Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

My Elist Implant Experience

Originally Posted by Jimmybob55

Really? You joined just to say that? How nice. Now I would love to see the doctors written instructions on the care of the surgical site. You know the ones they give patients after one day surgery. Do you happen to have a copy we can see?

I joined because I’m reading reviews , negative and positive on Dr. Elist and his 95 % success rate. Obviously I’m going to read the negative reviews also . It’s common sense for anyone who gets any type of surgery to take all of the precautions necessary to make sure it heals properly . When I had 25 stitches put in my face I looked like a mess , I don’t let the stitches dry out , skin dry , puss form then call the doctor and ask what’s wrong. I grabbed pollysporin , coconut oil, and some Tylenol on my way home just using basic common sense. And hey.. I healed , scar is barely noticeable but I wasn’t calling into the hospital every second day asking what to do. If you get a price of silicone inserted into your cock , I don’t know how you could go home and let your dick dry out and flake like that .that’s disgusting. The first thing I would of done is put pollysporin on the raw areas , and like I said.. Vaseline a few times daily. I think this guy could of taken care of that if he didn’t let his dick dry out like a snake shedding skin. That’s just nasty , it falls under the line of proper hygiene. No woman would blow you with dead skin on your dick , the first thing I’d want after that surgery is a nice long blowjob . Theirs no way I’d ever have my dick looking all crusty , that’s what proper lotions for ( Vaseline) if this guy says he moistened daily what did he use foot cream? I’m very curious .

95% success rate? As calculated by whom? The California State Medical Board or the doc himself? I didn’t know medical boards did calculations like that; because they don’t.

Originally Posted by Jimmybob55
95% success rate? As calculated by whom? The California State Medical Board or the doc himself? I didn’t know medical boards did calculations like that; because they don’t.

Call in and talk to the office , their actually polite people . Theirs a website to if you need more information .or are you just here to argue bob? Everything’s on there . 95% success Rate written right on the site. They tell you that on the phone as well ,and I’d imagine if that were a lie they wouldn’t be in business.. And would be battling countless others in court and not thriving in Beverly Hills .The rate of happy customers compared to unsatisfied is undeniable .just shedding light on this, If you consider spending 13 k on a dick implant , maybe spend 50$ on proper ointments and creams, common sense the doctor can’t hold your hand the entire post opp.

Originally Posted by Jamesdread007

Call in and talk to the office , their actually polite people . Theirs a website to if you need more information .or are you just here to argue bob? Everything’s on there . 95% success Rate written right on the site. They tell you that on the phone as well ,and I’d imagine if that were a lie they wouldn’t be in business.. And would be battling countless others in court and not thriving in Beverly Hills .The rate of happy customers compared to unsatisfied is undeniable .just shedding light on this, If you consider spending 13 k on a dick implant , maybe spend 50$ on proper ointments and creams, common sense the doctor can’t hold your hand the entire post opp.

On no you’re wrong there. The surgeon doing the procedure is ethically bound to instruct the patient on aftercare.These instructions are given to the patient written and an acknowledgment that the patient has read the instruction, has understood the instructions, has had the ability to ask question is then entered on the patients record, usually initialed by the patient.

And the website said 95%. Are you sure? Are you sure it wasn’t 93%? No 95 sounds better.

Originally Posted by Jimmybob55

On no you’re wrong there. The surgeon doing the procedure is ethically bound to instruct the patient on aftercare. These instructions are given to the patient written and an acknowledgment that the patient has read the instruction, has understood the instructions, has had the ability to ask question is then entered on the patients record, usually initialed by the patient.

And the website said 95%. Are you sure? Are you sure it wasn’t 93%? No 95 sounds better.

the doctor did follow ups with this guy every other day . Moisturiser and pollysporin sounds pretty easy to follow to me . 13 k ! That’s one expensive peace of silicone in their . No excuse to let your dick get crusty and dry like that post opp. Anyone with half a brain would know to keep Vaseline on that , you don’t get a tattoo and let it ruin and crust up after you pay $ 800 bucks.. So why would you let your 13 k man hood dry out and flake like that .

