Thunder's Place

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My homemade PE gear

My homemade PE gear

Well, I finally have a digital camera on my hands, and I decided to post pictures of my homemade stuff. I hope the pictures are clear enough becouse I lack the “technichal english” (words like nuts, bolts, and such) to describe them extensively. Anyway, if you have any questions I will try my best to explain, and hopefully those who understand it right away will help me explain with the proper words.

So here goes.

My “Re-modified Bibhanger”:

Made like the modified PVC Bibhanger but with reinforcements (so the flaps dont bend when tightening) and what we call here “butterfly nut” so you dont need a hose clamp and screwdriver to tighten.

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another pic of my "re-modified Bibhanger"

I will add that I actually own a bibstarter but I cant use it properly becouse of twisting in my penis, which I expect to stop when I develop proper girth. With this hanger my problem is reduced, although not eliminated.

The part of PVC tube that is inside the hanger is placed over the wrapped penis before inserting it in the hanger.

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My weight stack

very simple, but rather small if you want to stack many weights. On the top it has a keychain ring wich fits though the hole in the weiths.

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My PVC Uli thing

Same principle as the “Re-modified PVC Bibhanger”. A few layers of PVC glued together so the flaps dont bend when tightening, also with an inner piece that goes over the wrapped penis.

I MUST say that I just made this yesterday, tried it for 2 10 min sets and 1 over 15 min and my dick went partially numb for over 24 hours, only now returning to normal. This is dangerous stuff and should be used with lots of caution. Definately not for newbies. Im not sure wheter to keep using it, maybe Ill try 2 5 min sets a time starting tomorrow, and not every day.

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My homemade ADS

Well, this is kinda fun. It consist of a dog collar, a shoelace, an elastic band, 3 of those things women use to hold up panties, and one of those plastic things to adjust sleeping bag openings and such. I hope this aint too confusing.

Well, thats it. I will try to answer any questions, but due to my poor english you should expect “long way around” answers, until some native speaker gets it and says it right.
Any opinions?

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The bib hanger spreads the pull out over a big part of the dick, your design is very clever but I think it places to much pressure on your head and that’s why your going numb. Thank’s for sharing it with us.


Actually, its my Uli thing that made me go numb. But yes, my hanger puts too much pressure in my head, but I think its mainly becouse of me being uncut and it sliding somewhat towards the head. I would expect cut guys with more girth (and that is probably 90% of the people here) to not have this problem, at least with low weights.



Cool stuff.

With the Uli thing, never go over ten minutes. That is the max. When starting out, three or five minutes at a significant pressure is plenty. Work up slowly.

You did 35 minutes you first day, with one 15 minute set. Not wise. That is extremely advanced.

Also, with the Starter, if you need more girth, simply use a little more wrap. The hanger should still be able to grasp the internal structures through several layers. But use the minimum amount needed.


Originally posted by Bib

Cool stuff.

Thanks, most are just variations of yours. I take no credit at all.

With the Uli thing, never go over ten minutes. That is the max. When starting out, three or five minutes at a significant pressure is plenty. Work up slowly.

I DEFINATELY will do that from now on.

You did 35 minutes you first day, with one 15 minute set. Not wise. That is extremely advanced.

True. I guess Im lucky to not have fucked myself up. I only realized my mistake when I removed the thing after the last set.

Also, with the Starter, if you need more girth, simply use a little more wrap. The hanger should still be able to grasp the internal structures through several layers. But use the minimum amount needed.

I have tried lots of kinds of wraps. The thing is, my dick has this sort of flat long structure near the top. Like this if looked from the front (-) and when grasped from the sides it will twist and become (/) or (\). I think this will be corrected when I develop more my CC and CS.


Clever,a real handy man

I’d just like to point out to those who don’t know, that PVC piping, as it appears you’ve made alot of your shit with, is easily moulded with heat… :)

some of those edges look pretty jaggy - pvc is the easiest stuff in the world to sand too…

When I made my own pump tube, the edges dug into me, so I boiled up some water on the ol’ gas stove and dunked the end in there, whipped it out after a minuite or so and then using a cloth (coz it is hot, duh) you can bend it around with your hands…

I bent the whole opening outwards over itself to make a nice smooth rounded mouth… it is now comfortable as anything…

This will take you some time though, so make sure you got plenty, you may need to heat and bend multiple times before you get the shape right. Also you might like to dunk it in some icy water to snap-harden it….

if you fuck up, you can always dunk the whole thing in boiling water, it will re-assume it’s original shape, amazingly! So don’t worry about fucking it up… :D

(Tips brought to you by your resident chemical genius secjay)

good point Secjay

PVC is real easy to mould with heat. I used a lit candle, held the parts where I wanted to bend 1-2 inches up from the flame for maybe 15 seconds and then I could bend them easily.

The outer PVC layers were moulded by pressing them directly against the inner one. And yes, dont touch them with your bare hands while they are hot.

About the edges, I was lazy to not sand them throughly, but I did sand the parts where my penis would make contact. Now that I think about it, if I were to have any accident (sudden slippery or such) Im not sure its very safe as it is now. I will get that corrected.

ooh - be careful about exposing PVC to a raw flame chi.

When the stuff burns, although it is not particularly flammable and will extinguish itself when taken away from directly flaming, the gas that is released is toxic and real bad for you.

I forget exactly what it is, though it’s probably Hydrochloric Acid vapour, which you most definately don’t want to be breathing in!!

I would highly recommend the boiling water method to those who would like to keep their lungs pink! (and their PVC white) :D

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