PENUMA installers:

Dr. Solomon (Philadelphia)
Dr. Carney (Atlanta)
Dr. Alter (Southern California)
Dr. Gelman (Southern California)

If you're ever considering a surgical (or non-surgical) route for penis enlargement:

PhalloBoards: A Forum Devoted to Penis Enlargement Surgery & Non-Surgical Procedures


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