That should have all be written down for the patient as well as verbally instructed. Calling every other day means nothing. You’re right; it must be the patients fault.

Let me ask you 007; what kind of doctor implants a prosthetic into a guys penis and allows him to go home the very next day across the country? If you’re a kid getting a wisdom tooth out the surgeon wants the kid around in case of complications for a few days and I imagine a penile implant might be a bit more invasive than a 3rd molar extraction.

And after dick surgery he drops the patient off at a bookstore?? Special!

Originally Posted by Jimmybob55

Let me ask you 007; what kind of doctor implants a prosthetic into a guys penis and allows him to go home the very next day across the country? If you’re a kid getting a wisdom tooth out the surgeon wants the kid around in case of complications for a few days and I imagine a penile implant might be a bit more invasive than a 3rd molar extraction.

And after dick surgery he drops the patient off at a bookstore?? Special!

well seeing as a grown man decided to take a flight to l.a to get a 13 k piece of plastic inserted Into his dick I would assume he had this planned out , hotel $ , food $ travel $, you don’t fly to a new state unprepared. So why did he grab a hotel for one night and decide to fly the next day bob, did the doctor force him on the flight and out of l.a ? Or was it his own choice as a man to leave after one day ? They say right on the phone book a hotel for a few days .leaving after one day was his own choice. He also could of cabbed from the clinic to the hotel , he didn’t need the doctor to drive him to the library and bluh bluh bluh what is this guy a full blown man child. Then he gets home and lets his dick dry out and crust up like some old flaky foot . Nice one. You know obviously you haven’t read a single article and I feel like your talking out of your but .which is cool but for the sake of the forum don’t spread your stupidity and fake news. To anyone looking to get this , do your own research read article, call clinics , don’t go by one man’s horror story .

007, I can agree with you on a lot of what you said. But when you say don’t go by one man’s horror story, I don’t know about that! Lmao.. For heaven sakes man we’re talking about our penis! One horror story is enough to make me wanna stay clear! And yes crusty dick is never good😁


You come on here are start throwing blame like you know what the hell you are talking about. I followed the “doctor’s” instructions to a T. He lied to me multiple times. For you to come on here and blame me for this is asinine.
Regarding the “library” you referenced, Elist himself dropped me off at Barnes and Noble after I woke from surgery. He was on his way to a dinner party and said he would come back and pick me up afterwards. I was never told or asked to have someone with me to pick me up from surgery.
With regards to my travel plans, I made Elist aware well ahead of time about my travel plans and was never even requested, hinted, mentioned, urged or suggested to stay longer.
If you want to go with this man, more power to you. God speed.
Part of me wishes you would have the exact same experience I did so you would then actually know what the hell you are talking about.
However, I do not think any man should have to endure such a thing. So instead, I will wish you well on whatever route you choose.

I will agree with you to do research. However, you must know that Elist and his son are the ones that own the company reporting on Elist.
You should also be aware that Elist has negative reviews of him taken down from doctor review websites. I know, he had mine removed. Multiple times.
If you want to trust this man, go for it. If you want to put all the blame on me and roll the dice, more power to you.
It’s your dick, after all.

Last edited by txhog : 11-03-2017 at .

Originally Posted by Jamesdread007
well seeing as a grown man decided to take a flight to l.a to get a 13 k piece of plastic inserted Into his dick I would assume he had this planned out , hotel $ , food $ travel $, you don’t fly to a new state unprepared. So why did he grab a hotel for one night and decide to fly the next day bob, did the doctor force him on the flight and out of l.a ? Or was it his own choice as a man to leave after one day ? They say right on the phone book a hotel for a few days .leaving after one day was his own choice. He also could of cabbed from the clinic to the hotel , he didn’t need the doctor to drive him to the library and bluh bluh bluh what is this guy a full blown man child. Then he gets home and lets his dick dry out and crust up like some old flaky foot . Nice one. You know obviously you haven’t read a single article and I feel like your talking out of your but .which is cool but for the sake of the forum don’t spread your stupidity and fake news. To anyone looking to get this , do your own research read article, call clinics , don’t go by one man’s horror story .

