Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

New PE data page -- need your input

Another note!

Hey Size..
I tried to have a look at the data page.. but no luck (probably my conection here, we’re having freak storms and lines geting cut, etc..)
Anyways, something that just came to mind, and I don’t know if anyone else has noticed either (or mentioned it).. Perhaps it’s just a trivial thing, but here goes:

I was just wondering about the actual day when “we” get to input our data: does the “date” data include the day/date-month-year, or just month-year ???

In my case I would like to see a “day-month-year” type configuration (or anything else that gives the “day” of when the measurement took place).

Forgive me if this has already been taken care of, but like I said I haen’t been able to look at the data page.

See ya,



Can you see the page now?

I’m basing a lot of how I do this page on how most people have taken measurements in the past, so the veterans don’t get excluded. That’s why I’ve been trying to find out about the “standard” way of measuring, etc. I debated on whether or not to include the “day” in the date of measurement and figured that most people who have taken measurements wouldn’t remember the day but the month and year instead. Maybe I’m the only one who does that, hmmm…

Yeah, I’ll make the day optional but not required. Probably shoulda done that anyway :D

Ok Size,
Cool… I just wondered about the date because I like to “try” to stick to my 4-8 week schedules!!! ;)

there’s so many variable on the measurement thing! especially for us in europe! (well, atleast centimeters sound more than inches!! hahahah)


The data page demo will be ending next week, December 4th or 5th, just so you guys know. Hopefully it will be finished within the next several weeks.

The data page demo is over, for now, and the page is currently closed except to participants in the latest “experiment”.



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