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Not feeling pressure during low erection jelqs

Not feeling pressure during low erection jelqs

My typical routine is:

5 min. warmup with 150w lamp
15 min wet jelq
2 hour stretch w/ jes & lamp

My question focuses on the jelqing. During the first few minutes of the routine, I can feel good pressure while going through the motions. After a short time into it, the pressure sensation drops & I have to get most of the way erect before the pressure returns.

Does anyone else notice a similar pattern? I can jelq while between 50%-75% erect & not feel much pressure even when kegeling. If I continue to jelq while less than 75% erect I don’t get any red spots. I use both overhand & underhand grips during manual PE.

Is near-erect jelqing necessary for some of you?



I know exactly what you mean about the “pattern”. That’s typical and therefore I have to watch naked ladies being entered. You do the same! ;) I’m not sure if I understood the last question right. Anyway, I’ll drop a couple of lines here. :) I Hope it’ll clarify something.

Basically, based on my experience, you have to be pretty erect to gain significant girth, since jelquing at <70% there’s just not enough blood to focus the pressure to large area enough. But if you’re after length, you don’t have to be that erect, because you get stretching effect at the same time, and some pressure forward to lengthen the chambers/tunica.

A Man behind his mask.

You might have weak grip which gets tired shortly after you start jelqing. If you don’t squeeze tight enough, the blood will escape behind the grip and pressure won’t build. Try to squeeze more. Hope this helps.

One foot to go

Interesting, I Jelq starting at about 95% erect then as I lose erectability I continue jelqing until about 50%. Now this is a personal preference, but perhaps this may be working length and girth at same time? Since girth gains are done with near full erection exercises, and length gains are the opposite.

What do you guys think about gains with erect to semi jelqing?

Works both at same time, sort of, or waste of time?


As long as you are creating pressure above the milking hand it is not a waste of time. The more erect you are, the more the focus with be on girth. You can get more of a pull when you are not as erect. As long as you are not jelqing specifically for girth, there is nothing wrong with jelqing at a lower erection as well.

One foot to go

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