Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Not another one!!!!!!!!!!


Not another one!!!!!!!!!!

To our members living in the Carolina’s especially closer to the ocean DUCK! Or maybe I should say Incoming? Ophelia is slowly but surly making her way onto the coast. She isn’t as strong as Katrina was, thank god for small favors, but never the less, 85 mph winds are nothing to sneeze at.

Take care, be careful and if it looks like flooding, get the fuck out.

sunny A day without sunshine is like a day without laughter :sun:



ahhhh chooo :D

Speaking of which…I thought they named hurricanes by alphabetical order, switching gender names each time. Did I miss something, or did they go from K to O.

I realize that hurricanes happen in other parts of the world, but it was unbeknownst to me that they happened that close together. Learn something new everyday I guess, eh Thunder? :)

I was referring to myself, but yeah you can learn something new everyday if you like. I was under the impression you were all-knowing to begin with. ;) Should we start calling you The Great and Powerful Oz?

I think we both are for going back and forth between two threads just to have a conversation. :smack: <—-Smacking myself

Anyone remember any of these, all such big storms the name can never be used again..

1954 - Carol
1954 - Hazel
1955 - Connie
1955 - Diane
1955 - Ione
1955 - Janet
1957 - Audrey
1960 - Donna
1961 - Carla
1961 - Hattie
1963 - Flora
1964 - Cleo
1964 - Dora
1964 - Hilda
1965 - Betsy
1966 - Inez
1967 - Beulah
1968 - Edna
1969 - Camille
1970 - Celia
1972 - Agnes
1974 - Carmen
1974 - Fifi
1975 - Eloise
1977 - Anita
1979 - David
1979 - Frederic
1980 - Allen
1983 - Alicia
1985 - Elena
1985 - Gloria
1988 - Gilbert
1988 - Joan
1989 - Hugo
1990 - Diana
1990 - Klaus
1991 - Bob
1992 - Andrew
1995 - Luis
1995 - Marilyn
1995 - Opal
1995 - Roxanne
1996 - Cesar
1996 - Fran
1996 - Hortense
1998 - Georges
1998 - Mitch
1999 - Floyd
1999 - Lenny
2000 - Keith
2001 - Allison
2001 - Iris
2001 - Michelle
2002 - Isidore
2002 - Lili
2003 - Fabian
2003 - Isabel
2003 - Juan
2004 - Charley
2004 - Frances
2004 - Ivan
2004 - Jeanne

My memory is bad, floyd was Bermuda?

Ophelia is hardly even a hurricane. 85 mph is something to sneeze at. That cant even tear shingles off you’re roof. Dont let the media scare you too much. We need tourist here in Florida, these hurricanes arent anything to fear. They move slow as crap, and you have multiple days warning.

Ophelia hit us as a tropical storm backed off turned into a hurricane and went north. I sneezed at it, i must admit.:)

In the land of the blind, the one eyed man is king.

The storms between Katrina and Ophelia burned out in the Atlantic.


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