Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Natural growth

Originally Posted by nshl
He talked about natural growing not with jelqing or others

23 was the last because of priapism.
Yes it’s considered natural growing.

Basically I can have growth at any age (because of priapism) and when it happens the penis gets larger in SIZE. Length and girth per event..
Last time was at 24 but it was fairly mild which just gave me a nice morning wood or maybe it was just a good morning wood..

I’m white, I don’t have sickle cell , if that matters to a question you may have.

Originally Posted by fat_cock
23 was the last because of priapism.
Yes it’s considered natural growing.

Basically I can have growth at any age (because of priapism) and when it happens the penis gets larger in SIZE. Length and girth per event..
Last time was at 24 but it was fairly mild which just gave me a nice morning wood or maybe it was just a good morning wood..

I’m white, I don’t have sickle cell , if that matters to a question you may have.

Thanks for the help. Just curious that’s all.

Starting 4/15/15 7.3 BPEL and 4.9 MEG

Super lazy and inconsistent :(

Well, i am 18 as well, and i am still experiencing natural penis growth or just being lucky and being a big gainer. Most say till your 20s but im sure it differs person to person like most things relating to hormones and their bodies. You may get a little more, but chances you will get a good noticable amount are pretty slim i believe. At the most, i would say maybe .25 in length and just a hair over 5. Unless you are jsut a late bloomer in which case who knows. I have grow spurts, going from 5x4 - 5.5x4.5 - 6x5(around 15) -6.75x5.25 (at 17) - Now im at 7.75 x 5.75 but obviously alot has come from 5 months of pe

(7/1/15): Flaccid Length - 3.50 Flaccid Girth - 3 Erect Length NBP - 6.3 Erect Length BP - 6.75 Erect Girth MS - 5.25

11/1/15: Flaccid Length - 4.60 Flaccid Girth - 4.6 Erect Length NBP - 7.0 Erect Length BP - 7.5 Erect Girth MS - 5.55

12/2/15: Flaccid Length - 4.75 Flaccid Girth - 4.6 Erect Length NBP - 7.4 Erect Length BP - 8.0 Erect Girth MS - 5.80

Originally Posted by Titleist
Are you a urologist? Where do you get your “facts”?

I was about to ask the same thing.
I don’t believe he gets his facts anywhere, but rather makes them up as he goes.

Start: ~7.5" BPEL, ~5.5" MSEG

Now: 8.5" BPEL, (9" BPFSL), 6" MSEG

Goal: 9.0" BPEL, 8.5" NBPEL, 6.5" MSEG

I think I stopped growing naturally somewhere around 18, might have been at 17 or 19 though, I can’t quite remember.

Start: ~7.5" BPEL, ~5.5" MSEG

Now: 8.5" BPEL, (9" BPFSL), 6" MSEG

Goal: 9.0" BPEL, 8.5" NBPEL, 6.5" MSEG

Originally Posted by mentok
I think I stopped growing naturally somewhere around 18, might have been at 17 or 19 though, I can’t quite remember.

Thanks for sharing

Starting 4/15/15 7.3 BPEL and 4.9 MEG

Super lazy and inconsistent :(

I think most guys stop growing between 17-19 from what I have read. So grow up to 20 and 21 even, but they are supposedly the exception rather than the norm.

I was around 16-17.

Started 11/2014 6" BPEL x 4" MEG (Ballpark #'s)

As of 01/2017 7 1/2" BPEL x 4 7/8" MEG

18 Month Comparison Pic

If memory serves, by about 14 I was already between 6-6.5” BPEL, and things grew slightly more over the next few years. I did notice a jump from around 4.75” to 5” girth though at some point in my early to mid 20s.

In a way I wish I knew the real stats back then…there was a time I thought 6-6.5” was potentially big, but then porn brainwashed me for years ( quick ‘Yahoo’ search showed them at 8-12”) and I thought I was small.

Current: BPEL 8"/NBPEL 6.75" MEG 5.2", BPFL 6.75"/NBPFL 5.5" FG 4.5"


Realistic Goal: BPEL 8.5"/NBPEL 7.5" EG 5.5" | Optimistic: BPEL 9"/NBPEL 8" MEG 5.75" | Dream: BPEL 10"/NBPEL 9" MEG 6.5"


My cock started growing when I was nearly twelve, it grew very fast ,not being circumcised, it grew right out of my foreskin so that the foreskin could not be moved
Over the head , just to the rim and a saucer head started enlarging . When I was 14, it was 7 inches long, it kept growing , when I was 16, it was 8 inches long and it got thicker.
At around 18 it had grown to 10 inches long and a diameter of 8 1/2 inches at the rim. With a saucer head , larger than the shaft, it has stopped growing , I am now 20

It now takes about 30 seconds to go from completely soft to rock hard , this seems slower than when I was 14-16.

Last edited by randy99 : 11-10-2015 at .

Originally Posted by firegoat

Some guys still get minor growth into their early 20s. I stopped growing at 14. To some extent, it depends how early you hit puberty.

I heard that the use of dihydrotestosterone creams/powders induce growth in your penis if you’re still under ~25ish, since the androgen receptors in your penis aren’t shut down, just inactive.

It may not seem “natural” but it’s a bit more natural than jelqing

Originally Posted by Sludge

I heard that the use of dihydrotestosterone creams/powders induce growth in your penis if you’re still under ~25ish, since the androgen receptors in your penis aren’t shut down, just inactive.

It may not seem “natural” but it’s a bit more natural than jelqing

I’m guessing you read that on a site/paper that promotes chemical PE, and is probably selling something. :)

firegoat is fully RETIRED from Thundersplace.

All injuries happen from "too much", or "too much, too soon" or "doing the exercise incorrectly".

Heat makes the difference between gaining quickly or slowly for some guys, or between gaining slowly instead of not at all for others. The ideal penis size is 7.6" BPEL x 5.6" Mid Girth. Basics.... firegoat roll How to use the Search button for best results

My natural growth

I was 18 before , my cock stopped growing

9.5 inches long and about 8 inches around at saucer head

I vacuum pump a few times a month,

Originally Posted by randy99
I was 18 before , my cock stopped growing

9.5 inches long and about 8 inches around at saucer head

I vacuum pump a few times a month,

Pics or I’m calling bs. 8” around that sounds way too fake.

Starting 4/15/15 7.3 BPEL and 4.9 MEG

Super lazy and inconsistent :(

Originally Posted by randy99
My cock started growing when I was nearly twelve, it grew very fast ,not being circumcised, it grew right out of my foreskin so that the foreskin could not be moved
Over the head , just to the rim and a saucer head started enlarging . When I was 14, it was 7 inches long, it kept growing , when I was 16, it was 8 inches long and it got thicker.
At around 18 it had grown to 10 inches long and a diameter of 8 1/2 inches at the rim. With a saucer head , larger than the shaft, it has stopped growing , I am now 20

It now takes about 30 seconds to go from completely soft to rock hard , this seems slower than when I was 14-16.



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