Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

New PE data page -- need your input

Thanks for the offer P08, but no thanks ;)


Should there have been attachments to your previous two posts? I don’t know what the rules are for attachments here. Maybe you have to post them in the Pics section??



All attachments have to be released in the moderator control panel before they appear in your posts. Also, P8, if you would please, post your next photos in the Member Pics Forum. I don’t want you getting too popular around here, and having to spend all of your time answering emails instead of posting. :D

P8 has a new thread in the Member Pics Forum now.

Penis Enlargement Forum -- How To Jelq -- Free Penis Enlargement Videos

Make a Donation This place runs on donations, help out if you can. Thanks.


Thanks Thunder, I’ll have a go in the pics forum.

If the “photo tutorial” turns out to be a sensible addition to Sizes size database, it would be best accessed directly — but I guess we could hotlink it to the pics forum if cannot be part of the one thread.


Saw your pic

I saw your picture. Excellent results. Tell me, how did you get to 8” erect. I have been stuck on 7.375 for over a month now and have tried almost everything to get it going up to 8” which is my goal. I would appreciate any information you have. I jelq every day and uli as well. I am happy with my girth which is at 6.25” around erect. The two things I would like to improve is the length as I said to 8” and also increase the head size somewhat. I have been doing uli’s for that and it seems to be helping somewhat. I know that it takes a lot of time and patience and I am very focused on my exercises. I know what I want my penis to look like. I had set a goal for 7” when I started, I reached that and then some. But it is the 8” think. Please offer some advice. I would appreciate it greatly. Thank you.

your suggestions, etc.


It’s only fair to include my metric friends :D That’s on my to-do list now.


Thanks for posting your pics… but, are you lying flat, standing, sitting, what?

Troy and others,

I’m working on the supplements thing. The problem I’m having
is making the list of supplements output as a list rather than an giant blob of text. Since there is such a wide range of health and diet issues that could never be completely represented by having a blank to fill in on the form, I will put a box for anyone to add information about other health problems or issues they fill are important. I’m only going to go specific on the stuff that has come up on a consistant basis in discussion (smoking, caffeine, previous erectile dysfunction, etc.)

Size's Question- P8's Photo Position

Size, I always sit forward on a dining room type chair to measure. (Gives a good thrust forward).

For these photos I had a friend stand beside me and take the shots, looking kind of downwards and slightly back towards my body.



UC61la 's Question

I was lucky.

The goddess looked at me favourably and gave me over 7 inches “au naturel” — and it’s been that way since about the age of 17.

You may have therefore already grown proportionally more than I have!!

I hang with the Bib 2001, — to 20 lbs or so, and do intense jelq / ulis. 3 or 4 days “on” and 1-2 days off— is my rough program.

For further info —See my progress report at the PE Forum for complete history.

9 inches NBP is what I am aiming for— and maybe another 1/2 inch girth — up to about 5+3/4. Anything much thicker is too thick to suck. I know what I’m tallking about.

That means I want 1 more inch of length, both BP and NBP.


You were blessed

By the time I was an adult my erect penis was about 5 to 5.5 inches and obviously flaccid was a real rut for me. After 22 months of intense work I have achieved what is a major goal for me in that I am 7.375 erect x 6.25 girth. I am very happy with my new thickness. Flaccid is now at little over 5” and if I stretch it out flaccid it will measure 7”. I am really afraid of hanging anything from my penis. I do want to get to 8” fully bone press. I think that would be a miracle for me. So unless some miracle formula comes along I will stick with jelq and uli. I really enjoy doing it and I have not been dissapointed so far. I wish you well and yes you were really blessed from the start.


It’s certainly a decision you have to make for yourself …. but I learnt to trust the guys here (I mean there at the PE Forum), and started hanging about 4 months after renewing my PE, which was very near 1/1/2001.

By “trust the guys”, I mean that if any single one had hurt themselves hanging or any other way we would have heard about it. ( Dance is very open— heart on shirtsleeve stuff, so there is no doubting that he would tell us his problem, — which was not to do with hanging— but I think that of the hundreds of guys in the Forum, many of whom hang weights you would have heard by now of any significant problems.

I’m in Sydney, Australia, and have no affiliation of any kind with any paysite, anyone who designs or sells hangers etc, or anyone on these boards, nor do I know who they are apart from what i see here.

I therefore encorage you to at least think further about hanging weights. You can read or do numbers of other things whilst its all happening “down below”.


I have given it thought

I just cannot think of hanging weights. I wanted to ask you if you think if I

was more agressive with the jelq and uli that I could get to the 8” length.

Did you get your extra inch hanging or did you do some jelq and uli with it.

I really like the girth on my penis now since I got it very thick. But that all

elusive 8” length is just making me nuts.

Any jelq help or ther suggestions other than hanging would be appreciated.

Guys, don’t forget that most of the stuff you put in the database right now probably will be deleted before the page goes live. I see several people with elaborate entries, and I can’t guarantee that they’ll be saved when the final page goes up.


Will you notify us when the page goes up so we can put our stats on and get the most current

and correct information up.

When do you anticipate this being.

Please let us all know.


I hope to have it finished by the first of the year, but depending on how much my gf has planned for me during the holidays and my load at work, it might take a couple of weeks longer.

I’ll be certain to keep everyone informed on my progress.



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