Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Non-hereditary causes of small penis

Originally Posted by ticktickticker
Hi bennett - I ‘ve rarely read so much bs in that concentrated form.

I would assume that dick size is 50+% hereditary the rest up to 100% never developed in most men, rather a potential - gains through pe, that - in my opinion - would be the major env. Factor.

Genetics is a bit more complicated than what you seem to believe. You and your brother are not a copy of your dad, not regarding your dicks, not regarding the rest of you. Rather, you are combinations of the genes of both your parents which results in all possible dick size within the offspring of a couple.

Modify what you’ve got through pe and forget about other env. Factors.


So if I were to have a son with a girl who’s father is well hung, there would be a good chance the kid wouldn’t have a small pecker like myself? I don’t really want to have kids if they will be cursed with my same endowment.

Originally Posted by J Rock
So if I were to have a son with a girl who’s father is well hung, there would be a good chance the kid wouldn’t have a small pecker like myself? I don’t really want to have kids if they will be cursed with my same endowment.

I don’t know or want to know what my ex-wife’s father is packing, but my son is hung like a god and he sure didn’t get it from my side of the family. Damn kid hit the jackpot.

How do you plan to screen your potential wives for parental penile endowment? I get along great with my in-laws, or ex-in-laws now, but I wouldn’t know how to broach that subject.

"We have met the enemy, and he is us."

Originally Posted by Churchy Lefemme
I don’t know or want to know what my ex-wife’s father is packing, but my son is hung like a god and he sure didn’t get it from my side of the family. Damn kid hit the jackpot.

How do you plan to screen your potential wives for parental penile endowment? I get along great with my in-laws, or ex-in-laws now, but I wouldn’t know how to broach that subject.

I don’t know exactly how to screen (maybe hookup with a girl with a black father=), just looking to see if there would be any hope for the kid.

Careful with the racial stereotyping there J Rock.

Originally Posted by jelqbeginner
Surely the very notion of PE rests on the premise of environmental factors otherwise the process of P.E would be in vain because all we’d have left is genetic determinism?

True enough, but the idea behind PE is steady, concentrated and targeted tissue modification which is somewhat different than the incidental effects that bennett8 is suggesting.

_Phoenix_ is correct about genetic potential being a range, but as to the degree of bell curve and the effect of incidental environmental factors…I’m with the Doctor ticktickticker. Unless bennett8 was getting truly substandard nutrition or had a dearth of hormonal adjustment in puberty, the rest of his theories seem to be a way of trying to rationalize his size.

And just so everyone knows phytoestrogens are beneficial to men. They can help to prevent prostate cancer. You’d have to eat a fuckload of soy to have it negatively impact your masculinity.

Before: I'd like to show you something I'm very proud of, but you'll have to move real close.

After: I\'d like to show you something I\'m very proud of, but you guys in the front row will have to stand back.

God gave men both a penis and a brain, but unfortunately not enough blood supply to run both at the same time. - Robin Williams (:

Last edited by Mr. Happy : 10-03-2006 at .

Wouldn’t constant erections be good? Doesn’t that mean it has a good blood flow to it, and promote a larger penis?

Originally Posted by Gentle Wind
Wouldn’t constant erections be good? Doesn’t that mean it has a good blood flow to it, and promote a larger penis?

Yes, of course. I really believe in the power of our mind (subconscious) to influence our physical reality. I’m merely suggesting that, since I remember as a young kid having these constant/frequent erections and how I hated it at the time — that I did wish for it to stop/get smaller. Isn’t it possible that IT WORKED?

Start: (6-27-03/at age 45) 3.75" BPEL, 4.75 EG". Current: 6" BPEL, 5.5" EG ... Update (2/2010): My current love doesn't want me any bigger... can you believe it? So, I've decided to take a break from PE. But I'm still happy to inspire people and respond if you contact me.

My Pics

I think you might be onto something bennett8. Because I was definitely in a permanent state of fear when I was younger. I don’t think I am now because when I was in my late teens I saw some REALLY SCARY STUFF, it made me not see a lot of things as scary as I did when I was young high schooler.