As for his travel arrangements the doctor could have refused to do the surgery if the man he cut open did not have plans to stay for at least 5 days. That’s how it’s done.Leaving the guy off at a bookstore? Gee what would have happened if he started to bleed? Oh I guess he should have gone to the medical section f the book store huh?

Now fake news? Well there is no doctor licensed to practice medicine in California by the name of James Elist. You see his real name is Jamshid. Now why would he not want to be known by his real name? I never had any respect for someone that didn’t go by the name they were given. Oh I guess theY do that out there huh?

By the way can you tell me where he received his training? That’s very important to know.. Was it Stanford or UCLA?

Originally Posted by Jimmybob55
As for his travel arrangements the doctor could have refused to do the surgery if the man he cut open did not have plans to stay for at least 5 days. That’s how it’s done. Leaving the guy off at a bookstore? Gee what would have happened if he started to bleed? Oh I guess he should have gone to the medical section f the book store huh?

Now fake news? Well there is no doctor licensed to practice medicine in California by the name of James Elist. You see his real name is Jamshid. Now why would he not want to be known by his real name? I never had any respect for someone that didn’t go by the name they were given. Oh I guess they do that out there huh?

By the way can you tell me where he received his training? That’s very important to know.. Was it Stanford or UCLA?

Jimmy => > > James Elist M.D. - Penile Enlargement Surgery | Male Enhancement , do yourself a favor, 310-652-2600 . Dog , hey man you flew out there and didn’t arrange that for yourself ahead of time am I correct,? You flew down got the surgery , didn’t arrange a cab or shuttle back to the hotel and on top of that it was on you to hop on a flight and leave , if you thought that was the best thing to do that’s on you . If you had a question about weather or not that would effect you negatively then you should of asked that 13 k question huh? I’m also at a loss for words on how you let your dick dry and flake away like that after surgery .that’s not on elist that’s on your my friend .

After a man gets a surgery on his dick, circumcision or basically anything for that matter.. The doctor tells you a boner is your enemy . You stated you had painfully erections at night , which also could of screwed you in a way because your not suppose to get hard for a good week after a serious surgery like that. That on top of you letting your dick crust away could of been a major factor in this . Nah my dick is crooked and I’m fine with the size , I read to fix you lose inches so that I’m not fine with. Which is how I came across elist , I’ve read some horror stories but yours to me was the one that I thought you could of done a better job post opp maintaining hygiene. By wishing that done on someone else dick you already received your negative karma , don’t be bitter man .Now I have a better grasp on the kind of person you are.

Where did he receive his training?

After a man gets a surgery on his dick, circumcision or basically anything for that matter.. The doctor tells you a boner is your enemy . You stated you had painfully erections at night , which also could of screwed you in a way because your not suppose to get hard for a good week after a serious surgery like that

Okay 007 how does one prevent nocturnal erections? Oh the doctor tells you erections are bad so don’t have one. Now should the doctor have given him a medication to help prevent that from happening? No he just tells him not to have one. Now does that sound competent to you?
Okay so where did he get his training. Background is very important in picking a doctor and you seem to know so much about him.

Originally Posted by Jimmybob55
After a man gets a surgery on his dick, circumcision or basically anything for that matter.. The doctor tells you a boner is your enemy . You stated you had painfully erections at night , which also could of screwed you in a way because your not suppose to get hard for a good week after a serious surgery like that

Okay 007 how does one prevent nocturnal erections? Oh the doctor tells you erections are bad so don’t have one. Now should the doctor have given him a medication to help prevent that from happening? No he just tells him not to have one. Now does that sound competent to you?
Okay so where did he get his training. Background is very important in picking a doctor and you seem to know so much about him.

I gave you the link to the site and the clinics phone number ask them anything you want sir. Do some digging on your own , don’t be lazy.


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