Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

My opinion on the science of PE


Originally Posted by quicksilva101

So at 18, I probably am still growing naturally right?

I’m in the same situation as you (18 yr old), and I don’t know what to continue PE or wait for 2-3 years and see if I grow naturally. Any advice would be appreciated.

Ok now I am nervous that when and if I get some decent gains, my erection will no longer point upwards. Are my concerns about this warranted?

Originally Posted by jaylough
Ok now I am nervous that when and if I get some decent gains, my erection will no longer point upwards. Are my concerns about this warranted?

Once you have decent gains your dick will probably point straight out instead of up. Your ligs can’t hold the extra weight. Don’t worry it looks cool.

Originally Posted by UncleJoe

I’m in the same situation as you (18 yr old), and I don’t know what to continue PE or wait for 2-3 years and see if I grow naturally. Any advice would be appreciated.

I started when I was 17…;)

Decemeber 2007: 5.8" BPEL x 4.9" MSEG

Current:-------->7.7" BPEL x 5.7" MSEG (7.2" NBPEL)

Current Goal:--->7.6" BPEL X 5.8" MSEG Do or do not, there is no "try".

Originally Posted by Pringles Can
Once you have decent gains your dick will probably point straight out instead of up. Your ligs can’t hold the extra weight. Don’t worry it looks cool.

Is this typical of everyone who gets decent gains?

Originally Posted by jaylough
Is this typical of everyone who gets decent gains?

I think it is pretty typical. While i can only speak with certainty of myself, I have seen it mentioned by enough of the other members to believe it to be true.

A lot of members PMed me, asking about what plastic deformation is and how PE increases penile size. I figured I’d answer there questions in a form of an essay in my science thread to update it.

Plastic deformation is when the molecular bonds of an object like human tissue breaks and remodels to adjust to the stress. The effects of plastic deformation is perminant. For human tissue to reach the plastic phase it has to go through the CREEP phase first. CREEP is when soft tissue stretches past it’s elastic limit but this effect is temporary. Once the load that induces creep goes away then soft tissue reverts back to it’s normal size. What we as PEers are tying to accomplish is constantley inducing creep with tension and stretch force on the tunica and ligs, whether it’s from clamping, hanging, jelqing or pumping.

With repeated bouts of Creep induced tension in the pressence of heat, the molecular bonds in the soft tissue will eventually weaken and break and remodel at a new stretch or expanded size resulting in perminent tissue change and deformation. Once structural remodeling takes place of the newly deform tissue then the elastic limit of the tissue increases to a new threshold.

Through plastic deformation, we are creating new tissue mass and greater elasticity in our tunica and ligs. When the tunica generates more raw tissue mass and elasticity through plastic deformation then obviously the tunica will now be able to fill up with more blood before reaching it’s elastic limit and pressurising into a rigid erection.

This will result in a bigger penis since the newly deformed tuncia’s blood holding limit is now greater then before.
I break PE done into to types of PE. There’s internal tunica stetching excersizes and external tunica stretching excersizes.

When it comes to PE it’s all about stretching of the tunica and ligs. Even when you are clamping or jelqing it’s still a form of stretching because the blood that’s being pushed into the penis during these excersizes is increasing the internal pressure in the penis which is stretching the tunica outwards for girth gains. So I look at girth excersizes like clamping as internal stretching of the tunica.

The blood is what’s being used internally to stretch the tunica outwards. Internal tunica stretching excersizes require blood. The blood engorment is what’s building the pressure inside of the penis that’s stetching the tunica in all directions for girth.
Examples of internal tunica stetching excersizes are, clamping, pumping, jelqing and erect bends.

Now when it comes to external tuncia stretching excersizes this is when no blood is required to stretch the tunica. external tunica stretching exersizes is when an outside force is being placed on the penis to stretch the tunica directly without using blood to build up any internal pressure.

Examples of external tunica stretching excersizes are manual stetches and hanging which hit’s the ligs as well.

So all in all PE is about deforming the tunica and ligs though stretch force.

Internal tunica stretching excersizes like jelqs require blood and external stretching excersizes like hanging require no blood.

Another thing I want you guys to understand even though I said this before on that link that aidan784 set up to my science thread. When you do PE you are not growing your penis or stimulating your penis to grow. Sorry fellas but It doesn’t work that way. Once you are completely done with puberty which is around 20 to 23 years of age then that”s it my brothers. The fat lady has song. Your dick isn’t growing any more. What you have at the age of 23 is all mother nature or your genetic make up has in store for you when it comes to natural growth.

Don’t worry because not all hope is lost. At this point you can enlarge your penis through PE. Not grow your penis but ENLARGE your penis. This will be done by plastic deformation and structural remodeling of soft tissues of the penis.

Another thing that I have talked about is treating the penis like any other skelital muscle in the body that can grow from excersize. Sorry fellas but it doesn’t work that way either. The penis does have smooth muscle in it but not the kind of muscle that can be stimulated for growth through workouts like lets say your chest or biceps. Doesn’t work that way at all. The tissues in the penis deform from stress/ time under tenison. The penis is an ORGAN. NOT A MUSCLE.

That’s all there is to it. TIME UNDER TENSION.

Let’s use an imaginary guy named Bob. Let’s say Bob has been doing manual stretches and jelqs for 2 years and has gained 1 inch in length and .25 in girth in over that 2 year period. Now let’s say Bob has reached a platueo and can’t gain another cenimeter to save his life because his ligs and tunica have toughen up and adapted to the tension that Bob’s hands were putting on his dick.

Now lets say Bob changes up his excersize and starts hanging and clamping. Now after 6 months, Bob has broke out of his platueo and gain another half inch in lengh and a half inch in girth. The reason Bob broke out of his platueo is not because he changed his excersizes to keep his penis guessing so to say.

Bob broke out of his platueo because he is now applying the right amount of load and time under tension for plastic deformation to continue. The hanging and clamping is providing Bob’s penis more load and time under tension then the manual stretches and jelqing that he was doing before.

Wether you are jelqing, clamping, pumping, stretching, or hanging. It’s all about load and time under tension. Plastic deformation is time and load dependent.

These are the principles I go by when I’m PEing.

(Starting size) (NBPEL: 8 Inches), (BPEL: 8.5 Inches) (BPFSL: Didn't measure then), (Midshaft Girth: 5.2 Inches), (Base Girth: 5.5 Inches)
(Current size) (NBPEL: 9.3 Inches), (BPEL: 9.7 Inches), (BPFSL: 10.3 Inches), (Midshaft Girth: 5.8 Inches), (Base Girth: 6.35 Inches)
(Final Goal) To be the next Mandingo LOL.


Last edited by saiyan22 : 02-06-2011 at .

It’s good that I am really just shooting for a 0.5x 0.5 inch increase cause personally, I don’t think my body size of 5 ft 7 inches tall would look good with a 12 inch penis hanging off of it. I want an average length fat stubby cock. I am 7 x 5 erect now. I want 7.5 x 5.5. Realistic goal without to much heart and vascular system compromise? I would like to think so.

Hey Bfitnessjoe your length right now is ABOVE AVERAGE length, and in my opinion, big, maybe huge. When you reach your goal, definitely huge.

And saiyan I’m so glad you posted this thread, just wish I found it earlier. Well written and makes a lot of sense.


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