Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Non-hereditary causes of small penis

Originally Posted by sweeeeet
I think you might be onto something bennett8. Because I was definitely in a permanent state of fear when I was younger. I don’t think I am now because when I was in my late teens I saw some REALLY SCARY STUFF, it made me not see a lot of things as scary as I did when I was young high schooler.

I also sleep in the fetal position, switching randomly during the night to the other side; now I put a pillow in between my legs because otherwise it doesn’t feel comfortable. My flaccid length looked something like that pre-pe (full turtle with only my glans sticking out).

Now I stretch out of it All Day. Hope that works haha


If you are implying by your post that your fear made your penis small, it is a misguided implication.

You are almost at the 50th percentile for EL and EG ( 5.8” BPEL is .1” shorter than the 50% length, 4.75” EG is .14” less than the 50% but well within 1 SD).

Absolutely and completely average, not small.

Kdong Starting: 7.1 x 5.125 vol = 14.84 cu. in. Current: 7.1BPEL 5.5 MSEG = 17cu. in. GOAL --> 8.5 x 6.5 vol: 28.6 cu. in.

Took Time off, lost some gains-- Girth cemented

No PE since 2015 -- starting back up

Originally Posted by TuggerJoe
I like this post. I’m going with prenatal hormones.

There is alot to that thought.

Some females exposed to large amounts of hormones in the womb (from whatever source), end up with a clitoris the size of a thumb.

Also testosterone creams accidentally applied to the penis in young males resulted in large penile growth. This has resulted in black box warnings for testosterone creams.

see this link

http://www.your … cles/read/16539

Kdong Starting: 7.1 x 5.125 vol = 14.84 cu. in. Current: 7.1BPEL 5.5 MSEG = 17cu. in. GOAL --> 8.5 x 6.5 vol: 28.6 cu. in.

Took Time off, lost some gains-- Girth cemented

No PE since 2015 -- starting back up

3 More Non-Hereditary Reasons For A Small Penis

Just my 2 cents worth:

1.) Karma. In a previous life the Soul inhabiting the body either ridiculed others that had small penises or intentionally inflicted damage to anothers’ penis.

2.) Drinking High Amounts of cow’s milk during childhood . Hormones present in cow’s milk (xenoestrogens) exerting an estrogenic effect.

3.) Botched circumcision immediately after childbirth.

Originally Posted by kdong

Also testosterone creams accidentally applied to the penis in young males resulted in large penile growth. This has resulted in black box warnings for testosterone creams.

http://www.your … cles/read/16539

Interesting, would that work on older males too?! Sounds like a perfect wet-jelq lubricant.

Someone should try it quickly!

I was thinking that too about using those creams.
But I presume that if you have healthy testosterone levels it could make you ill.

And if that is the case about the milk then someone should tell the parents that forcing their kids to drink loads of milk to make their bones strong is making the most important one of them all weaker.

(Like my play one words?)

Current Stats: 6.9BPEL/6.4NBPEL 5.5MEG.

Current Goal: 7BPEL/6.5NBPEL 5.75MEG.

Originally Posted by bennett8

When the average man is in a fear mode, there is a natural retraction of the penis. But what if growing up, you are a sensitive, high-strung, worrying type of kid. It’s not that you are actually in fear, but the high stress/adrenaline becomes your norm. So I believe that physiologically, parts of your body mold into this and become permanent. For example, cold hands, sunken chest, shallow breathing, rapid heartbeat, quick reflexes, light sleeper, high alert and … retracting penis, becomes a normal, constant way of life.

Not quite sure about this one. I have been told by MANY people, including my own family and my girlfriend, that I am a constant worrier. I’ve always been sensitive about things. I’m always stressed out about everything, always fearing the worst. I’ve been this way as long as I can remember. But even before I started P.E, I was comfortably average, at 16 I was BPEL 6.5, EG 4.8.

Starting BPEL: 7.0, EG: 5.0

My Dream: BPEL 8.0, EG 6.0

Originally Posted by Slack
Bragging is probably just that - bragging.

If you believe it everytime a guy says “I’m packing 8+ inches”, then the average size would be a LOT higher than it actually is ;)

Kind of like if you believe people on these boards and PE in general with claims of 2 inches in length and 2 in girth with nary a picture? Lies, bragging, and truth stretching happen everywhere.
While some of the original points were very interesting, others seem quite silly. I too am a part of this strange genetic circle. Not only am I pissed to be the only male on my dads side to be circumcised, I feel I am much smaller as well. I remember as a kid thinking how big my dads dick was as I saw it fairly often around the house. I later learned in a candid conversation it was 8.5” in length and I can remember it as rather thick too. Why did it not trickle down to me? Why do I have the same (excessive) body hair and BO as him, but a smaller dick. Then again I have a full thick head of hair and am 3” taller and not a prick. If every offspring were genetic carbon copies there would eventually cease to be variety.
HOWEVER. I feel that nourishment, both prenatal and in development does impact it. Say for instance zinc. It is very important during sexual development. So if I start giving my toddler son a little extra zinc throughout his years, would he have a big one? Was it asthma medication containing steroids, that did me in during my pre-pubescent and puberty years? Too many factors at play indeed. But I DO think there are non-genetic factors that come into play for sure. Both positive and negative.

