My penis is stronger than I am!
I am convinced that if there were a nuclear armageddon only three things would survive: twinkies, cockroaches, and my penis.
I have been PEing pretty intensively for about 5-6 months now using only manual exercises. I have seen great gains but have hit the wall (about 2 months ago) as everyone does. I’ve been trying to increase the amount of force I apply during streches and erect/semi-erect bends but I can’t even get that tingling that used to let me know I had a good workout. I’ve also increased the amount of time I do workouts. I could spend 2 straight hours going at it without even the slightest ache. BTW, I am trying to gain more length (clamping is working for girth for now). Using all my strength I get zilch. I get a better workout for my arms doing PE than I do at the gym. I haven’t even burst a capilllary in about 3 months, which I used to do all the time. I feel like I should enter some penis strongman competition, but I’m sure all you hangers would have an edge. So a couple questions:
Is there anything I can do to overcome this issue without resorting to some sort of device?
If I were to get a device or use a “non-manual” technique, what would be the best first choice?
Anyone else out there who can open stuck jar lids as well as I can thanks to PE?
I’m sure this post could go in the noob forum but I was tragically born with the inability to properly categorize forum posts.