Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Non-hereditary causes of small penis

Lack of shaft skin, causing penis to be ‘anchored’ by pubic skin.

Technically its there, just unusable and not visible.

Xenoestrogens probably play a role. These are man-made chemicals that act as estrogens within our body.

Now see it was mentioned earlier that it could be freak genetics. I’m theorizing here that whatever influences the size of genitals is a multifactoral trait, which chromosome it comes with is a mystery to me, it’s likely both parents contribute and it’s a set of proteins that influence hormones or the hypothalmus and the petuitary (The parts in the brain influencing the sexual organs). But being multifactoral I wonder which is more likely to make a man larger, dominant or recessive gene…?

Like the hair case. The one with dark red hair is more than likely a double recessive inheriter with two heterozygous parents.

Start: (Dec 07) 6.5 NBPEL / 5.2 EG

Goal: 8.0 NBPEL / 6.0 EG

Current 7"NBPEL / 5.5 EG


You said,

“I didn’t have spontaneous erections at all as a kid. Ever. At best a weak semi. Only time I had an erection was when I masturbated. I’m a slightly above average in length, comfortably above average in girth.”

How was that for you? Did you have a setting to masturbate in privacy without interuption or judgement? If you had privacy, you probably could have taken your time and really enjoyed it. I am sure that made a difference. It’s difficult to know what is happening while you are sleeping, so perhaps that is the time when you experienced intense erections. It might be that growth and developement could happen without intense erections, but I just have a hunch that it helps the process. I could be entirely wrong.

I’m sure diet plays an important factor in growth. I don’t think I very well when I was a child, I definitely remember being a very picky eater. Now I’m 5’6 white guy who was under 5 inches before I started PE.

Are they correlated? I have no idea.

Originally Posted by aegi

You said,

“I didn’t have spontaneous erections at all as a kid. Ever. At best a weak semi. Only time I had an erection was when I masturbated. I’m a slightly above average in length, comfortably above average in girth.”

How was that for you? Did you have a setting to masturbate in privacy without interuption or judgement? If you had privacy, you probably could have taken your time and really enjoyed it. I am sure that made a difference. It’s difficult to know what is happening while you are sleeping, so perhaps that is the time when you experienced intense erections. It might be that growth and developement could happen without intense erections, but I just have a hunch that it helps the process. I could be entirely wrong.

I had a venous leak, so to get hard properly and cum I had to press down on the base of my penis to keep the blood in there.

That said, my Dad is extremely large, so maybe I’m not all I could have been.

Originally Posted by bennett8
When the average man is in a fear mode, there is a natural retraction of the penis. But what if growing up, you are a sensitive, high-strung, worrying type of kid. It’s not that you are actually in fear, but the high stress/adrenaline becomes your norm. So I believe that physiologically, parts of your body mold into this and become permanent. For example, cold hands, sunken chest, shallow breathing, rapid heartbeat, quick reflexes, light sleeper, high alert and .. Retracting penis, becomes a normal, constant way of life.

Notice how much of your penis goes inside your body and then comes out when you fluctuate between a fetal position and flat, or even reverse-fetal (arch back). Is it possible that by sleeping all curled up, You could be “training” for the permanent “turtle effect?”

I really think there is some merit to these two observations, at least as they pertain to flaccid length. The first statement makes sense, but I think you could take it a step further in saying that those same “habits” you formed as a child are probably still being applied today. I don’t think you had to necessarily grow up in a constant state of fear, especially since a lot of that fear was relative, but if you taught your body to respond to your environment with elevated levels of stress, shallow breathing, and a general feeling of nervousness I believe that could have had and continue to have a significant effect on your flaccid length. It’s not that you grew up in a fearful/retracted penis state, I think it’s that you might still be in a fearful/retracted penis state.

Your second observation is very interesting too. I also sleep in the fetal position and I feel like that could have contributed to my penis wanting to constantly turtle. I think I’m going to try to force myself to sleep on my back from now on. It’s probably better for your spine anyways!

I’ve always been thinking that the mental part of anything is the essential part. I’m in agreement bennett8, but i think at this level it’s very individual.

First of all, how in the world do you know how big your grandfather is.. that’s kind of .. weird.

Secondly, I remember reading on one of the threads about HGH (Human Growth Hormone) that your physical health during the key puberty years can play a big role in hormone production, which plays a role in penis growth. Basically, if you worked out a lot and ate well, you’re hormonally more likely to get a big dick than if you ate Cheetos and played Mario Kart.

2009-05-20: 6.5 x 4.8 - Starting Stats

Short Term Goal: 7 x 5

Long Term Goal: 8.5 x 6.5

I like this post. I’m going with prenatal hormones.

Sorry I missed some points you mentioned earlier.

It’s interesting the curled up sleeping fetal position is a sign of ‘coldness’ in Chinese medicine, excess yin or deficient yang. Sufficient yang for is essential for men to have if they want a good sex life, especially kidney yang. Many of the Chinese herbs which are aphrodisiacs usually increase kidney yang. It’s a complex topic however, I am sure there is more to it.

So aegi do you believe these herbs taken at a young age could increase the chance of having a bigger penis?

Or is it just for sex drive?

Current Stats: 6.9BPEL/6.4NBPEL 5.5MEG.

Current Goal: 7BPEL/6.5NBPEL 5.75MEG.

Originally Posted by aegi

…..Many of the Chinese herbs which are aphrodisiacs usually increase kidney yang. ..

Many of the Chinese herbs which are aphrodisiacs aren’t.

How many people had relatively small penises before puberty, but eventually grew to be large? I feel like my growth during puberty was only for a short period and not as substantial as it should have been.

I am happy to say that I have never seen my pappy sporting wood and measuring himself with a ruler.

I do think that conditions in the womb could potentially have a serious effect on size.

Running a Massive Co-Front.


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