I think that the entire thing of trying to analize (not a good speller and I hate to use the spell check - it hinders my thought as I type if I have to worry about spelling: please keep all this in mind when Gemini76054 writes) the reasons or theories on why some people have larger/thicker/longer Dicks than their siblings/parents/cousins: ie Relatives, is a waste of time. You have what you have and they have what they have.. One can compare though not always will it make one feel much better if that person is not falling in place where they think that they should.

Heres my story:

When I was 12 and my brother 13, we were talking about the size of our Dicks. Neither of us knew how big we were but we knew what eachothers looked like. So, my brother came up with an idea: Go get a measure tape, go into the bathroom, measure and then tell the other what it was.

He was the first in the bathroom, with in a few minites (we knew that we had to allow for it to get hard in order to measure it at it’s largest) he came out of the bathroom and told me to measure mine.. I asked him what he measured - he didnt want to tell me.. So, I took the measuring tape and went in. I let it get hard (wich didnt take but looking at my own Dick for a few moments) and when I felt that it was it’s hardest, as I sat, I pulled out the measureing tape and measured: 6 inches. I let it get soft so I could leave the bathroom comphortably.

So, I walked out of the bathroom and my brother immediately asked me what it was (as I had asked him earlier), I told him: “6 inches.” - His eyes got big. I asked him what his was - he refused to tell me and instead took the tape from me and went back into the bathroom.. He came out a few minites later not too happy.

I asked him again what it measured - he STILL refused to tell me. I got annoyed and said to him, “Mine must be bigger because your not telling me what yours is!”

Well, not but a few weeks later, my family (Step-Father, Mom and Brother) were all in the family car and the subject of sex and Dick size came up.. I piped-up and said that mine was 6 inches. My mom laughed, my Dad was shocked and my brother was pretty quiet. My Dad asked me, “What, did you measure your Dick from your Asshole?” I looked at him in confusion from the back seat (I always sat behind the drivers seat and he was driving) He then said to my mother some kind of comment like my mother should be proud - my mom only chuckled and then my dad asked my brother what he was.. My brother refused to answer (yet again) and I confirmed that he just won’t tell.. My Dad laughed. I then asked MY DAD what his was - he only laughed and my mom abruptly said 13 inches! (I took it that she was joking and that they were both not going to say what he was.. He said, “Big enough to please any woman and your mother has absolutely NO complaints.” They all laughed at that.. I just sat in the back seat confused.

MANY years later (when I was 25), I saw my Dads erect Dick - he was just sitting on the couch infront of the TV wearing boxers.. I was sitting across from him (I just came over to visit him and my new 2 Step Brothers.. He remarried after he and my mom Divorced - he had 2 boys from that other woman. He had custody of them both) He was just watching tv and the older of my 2 little brothers just walked up to him and said, “What is That?” and grabbed the head of Dads Dick - it was At Attention - sticking Straight Up Out Of His Boxers!! (For all to see?) My Dad instantly told him, “Don’t Touch That - Thats Daddy’s !” and lightly smacked the childs hand away..


I was Shocked (to say the least). I new growing-up that my Dad was a nudist - he would walk around the house nude all the time.. My brother and I knew what he looked like in ‘perfect detail’ because we saw him so much.. But we NEVER saw it Erect! - This was a first. I didnt know What to think about this newfound ‘openness’ that he had with my 2 younger brothers (aged 3 and 4) .. I can only suspect that he wanted to have them more ‘open’ and ‘unashamed’ about their bodies through their childhood..

The only thing that I can say is that my Dads Dick looked to be about 7 1/2 or 8.. The 8 would be REALY pusshing it though.

For all of your information: I havent grown not a fraction of an inch since I was 12. My Dick is Still: 6 inches. I am 35. I believe that I am ‘alright’ of a size for me because I am 5’5 ft tall (or short) and weigh a mere 105 lbs.. As Unbelieveable as that may be - it is all true.

35 yrs old, 5’5 ft, 105 lbs with a circumsized 6 inch Dick.

On My body, it looks Very, Very nice.. Though, I have seen many, many Dicks throughout my life and believe that the ‘Average Length’ to be about 6 to 6 1/2. 7 is on the bigger side.. No matter WHAT the mans height, the magic # seems to be not much longer than 7.

