Thunder—- I would never have guessed. We’ve not really engaged with each other much in the “other place”—-I don’t think—- Thanks for making it clearer —- in this fog of pseudonyms—— who you might be….. or are…. or are over there…..
I just wanted to talk about measurement a bit more
Whilst we have already canvassed this issue —-I had a little brainstorm about it, and thought I’d include this here since this thread is about measuring and reporting.
I had not thought through why the BP measurement is important to “we PE’rs” —- in these terms—-until I was commenting on someone elses observation about BP measurements being “cheating” in NEWBIE’s thread about jelquing.
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It’s certainly true that “visually” the NON BP length is what someone else sees, and is the sensible measurement that you would have in your mind as to what size to claim for anyone’s dick.
No one is going to say —- Gees —- He’s got a 9.25 inch BP dick. You can only go for 81/2 or 8 etc.—- or 9 inches Non BP would be great…..Settle down there Rob!!!
The problem with NON BP lies with us guys who are measureing a lot for PE reasons —- to see if we are getting any gains.
There is a lot of error with reproducing the NON- BP meaurement.
Reasons is that —- for most people, ——excepting only for those with VERY little body fat——- , unless you tatto a line on your skin and always measure from that point, how do you know where the “zero” point for the ruler should be?? You could easily be out by 1/4 inch each time.
The Bone Pressed measurement at least gives you something solid to push the end of the rule — with any extra wood or plastic past the zero point suitably ground back to zero, of course.
Then you can think about the other issues such as if your dick is more or less engorged than the last time, if your dick bends down a little as I do, whether to straighten it up against the rule, whether there is any error in doing that, etc etc.
Measurement of the penis just aint exact, but measureing BP takes away one of the biggest sources of inaccuracy.
P8 (Rob)