You guys are making this too complex! Morning wood is certainly a good sign, but lack of it isn’t necessarily a negative indicator.
INCREASING morning wood is a positive indicator, and DECREASING morning wood is a negative indicator. That is to say that if your normal base line is hardly any morning wood, and now you have more…thats GOOD! On the other side, if you usually have morning wood, but now its gone…thats a POSSIBLE indicator of overdoing it. Ideally you will have several positive or negative indicators that taken TOGETHER will indicate whether you are going in the right direction or not.
All of us have a normal baseline for US…what may be excellent for you, may be piss poor for another. Its important to observe the changes from YOUR baseline…that is a more accurate indicator of how your body is responding to what you are doing to it.
Now lets take a mixed scenario, like yours, where you are getting some negative indicators AND some positive indicators…that can be due to many factors…but it usually means that if you are overtraining…it is only SLIGHT…so you aren’t in any real trouble.
It would be totally different if you had great overall EQ (Erectile Quality…great nite and morning wood, super hard erections during the day, very easily achieve erections) and now its all going to hell in a handbasket, no morning or nite wood, poor erectile hardness, very difficult to get hard, etc. This picture taken together is a very strong indicator of WAY overtraining.
I think that in general, when in doubt, go ahead and take a few days off. If after the extra rest the possible negative indicators go away, you have your answer…you were slightly over the line into overtraining. If there is no change, then quite possibly that other factors are involved (stress, psychological) that are not PE related.
Remember the king of all indicators…that trumps ALL other indicators is GROWTH or LOSS OF SIZE! All other indicators MUST be interpreted in light of gain or loss. If you are gaining, I really don’t care what any other indicators are…you are on the right track. Conversely, if all other indicators are positive, yet you aren’t making gains…a change is called for.
Bottom line is you have to look at the big picture and access your observed PIs in the light of the totality, and not get too caught up in one or two isolated indicators.
I hope this helps you to use the PI system more effectively.