Girth on the other hand seems to be more generous.. The short, Fat-Dicks seem to be more prevailent.


Originally Posted by bennett8
My dad has an above-average-sized penis. My two brothers have HUGE penises. My other brother has a small penis. I believe I had the smallest.

I’ve often thought about this and have come to some clarifications that defy mainstream thought. For example, what if everyone in your family has big penises, but you don’t? This makes me think that it may NOT be merely a genetic issue. I’m not saying that heredity isn’t a factor. If you have three generations of small penises, then you probably will have a small penis. But what about the exceptions to this? This is what I’d like to share my thoughts on and welcome your feedback.

Here are some theories of mine that can cause a smaller penis:

When the average man is in a fear mode, there is a natural retraction of the penis. But what if growing up, you are a sensitive, high-strung, worrying type of kid. It’s not that you are actually in fear, but the high stress/adrenaline becomes your norm. So I believe that physiologically, parts of your body mold into this and become permanent. For example, cold hands, sunken chest, shallow breathing, rapid heartbeat, quick reflexes, light sleeper, high alert and .. Retracting penis, becomes a normal, constant way of life.

Notice how much of your penis goes inside your body and then comes out when you fluctuate between a fetal position and flat, or even reverse-fetal (arch back). Is it possible that by sleeping all curled up, You could be “training” for the permanent “turtle effect?”

Since I can remember I’ve had a varicocele. These are varicose veins that are in the scrotum. It’s not painful, but it is weird-looking. Now that I’m an adult, it’s more proportional, but having a left-testicle the size of an tennis ball on a 10 year old is very embarrassing and awkward. My whole life I’ve been uncomfortable sitting because the inseam of normal pants cuts into my scrotum and feels too tight. I only recently, finally found the kind of underwear that is loose yet supportive. Anyway, I specifically remember when I was a kid wishing for a smaller penis! I really understand how our subconscious will create our reality. So in a way, I may have willed my penis to be small!

My dad was a “man’s man” and leaned towards the domineering side. Sometimes he would blow up for no reason and yell or hit. We have a fantastic relationship now. But I’ve often wondered if I may have said to myself that I don’t want to be like that. And in thinking that, I wonder if I subconsciously put “I don’t want to have a big penis” in the same thought (equating big penis with masculine dominance.)

Even though my penis was small, I frequently had erections. Not understanding why this was (as a kid), I do remember wishing they would stop and that my penis would not be hard and that it would be smaller. I don’t know if I had erections more often than any other boy, but it really, really bothered me. Prior to understanding these things, I really felt that there was something wrong with me.

Another theory I have is that the weight of the penis itself will tend to cause it to stretch on it’s own, without pulling, just from normal movement. But if the balls are large at an early age, the penis shaft, even when non-erect, is in a constant state of aiming upward, especially while sitting. So in this situation, gravity is not doing it’s job to pull the shaft downward, so the natural “stretch” never occurs!

I’m mentioning these things because, aside from physical manipulation, I wonder if working on these other issues later in life will enhance or complement the other PE work. Your thoughts?

Sounds completely wrong. The main thing that would effect size other than genes is testosterone and you get more of that through exercise like competition sports etc Obviously your psychological well being at this time had an effect so I’m guessing you weren’t confident and into sports so much.

Originally Posted by gemini76054
I think that the entire thing of trying to analize (not a good speller and I hate to use the spell check - it hinders my thought as I type if I have to worry about spelling: please keep all this in mind when Gemini76054 writes) the reasons or theories on why some people have larger/thicker/longer Dicks than their siblings/parents/cousins: ie Relatives, is a waste of time. You have what you have and they have what they have.. One can compare though not always will it make one feel much better if that person is not falling in place where they think that they should.

Heres my story:

When I was 12 and my brother 13, we were talking about the size of our Dicks. Neither of us knew how big we were but we knew what eachothers looked like. So, my brother came up with an idea: Go get a measure tape, go into the bathroom, measure and then tell the other what it was.

He was the first in the bathroom, with in a few minites (we knew that we had to allow for it to get hard in order to measure it at it’s largest) he came out of the bathroom and told me to measure mine.. I asked him what he measured - he didnt want to tell me.. So, I took the measuring tape and went in. I let it get hard (wich didnt take but looking at my own Dick for a few moments) and when I felt that it was it’s hardest, as I sat, I pulled out the measureing tape and measured: 6 inches. I let it get soft so I could leave the bathroom comphortably.

So, I walked out of the bathroom and my brother immediately asked me what it was (as I had asked him earlier), I told him: “6 inches.” - His eyes got big. I asked him what his was - he refused to tell me and instead took the tape from me and went back into the bathroom.. He came out a few minites later not too happy.