I also sleep in the fetal position, switching randomly during the night to the other side; now I put a pillow in between my legs because otherwise it doesn’t feel comfortable. My flaccid length looked something like that pre-pe (full turtle with only my glans sticking out).

Now I stretch out of it All Day. Hope that works haha

Let us not forget epigenetics, the proven "does all the heavy lifting" source of soft inheritance.

Epigenetics - Wikipedia

“You see, I don’t want to do good things, I want to do great things.” ~Alexander Joseph Luthor

I know Lewd Ferrigno personally.

Originally Posted by Para-Goomba
This is not strictly a valid inference, but I would agree with you that there are probably some environmental factors that affect dick size significantly. Prenatal hormone levels (in utero, that is) may make a difference, as may anything that affects hormones during puberty.

Twat and PG have it right.

The great elm.

I think the “constant state of fear” idea has some validity for sure. Penises always shrivel up during states of panic/stress/anxiety/fear. If during childhood through puberty this is your normal state of mind and body then it could certainly have an impact on how much blood your penis recieved on a regular basis. If this is true, I should be 12 inches :P

I went through a period of extreme panic and anxiety about 10 years ago and there would be times where I would have to reach down into my pants to feel my penis to make sure it was still there or hadn’t gone numb/dead. It used to scare the crap out of me. I’m circumcised and my entire head would be invisible.

Bennette 8,
I buy the fear of erection thing. I feared getting erections, I found them embarrasing, plus sometimes they were so hard that it hurt. I grew up in a very religious and disfunctional household. This certainly didn’t help with accepting sexuality.

I think way the penis grows and develops, is by frequent intense erections. It makes sense.If you fear it you could consciously or subconsciously do things which interfere with that process. Certain dietary trends in my childhood and teenage years probably didn’t help. The ultra low fat, vegan diet probably didn’t help, (although it might sound healthy)as you need a supply of fat and cholestrol to make hormones.

I am consuming natural high sources of vitamin A(and also beta carotene,which is actually pre-vitamin A)to assist with PE, and I think it’s helping alot. I am doing this because I have read that one doesn’t produce the max amount of hormones without a good supply of fat soluble vitamins, most of which are lacking in the modern diet. But I do believe that food sources are better than pills. This means consuming things which some people find distasteful, like liver and kidneys. Free range eggs and real pasture butter are good sources also, and probably more appealing to most people.

I think that anxiety and depression are probably symptoms of low testosterone not causes. But it’s an excellent association none the less. De-stressing, mediation probably could help in any case.

I think environmental pollution could be a problem towards getting maximium pe. Eat a balanced diet, organic and free range if you can afford it, get adaquate sleep, plus a little more if you can. Weightlifters get an amazing amount of sleep and rest between workouts to max out testosterone production and help muscle developement.

Oh yeah, about the “eskimo with a large penis” statement and question. Actually the largest unit I have ever seen was on a yupik man. He was short height wise, probably around 5 foot 4, but he had an ‘oosik’. (A walrus penis)It was enormous, and a bit on the offensive side to be seen in the sauna, mostly from being so unexpected to view. But it was clearly his best feature.

The next runner up was on a white guy who was raised on Inupiaq food. My guess is that it’s the high levels of fat soluble vitamins, and perhaps certain trace minerals in their natural form which contributed to this. Eskimo culture was also traditionally very accepting of sexuality, so that probably helped as well.

Environmental influences is a likely contributor.

Speak softly carry a big dick, I'm mean stick!

Thought I’d pitch in.

I didn’t have spontaneous erections at all as a kid. Ever. At best a weak semi. Only time I had an erection was when I masturbated. I’m a slightly above average in length, comfortably above average in girth.

I used to play competitive sports and I think that Adrenaline negatively affected my flaccid size.

Contradict that with weightlifting. I think the increased in testosterone from weightlifting during puberty, increased erect size.

I could be wrong on both counts?


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