Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Non-stop trainers?


Non-stop trainers?

I have read a few threads about guys that did PE 7 days a week and had great gains ,,why don’t more guys try this ??

Originally Posted by king snake
I have read a few threads about guys that did PE 7 days a week and had great gains ,,why don’t more guys try this ??

I have tried it several times and it just didn’t work for me. At first I definitely get larger, but there is a lot of damage building up. I need days off for recovery time.

The primary goal of PE should be to make your penis as healthy as possible in both form and function. If you do that, increased size will follow.

I would think time, mostly. I know I try to get in a session every day, but schedule and other things get in the way so I’m forced to take a day off here and there each week. While stealing a stretch or two when you’re taking a piss helps, I don’t consider that a real session.

Starting stats: 7.5" BPEL x 6.2" MEG

Current Stats BPEL: 8.2" [NBPEL: 7.6"] EG: 6.8" - Goal: 9x7 and beyond

My Progress Thread/Log

Ilogpe , so you do train every day , you have seen gains doing this ?

I’ve gone up to 15 or so days in a row a few times over the last few months - varying between hanging and stretching mostly. As gprent said, the damage builds up over the days until some tissue really needs a rest. I’ve been doing a length only routine over this time, and I think girth work requires more rest.

Before 5.5" x 4.1" ///////// Now 7.4" x 4.9"

hmm. well girth is my main target, so i will stick to the 2 on 1 off

It depends on what I’m doing. Jelqing I need to rest after. Pumping at low volume, I don’t need so much off time. Eventually I take a few days off but can go a week and a half or more before I need a rest day.

“I was like, Am I gay? Am I straight? And I realized...I'm just slutty. Where's my parade? What about slut pride?”

― Margaret Cho

You have a months worth of food.

Ideally you eat a little every day and food lasts all month.

You can skip a day and eat a little extra every second day.

If you try to eat a huge amount of food once a week you will run into some major problems.

If you try and eat the months worth of food in one day, you’re fucked.

Everyone needs a different monthly amount of PE “food” to be healthy, so if you are going to PE everyday, be sure to ration it based on what YOU need to be healthy.

This takes time and effort to determine for yourself.

Many start PE “eating” too much too fast and then they have to work even harder to get “healthy” then if they started slower.

Keep an open mind and a closed wallet... unless it\'s open to making a donation!

If I go 3 days in a row my dick is beat. Needs a rest. I only do 2-3 session a week, with at least one day break in between. So far I’ve had exceptional girth results.

Just from jelqing , or something else ?

Pumping + Jelqing.

Pump 10-15 mins at 5-6 hg
50 Jelqs (4-6 seconds each, and kegel blood into each stroke)

Then repeat process twice more.

Various amounts of edging in between sets as well. Though I don’t do the edging for the sake of edging. I just do it because it feels good, hah. But I imagine that may help the gains as well. Lastly, I do about 15 mins of kegeling 2 - 3x a week.

I always take a rest day. I’ve done 5 days on and 2 off but I’ve always prefered 3 days on and 1 off. I would never do non stop training. You always need time to recover. Just like your whole body needs its rest. People that work long hours eventually burn out.

Start 2-3-08 BPEL 7.25" EG 5.25" Midshaft

Now BPEL 9.00" EG 5.50 " Midshaft

Long term goal NBP 8x6 - "The Magic stick"

For length only I think that might work, but for girth, I need to rest more.

I’m going to experiment a bit more this year, try things out in moderation, and this is one of the things I’ll be trying.

Too many times I think “I’ll have a rest day today”, but I think it’s those days when you don’t really feel like doing it that matter the most.

Because of other activities, I managed not to experiment with PE regimen for some time. So, I have everyday schedule which consist of:

5min warm in the shower,

20min dry jelqs,

some edging to get a really hard one- about 1-2min

warm wrap(5mins)/cold wrap(3mins)/no wrap.

I don’t want to measure, but I tell You something, I haven’t got that flaccid hang and other PI’s.

Definitely, girth is bigger and maybe some length. I don’t know why it works for me so far (3 weeks). As You can see I didn’t changed the amount of jelqs, but I think about some Horses every 5 mins.

Maybe it depends of person, maybe of the exercise, maybe of the conditioning (or not), but for me it works so far.

Maybe this isn’t my optimal growth, but there is (I hope so, I didn’t measured).

If You have time and motivation, You will get what You want to. In 6, 12, 24 months, but You will get Your goals and this is what I wish to all PE-ers (including myself).

Happy gaining!

Originally Posted by cantlook
You have a months worth of food.

Ideally you eat a little every day and food lasts all month.

You can skip a day and eat a little extra every second day.

If you try to eat a huge amount of food once a week you will run into some major problems.

If you try and eat the months worth of food in one day, you’re fucked.

Everyone needs a different monthly amount of PE “food” to be healthy, so if you are going to PE everyday, be sure to ration it based on what YOU need to be healthy.

This takes time and effort to determine for yourself.

Many start PE “eating” too much too fast and then they have to work even harder to get “healthy” then if they started slower.

This food analogy is one of the best things I’ve read in ages !
Has made sense of lots of thoughts I’ve had for a while.

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