I asked him again what it measured - he STILL refused to tell me. I got annoyed and said to him, “Mine must be bigger because your not telling me what yours is!”

Well, not but a few weeks later, my family (Step-Father, Mom and Brother) were all in the family car and the subject of sex and Dick size came up.. I piped-up and said that mine was 6 inches. My mom laughed, my Dad was shocked and my brother was pretty quiet. My Dad asked me, “What, did you measure your Dick from your Asshole?” I looked at him in confusion from the back seat (I always sat behind the drivers seat and he was driving) He then said to my mother some kind of comment like my mother should be proud - my mom only chuckled and then my dad asked my brother what he was.. My brother refused to answer (yet again) and I confirmed that he just won’t tell.. My Dad laughed. I then asked MY DAD what his was - he only laughed and my mom abruptly said 13 inches! (I took it that she was joking and that they were both not going to say what he was.. He said, “Big enough to please any woman and your mother has absolutely NO complaints.” They all laughed at that.. I just sat in the back seat confused.

MANY years later (when I was 25), I saw my Dads erect Dick - he was just sitting on the couch infront of the TV wearing boxers.. I was sitting across from him (I just came over to visit him and my new 2 Step Brothers.. He remarried after he and my mom Divorced - he had 2 boys from that other woman. He had custody of them both) He was just watching tv and the older of my 2 little brothers just walked up to him and said, “What is That?” and grabbed the head of Dads Dick - it was At Attention - sticking Straight Up Out Of His Boxers!! (For all to see?) My Dad instantly told him, “Don’t Touch That - Thats Daddy’s !” and lightly smacked the childs hand away..


I was Shocked (to say the least). I new growing-up that my Dad was a nudist - he would walk around the house nude all the time.. My brother and I knew what he looked like in ‘perfect detail’ because we saw him so much.. But we NEVER saw it Erect! - This was a first. I didnt know What to think about this newfound ‘openness’ that he had with my 2 younger brothers (aged 3 and 4) .. I can only suspect that he wanted to have them more ‘open’ and ‘unashamed’ about their bodies through their childhood..

The only thing that I can say is that my Dads Dick looked to be about 7 1/2 or 8.. The 8 would be REALY pusshing it though.

For all of your information: I havent grown not a fraction of an inch since I was 12. My Dick is Still: 6 inches. I am 35. I believe that I am ‘alright’ of a size for me because I am 5’5 ft tall (or short) and weigh a mere 105 lbs.. As Unbelieveable as that may be - it is all true.

35 yrs old, 5’5 ft, 105 lbs with a circumsized 6 inch Dick.

On My body, it looks Very, Very nice.. Though, I have seen many, many Dicks throughout my life and believe that the ‘Average Length’ to be about 6 to 6 1/2. 7 is on the bigger side.. No matter WHAT the mans height, the magic # seems to be not much longer than 7.

Girth on the other hand seems to be more generous.. The short, Fat-Dicks seem to be more prevailent.


Oh wow that’s such a strange story, I would never talk about or ask about my Dads dick.Odd family you have their lol and the kid who grabbed it? That’s just wrong! It doesn’t sound true. But you should find out about your brothers size now, maybe he over took you

Thinking of this, wearing boxers, my erection would come to the band of them. So if I slept naked, I could have had harder erections, thus a bigger penis?

I had some of these neurotic thoughts too about my penis. Always trying to come up with something
My thing was maybe I stunted my growth because of heavy alcoholism and drug use in grade school
And high school due to strict parents and repressed anger. Than I thought it was a hormone issue and went
To the doctor and it checked out fine.
Than I thought it may be a dietary and mercury filling issue. Maybe it was a combination of all those things?
Or maybe it was just me trying to find out why I wasn’t 6 or seven inches long and could bottom out
On every girl. I’M glad I’m not the only one thinking these things. If I can get two inches I will
Have reached my goal of 8 inches bone pressed and not be so self conscience


I know that this is a super old thread that I’m bumping here but I think that there might be something to the constant state of fear hypothesis. I was a very high strung kid all through grade school with lots of depression and social anxiety, and I specifically remember being exposed to some horror movies at a very young age (like third grade) that kept me up at night for literally years. I am 6’3” with a large frame and a similarly large father and larger brother both of whom have large penises, but I don’t. Just my $00.02.

Sorry if its not okay to bump such an old thread.

Nice thread Bennet. I always thought that starting masturbstion before you can even cum (like 10 or 12 years old) was a reason for developing a smaller penis.

I guess the penis size is determined by your genes, leaving out traumas or diseases. There are places where the average body height has increased at unstounding velocity, yet they didn’t grow a bigger penis at the same rate. And neither populations in places with serious food deficiency have a smaller penis than richer populations. If these changes in environment and prosperty had no effects, hard to believe that since you slept in a given way your penis is smaller.


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